HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/1963 Kent, Washington April 1,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council;present :Nfavor Thornton, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen:Durand,Matthewa,ilboney,Pozzi, ffStrain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. STREETS (L I Ds ) Councilman Pozzi reported that the Street Committee and the Engineering Dept. had completed their study on the need for Street Local Improvement Districts. A summary will be released to the press soon. Woodford Ave. Councilman Strain reported that the property owners of the proposed Woodford Ave.extension had 'set a price for the land. The committee felt the price was too high,however,a.nd by motion authorization was given to have the property appraised. Signs Mrs Frazier pointed out that there still is no sign on high- way 99 indicating the turning off point for Kent. By motion,a letter was authorized to Wes Brown of the State Highway Dept. calling his attention to this matter. James St. Councilman Pozzi recommended that the City Attorney start condemnation action for the James Street right-of-way. City Attorney Thatcher reported he had written to the Railroad indicating that if wd have not heard from them by the April 15th. meeting,a Resolution will be intorduced then to start condemnation proceedings. By motion, such a resolution was authorized to be drawn for the next melting. WATER Fluoridation A letter from Mr. Myron Basinger was read, in which he objected to fluoride being added to the City's water. Councilman strain clarified the question as to whether Kent 's water already contained some fluoride. He reported that tests made for fluoride content were negative. Mr. Basinger asked about the petition he had sent to the Mayor along with pamphlets and other literature on fluor- idation. The petition had been overlooked amongst the literature, fand proper procedure for filing a petition with the City Clerk was explained to Mr. Basinger. A letter was read from Mr. G. Hardy,requesting information as to the cost of installing fluoridation equipment . City Clerk Bridges re- ported he had written to Mr. Hardy informing him that the bids on the equipment were to be opened on April 30th. Both letters were placed on file,by motion. HEALTH & Sewer Expansion Mr. Flint of McLean & Co. reported he would make a SANITATION financial report at the Health & Sanitation Committee meeting on April loth. at 10:00 A.M. after he had checked the City records. Garbage A letter was received from the Salt Air Hills Community �- Club requesting information as to whether their area would start receiving Kent garbage service after June. By motion the letter was referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee. Sewer Line Resolution 487,Authorizing a bond for Franchise # 3-1 21 for the installation of a sewer line was passed by motion. VALLEY City Engineer Sherwood reported that the streets and utilities of HEIGHTS Valley Heights were up to the City standards,and recommended that they be approved ,and the bond released, subject to the repair of ' one driveway. Motion so made and passed. PARKING Gowe Councilman Woodworth reported that the Police Committee had made a study of the parking problem on E. Gowe. He recommended that Parking on E. Gowe rom Central to State be limited to 2 hours. Motion so made and passed. Parking Meters Councilman Woodworth reported that the Street Committee and the Police Committee both recommend that the City change the parking meters to multiple types,which will take pennies,dimes, and quarters as well as nickles. Parking Meter Fund A letter from Mr. Cavanaugh, the City Treasurer was read requesting a transfer of $2000.00 into the parking meter Fund,to be repaid when the Fund becomes solvent again. By motion a Resolution was authorized for the tempory loan. ZONING Griffin-Jensen Ordinance 11$l,approving the rezone request of Orifffri '& Jensen 'from RA 'to ' C:-3 was passed by' motion. L.A. Strain & Others Ordinance 11$1,approving the rezone request of (� L.A. Strain and others from M-1 to R-2 was passed by motion. i 54' ZONING:Cont. Roos Annexation Ordinance 1182, zoning a portion of the Roos Annexation -3 (General Commercial ) and R-3 (14ultiple Dwelling ) was read and passed,by motion. Kent Valley Speedway Councilman Mooney stated he doubted the legality of the Public Hearing scheduled for this meeting on the recission of the rezone of the Kent Valley Speedway area. He stated that the law provides that the Planning Commission first consider the matter and then make its recommendation to the Council. Investigation showed the matter had not officially been referred to the Planning Commission and by motion,the hearing wa continued to the April 15th. meeting. The Planning Commission will consider the matter at its regular meeting on April loth. and will make a recommendation to the Council on the 15th. Mr. Curran, atAorney for those protesting the building of the race track, reported that a high fence is now being built at the site, and the foundation for the track is being laid. By motion,the City Engineer was instructed to tour the area on Tuesday morning. RACE TRACK Ordinance 11$0,providing for the licensing and regulation of race ORDINANCE courses within the City was read,and passed by motion. BANNERS On Councilman Matthew's motion,Ordinance 1183 ,requiring permits for erecting and maintaining street banners was takdn off the table . , The Ordinance was passed by motion. THOMAS ANNEXATION A letter was read from the Kent School Board stating that the Board would not oppose the proposed. Thomas annexation,which would include the Thomas School. By motion the letter was placed on file. CONVENTION City Engineer Sherwood requested permission for he and Mr. Dent to attend the Spring meeting of the Americian Public Works Association in Yakima on April 10th,llth and 12th. By motion permission was granted. FINANCE Bonds Ordinance 1178,an Ordinance providing for the issuance of 327,000.00 per value of "Water Revenue Bonds, 1963 , Issue No. 1", for the purpose of refunding the outstanding "Water Revenue Bomds, 1959"of the City;fixing the form,date,maturities, interest rates, covenants and terms, of the bonds ;and providing for the exchange thereof for the outstanding "Water Revenue Bomds,1959" was read. Councilman Mooney moved for the adoption of the Ordinance , seconded by Councilman Possi. The motion was passed by a unanimous vote of the Council. Ordinance 1179,an Ordinance specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the water supply and distribution system of the City of Kent,Washington;declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be ;providing for the issuance and sale of $1,000,000.00 par value of "Water Revenue Bonds,1963 , issue No2 , "for the purpose of obtaining funds to pay the cost of carrying out the system or plan for making additions to and betterments and extensions of the existing water supply and distribution system of the City and for the purpose of refundingall outstanding "Water Revenue Bonds,1948, ""Wager Revenue Bonds, 1957,and "Water Revenue Bonds, 1958"of the City;fixing the form,date,maturities, interest rates, convenants and terms of the "Water Revenue Bonds 1963 , Issue No 2 ; " and providing for the sale thereof to McLean & