HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1963 Kent, Washington p,7ay 6, 1963 i Regular meeting of the Kent City Council: present: Flavor Thornton,Councilwoman Bovell, Gouncilmen: Durand,Ivathews, Moonev,Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. I WATER 'lark Springs Bids were received from Vd.J. Schade & Sons Inc. i Kurthwendt Co,Slater & Phillips Co. and Frank Coluccio Construction Co. on the extension of the Clark Springs intake facilities. By motion the bid was awarded to W.J . Schade & Soms Inc. ,the low bidder,at $3$,005.00. Fluoridation Mayor Thornton reported that signatures totaling 812 had been submitted on petitions against fluoridation,and suggested Hthe Council recess 10 minutes to consider the petitions. Councilman Pozzi pointed out that the petitions should be officially presented first. The City Clerk introduced the petitions along with one in � I i favor of fluoridation signed by 43 citizens. The "I-ayor announced h that interested parties would be heard. Mr. Hardy stated that the uch an important issue as this, the people signers felt that on s j � should have the right to vote and said he felt it could easily be tabled until the next election to determine if thereajoritmadebyo the linepeople wanted it. Comments alon the same Monroe,Joe Just,Mr. Nowak and Mr. Auker. The general feeling was that the Council did not have the right to persue this issue without Former City Attorney Emerson Thatcher having the people vote on it. stated that he personally was against fluoridation,but pointed out that he had helped elect the Council to govern for him. and that this issue was not one which must legally be placed on the ballot. Minority pressure groups which attempt to force the legislative bodies to act undermine the theory of representative government, he continued. Mr. Charley Anderson stated that this is a chance for the Council to hear what the people want,and asked Mr. Thatcher j if he was familiar with initiative and referendum procedure. `thatcher replied that he was indeed,and that this petition was neither. `terry Rossman asked if the subject was well publiciized at the time it first came up last year. Mr. Fournier of the � Kent News Journal reported that information on fluoridation was published over a period of from 10 to 20 weeks and that the opposition came from outside the city,as it did in Renton and Auburn when the fluoridation issue arose there. He stated further that the objections last year were very slight,and asked if the. Council was going to be required to put every issue to the vote. Mrs. Phyliss Mauritsen agreed that ,the objections now were ridiculous, since the matter was well publicized a year ago. Mr. Harold Schortsen denied that the opposition came from outside ofthe City. The signers of the petitions constitute approximately 25% of Kent 's voters he stated. Paster Hawkins of the Bethel Baptist Church stated that he felt the general population was uninformed, � and that they assumed the issue would appear on the ballot as it did in Seattle. Mrs Hogan stated that this was an example of the general apathy of the people,and that if more citizens attended meetings they would know what was going on. Mrs Basinger said the state constitution provides that this sort of issue be enacted with the consent of the governed. Mayor Thornton stated that in view of the large number of names on the petitions,he thought the Council should give the recessed. matter careful consideration. By motion,the Council After 10 minutes,the Council was reconvened,bv motion. Council- man Woodworth moved for the petitions to be placed on file, seconded by Pozzi. Under discussion, Councilman Mathews congratulated the people on publicity voicing their opinions and stated that the people will always be heard in the Council chambers. He noted that the Council had,by due process started the fluoridation procedure a year ago without protest and that the Council could not now go against the wishes of the majority because of the objections of a minority. He stated further that he hoped the people would show a similiar interest in all affairs of the City. Mr. Hardy asked what the motion actually meant. City Attorney Bereiter explained that the petition would be placed on file and no action would be taken. The motion was passed unanimously. I Fluoridation Bids : A letter was read from the City Engineer re- commending that the Moffner & McCutchen bid of $6162.00 on the fluoridation equipment be accepted,but that the formal awarding of the bids be held until final arrangements have been made for the property on which to locate the equipment. Motion so made,duly seconded and passed with Councilman Mooney voting nay. A bid was also received from W W. Hoagland,JR. in the amount of $10.,639.20, plus an alternate bid of $9, 599•20• 61 continued: Mr. Hardy asked what other expenditures were involved in addition to the purchase of the equipment. Councilman Pozzi explained that ' this was a matter of public record and could be read in the 1963 ' Budget,availlable in the City Clerk 's office. STREETS Vacation-Post Office Alley Mayor Thornton asked what progress had been made on the vacation of the alley near the Post Office. City Engineer Sheerwood reported he was ready to furnish the information necessary for the City Attorney to draw the necessary document. Councilman Strain moved for the City to go ahead with the vacation procedure ,waiving the usual policy. The motion was duly seconded and passed. A public hearing will be set. I 'c Vacation-Portion of W. Smith St. A petition was read from Mr. and Mrs. Bisyak requesting the vacation of a portion of W. Smith Street. By motion,this was referred to the Planning Commission. LID Councilman Pozzi reported that the Street Committee hoped to get the Street LID program- underway soon. Notices will be given to the press of meetings to be held,and the committee will attempt to notify people of these meetings by going door to door. Street Signs A letter was read from the State Highway Dept. in reference to our letter to Wes Brown requesting a sign on Highway 99 to indicate the Kent turn off. Mr. McKay advised that the signs for the Kent cut off have been changed to conform with the new allignment of Highway 99 and the present signs are in accordance with standards. Drainage A letter was read from Mr. Frank Nowak of 415 Alvord. Mr. Nowak complained about a drainage problem created by a drainage ditch in need of cleaning and from the leakage of water from the city reservoir. This was referred to the Street Committee,by