HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/15/1963 Kent, Washington April 15,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council;present :Ma.yor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter,Councilwaman Bovell,Councilmen:Durand, i Matthews,Mooney,Pozzi, Strain and woodworth. i Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Clerk's,Treasurer's and Budget reports submittdd,accepted and placed on file. WATER Clark Springs Mr. Ramsey of Hill & Ingman reported -his firm had completed the plans on the intake facilities at Clark Springs. Councilman Strain moved for April 19th. to be set as the date for a call for bids for the expansion of the Clark Springs resources. The date for the opening of the bids was set for May 2nd. Motion duly seconded and passed. Water District 5$ Councilman Strain reported he had talked with representatives of Water District 5$,who were interested in establishing a Southern Boundry so there would be no competition for water users between the District and the City. Councilman Strain advised them to submit their plan to the Council. Fluoridation A letter from the East Hill Republican Club protest- the addition of fluorides to the City water was read. Two letters with petitions attached,containing the signatures of 20$ Kent water users were introduced. The signers opposed the Ordi- nance providing for the fluoridation of the City's water. Mayor Thornton stated that last year the Council tried to arouse public interest in fluoridation,but received little response . Within the past month,however,there have been some complaints ,he added, and suggested to the Council that the issue could be placed on the fall ballot. Councilman Durand moved for the correspondence to be referred to the Water Committee could chdck on the signatures and report to the Council. Councilman Strain was against this idea, since the matter was originally in the hands of the Health and Sanitation Committee,who had studied the issue carefully and found that all the local doctors and dentists were in favor of it. Councilman Moonev stated that there was no rush and the issue could be tabled for two weeks to allow time for both sides to be heard. The motion to refer the correspondence to the Water Committee was defeated,with only Councilwoman Bovell and Councilman Durand voting ave. Councilman Pozzi moved for the petitions to be placed on file, which was seconded and passed,with Councilman Mooney voting nay. Mr. Jack Hardy was present and asked if the Council would consider a petition .with more names on it. Councilman Mooney replied that the Council would always give its attention to petitions from the people. Eugene Coble stated that Seattle residents voted against fluoridation and Kent residents should have the same privilege. Harold Schortsen claimed that the first information many people had about the proposed fluoridation was when they read in the paper that the Ordinance had been passed. He further stated that it takes a long time for people to become familiar with such an issue. Pastor i Hawkins of phe Bethel Baptist Church stated he thought that the people assumed the issue would be decided by vote. Mr. Curran announced he had attemded meetings in the City throughout the past year at which responsible citizens backed fluoridation. Mr. Vic Levesque stated he objected to the City taking it upon themselves to fluorida£e the water and that he preferred to personally regulate the fluoride consumption of his own family. TRAFFIC James & Central City Engineer Sherw000d reported he had talked CONTROL to Mr. McLeod of the State Highway Department regarding traffic count as James & Central. Mr.McLeod advised that the traffic warrants a traffic signal and the Highway Dept. will have on- installed. Trains Councilman Woodworth reported he had arranged a meeting between a Railroad representative and the General Manager of North- west Metals. Both parties cooperated fully and the switching of the cars at Northwest Metals will be changed to about 7P.M.after the peak traffic hours. STREETS James St. Ordinance 11$4,providing for the condemnation of land necessary for the extension of James Strdet was read and passed by motion. PARKING Resolution 4$$,providing for the temporary transfer of $2000.00 METER from the Garbage Fund to the Parking Meter Fund was read and FUND. passed by motion. HEALTH & Councilwoman Bovell reported that the meeting of the Health & SANITATION Sanitation Committee,the Financial Consultants and the Consulting Engineers originally scheduled for last Wednesday would be held on Wednesday,April 24th. at 10 A.M. Mrs. Bovell also reported her Continued: committee would have a report on' the progress of the Comprehensive Plan,probably by the next Council I+Ieeting. LIGHTS East Valle, Highway Councilman Durand recommended and moved for j 2 Mercury Vapor lights to be installed North of S. 258th.St. on the East side of the East Valley Highway. Motion duly seconded and passed. State St. A letter was presented from Pairs. Joe Harwood calling attention to the fact that 2 lights were missing in the area 912 S. State St. Mrs Harwood stated she had submitted a petition requesting adequate lighting for the area. Councilman Durand I reported that the lights in qudstion had been installed this week. By motion,the letter was placed on file. i ZONING Meyers An application for a rezone from MA to R-4 by Victor A. Meyers was introduced. Both the Planning Commission and the City Engineer recommended the area be rezoned R-3 instead of R-r,which was agreeable to the applicant. By motion,a public hearing was set for the May 6th. meeting. Shell Station on West Hill City Attorney Bereiter reported that to legally remove the restrictions on the Shell Station on the West Hill the owner should follow the procedure set for a variance application. `rhe Board of Adjustment shall be instructed to hear the petition for relief and make its recommendation to the Council. Councilman Woodworth moved for Mr. Payton df Shell Oil Co. to bd notified of this action. Motion duly seconded and passed. Meridian Investment Co. A public hearing was opened on the applica- tion of the Meridian Investment Co. for a rezone from R-4 to C-3. There were no objections and the hearing was declared closed. By motion,the rezone was approved and the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary Ordinance. Roos Annexation A public hearing on the rezoning of the 2nd portion of the Roos annexation was opened. The Planning Commission rec- ommended this portion be rezoned R-3 . Apetition signed by adjecent f land owners was read,objecting to the R-3 zoning. Mr. and Mrs. Verdie Querin both spoke against it,stating that there was enough R-3 in the area already and that more apartments would cause traffic congestion. Mr. Christiansen stated that 100th. Ave. was already in poor condidion,and Mrs. Querin agreed with him. City Engineer Sherwood reported that 100th. Ave. was scheduled to be repaired in the early summer. Mr. Snow,the owner of the property stated he had no immediate plans for the area,but he thought since the adjacent land was zoned R-3 ,that this would also be proper zoning for his land. The public hearing was declared closed. Councilman Matthews moved for the Council to support the Planning Commission's recommendation and the afea be zoned R-3 . The motion was duly seconded and passed. Permit (Kent Valley Speedway) A letter was read from Attorney I Curran,stating that under the Building Code, Mr. Bull is required to obtain a building permit for the fence and the track. By motion, this was referred to the City Attorney for further study. Kent Valley Speedway A public hearing was continued on the r4cision of a rezone from MA to M-1,granted to Bull & Venino by Ordinance 1155. A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the rezone stand,and not be recinded. The Planning Commission felt that zoning this area M-1 is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Curran,representing residents of the O'Brien area stated that controversies of this nature will appear frequently because the Planning Commission .does not hold public hearings on rezones. Mr. Curran requested that his former arguments on this issue be made a part of this public hearing. His statements are on file in the City Clerk's office and are a part of these minutes. Mr. Curran claimed that Mr. Bull was quilty of misrepresentation i when he stated he had no plans for the area,while actually he was already considering leasing the land to the Kent Valley Speed- way Inc. The residents of the area object to the Speedway and Mr. Curran stated that consideration should be given to the many ob- jectors and not to the land owner. Councilman Woodworth asked Mr. Curran if by law the applicant was required to disclose the plans for the area when he applied for a rezone. Mr. Curran replied it was not the law,but he could not condone with-holding the information when the applicant was asked directly if he had plans. Councilman Matthews asked what harm had been done to the residents of the area by the M-1 zoning. Mr. Curran replied that a dairy farmer leasing land had already informed the owner he would not renew his lease,that Mr. Anderson was unable to get a fair price for his house and that the Brisco School officials objected to the race track being built so close to their establish- i ment. Councilman Pozzi asked if there was any movdment in the Continued:. area to rezone more land M-1. Councilman Mooney said there was, near the West Highway. Attorney Robert Anderson,representing Mr. Venino,pointed out that his client was not involved in the proposed race track at all, since the track is completely within Mr. Bull 's property. Mr. Matthews asked just what good it would do to rebind the rezone. It was opinion of Mr. Lewis,attorney for the Raceways and City Attorney Bereiter,that the track is a permitted use in either MA or M-1, so the rebision would not rule out a track in the area. Mayor Thornton announced that he and the Council had been misled,because they didn 't realize that a racetrack was permissibld. In dither MA or M-1 zones. Attorney Curran did not agree that a track would be permitted in an MA zone. City Attorney Bereiter stated that the strong point of the I argument hinged on misrepresentation on the application for the rezone. Mr. Curran claimed there was misrepresentation, and Mr. Lewis denied it. Mr. Bereiter suggested that the parties involved) appear before a courtreporter,under oath,depositions be taken. Councilman Mooney moved for a ten minute recess. The motion was seconded and passed with Councilman Strain and Matthews voting nay. After the recess,the public hearing was continued,by motion. ! By motion, duly seconded and passed,the public hearing was closed. 