motion. HEALTH & Councilwoman Bovell reported that on April 24th, the Sewer Committee SANITATION met with representatives of Hill & Ingman and McLean & Co. The Comprehensive Plan was discussed and reported to be in its final stage. Mrs.. Bovell moved to request an extension of 120 days from the HHFA on the planning grant. The motion was seconded and passed. A motion was made , seconded and passed to authorize Hill & Ingman to make cost estimates and work with the financial consultants on the south end sewer program. Metro Mrs. Basinger asked what voice the people would have in a decision as to whether the Kent area should join with Metro. City Attorney Bereiter reported that such an issue was required to go on the ballot. Traffic Control Councilman Woodworth asked Mr. Sherwood about the traffic light authorized for Central & James. Mr. Shei*ood;.reported the light was scheduled to be installed sometime this year as part of the completion of the Freeway. CONFERENCE City Engineer Sherwood announced that Norman i1ohnson had been hired as Building Inspector and had attended a 2 day school on April 26th and 27th. Mr. Sherwood requested authorization to attend a short course for traffic engineers at the University of Washington from May 13th to 17th and May 20th to 24th. By motion,authorization was given. POLICE Parking Meters Councilman Woodworth announced he had contacted two COMMITTEE parking meter firms and would report further soon. LIGHTS East Valley Highway Councilman Durand reported that the Light Committee had been requested to make a study on better lighting for the East Valley Highway. ZONING Meyers A public hearing was opened on the application of Victor Meyers for a rezone from MA to R-3 . The Planning Committee approved the request and there wdre no objections. The public hearing was closed and by motion,the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance. Meridian Investment Co. Ordinance 1185 ,approving the rezone from R-4 to C-3 for the Meridian Investment Co. was passed by motion. ROOS ANNEXATION Ordinance 1186,approving the zoning of the second portion of the Roos Annexation to R-3 was passed by motion. Benson A letter from Mayor Thornton to the Board of Adjustment was read concerning the Shell Station on the West Hill. The Mayor urged the Board to drop the 100% occupancy requirement in this case and requested that the matter be referred back to the Council after action is taken by the Board. • �PLANNING The City Clerk reported he had checked with the cities of Renton, COMMISSION Auburn and Des Moines and had found that the Planning Commissions ) of these cities hold the public hearings for rezone requests. Councilman Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to be authorized to draft the necessary document to amend the Zoning Ordinance to require the Planning Commission to hold public hearings on rezone applications. The motion was seconded, and under discussion, it was ascertained that the Council would hold a public hearing on a rezone unless an appeal is made ,or unless the Council desires to make 'some change in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. In either of these cases,the Council will be required to hold a public hearing and proper noticds will be sent. The motion was passed unanimously. I PAPK BOARD. Park Site A letter was read from Mrs. Hogan pointing out that the Board recommends the purchase of property at 2nd and Cloudy in North .Park for use as a park. Councilman Strain recommended a committee by appointed to study the issue and report back to the Council. By motion,Councilmen Strain,Mooney,14atthews, woodworth and Pete Baffaro were appointed to such a committee. Woodford Ave. Mrs. Hogan asked what progress had been made in securing appraisals of the land necessary for the proposed Woodford Ave. extension. City Engineer Sheerwood was instructed to contact Mr. Lou Peretti to make the appraisals. FINANCE Councilman Mooney reported that the Finance Committee would like i to have each department estimate their needs over a two or three year period, so that the Committee could plan ahead on ways i and means. Investment Councilman Mooney reported that the City Treasurer had received 6ne Million Dollars from McLean & Co. on the new bonds. $145,000.00 has been invested in short term government bonds till June first, and $725,000.00 has been invested in -short term government bonds till July first. COURT City Attorney Bereiter requested authorization for the city to pay ; witness and filing fees in instances where the defendant wins his case. He said he doubted that the County would pay this, and a motion was made, seconded and passed for the City to pay the fees i if the County will not assume them. j REGIONAL Resolution 4$9, amendingSdction 3 of Resolution 486 was passed I PLANNING by motion. This will allow 6 representatives from each city to COUNCIL the Regional Planning Commission instead of 2. LICENSING Council Mooney moved for the ordinance covering the licensing of motels and trailer courts to be amended to require the proprietor i to keep a register of guests and for this register to be open to the Police and Fire Departments. The motion was seconded and passed and the City Attorney was authorized to draft the necessary document, subject to the approval of the Police Committee. I BEAUTI- CATION Mayor Thornton proclaimed the week of May 20th as "Clean-Up" week for the City. Planter Boxes Councilman Mooney made a motion for the Street Dept. to remove any unsightly or damaged planter boxes. The motion was passed with Councilman ti'loodworth and Durand voting nay and Councilwoman Bovell abstaining. CENSUS Councilman Mooney requested that the population signs for Kent be changed to the new figure. Mr. Bridges,City Clerk announced he would see to it as. soon as the new census count had been officially certified by the State Census Board. LIBRARY Mayor Thornton commented on the 2 mill assessment for the Kent Library. He said he felt the 'assessment should be on the basis of population instead of evaluation. By motion, the Mayor was authorized to place this topic on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the mayors of the vicinity. i ; II I I I CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOVIED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense 4591.12 Water 6200.40 Street 7599.05 Sewer 815.34 Garbage 905.73 Library 74.12 j Park 241.60 Parking Meters 43 .65 LID 233 7.81 Payroll 27574.95 i MEETING ADJOURNED_ 1 c� Alex Thornton Chas. Bridges Mayor City Clerk i i a i ' I I I I I i i I i i i I