11 City Attorney Bereiter announced that the Council had been forced to become a fact finding body.Councilman Pozzi moved that the Council found there was no misrepresentation on the rezone applica- tion,and that the M-1 zoning would stand. The motion was seconded, and passed,with Councilman Matthews abstaining. This was followed!, with a motion for the action of the Planning Commission to be sustained. The motion was seconded and passed,with Mr. Matthews abstaining. RACE TRACK Mayor Thornton referred Ordinance 11$0,providing for the licensing ORDINANCE and regulation of race tracks in the City,to the City Attorney, for further study. FINANCE Councilman Mooney moved for the City to assume the cost of the policies for false arrest coverage for the police officers. The motion was seconded and passed. A letter from City Attorney Bereiter was read regarding John B. Forrester's claim against the City. According to the policy the City has with General Insurance Company,there is a $50 deductible on streets and sidewalks. Mr. Bereiter suggested the Council approve the $50 payment in accordance with the policy. By motion 1 the payment was approved,with Councilman Mooney voting nay. On Councilman Money's motion,the City Clerk was instructed to con- tact General Insurancd Company and arrange a meeting for them with the Finance Committee to discuss this change in the City's coverage. COURT A letter was read -from City Attorney Bereiter explaining the terms Of the lease he had drafted for the City of Kent Justice Court. Byl motion the lease was accepted and the City Clerk and the Mayor were authorized to sign it. CONFERENCE City Engineer Sherwood reported that neither he nor Mr. Dent was able to attend the meeting of the APWA in Yakima. A letter from Barney Wilson was read requesting authorization to attend a convention in Eugene Oregon from April 21st to 24th. By motion,authorization was given. i REGIONAL Mayor Thornton requested-.that the Council amend Section 111 of PLANNING the Regional Planning Commission as set forth in Resolution 485, COUNCIL to provide for 6 members from each city instead of only 2. By motion, such an amendment was authorized. I PLANNING Appointment Mayor Thornton recommended that Bowen .Scarff be appoint- COMMISSION ed to 'the Planning Commission. The appointment was confirmed by motion. A public hearing was opened on the question as to whether the Planning Commission should hold public hearings on rezones. City Attorney Bereiter. stated that if the Commission held public hearings on rezones,they would be required to send proper notices to those involved, and to post and publish the notices within the required length of time. Ed Sipe,chairman of the Planning Commission, stated the the Commission did not want to hold the hearings on rezones if the hearings would then have to be d4licated before the Council as the law4 requires. Mrs. Andy Anderson reported that the Auburn Planning Commission held such hearings and the propertyi • owners involved were notified beforehand. Mr. Curran pointed out L that other cities also followed this procedure. Councilwoman Bovel moved for the hearing to be tabled for further study of the situation and the City Clerk was instructed to check with the other cities to! see how their rezones were handled. The motion was seconded and passed. ; _ I Continued: II A letter from the Planning Commission was read,which referred to an attached report from Harold Heath recommending that the City consider a program to accomplish the job of civic and urban renewal and expansion. By motion,the matter was referred to the Council as a whole and a special meeting of the Council,the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustments will be set to consider f the recommendation. BUILDING City Engineer reported that drawings had been made of the proposed offices ovdr the fire station. Mayor Thornton asked Councilman Matthews, chairman of the Building Committee to work with the Engineering Department on this project. I j CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: + Sewer $ 513 .71 Garbage 169.29 Library 137:94 Current Expense 8463 .34 Water 387.79 Streets 2148.24 Park 134.41 i I MEETING ADJOURNED 11:15 P.M. MAYOR ____---- —' ITY CLERK Alex Thornton Chas. Bridges i i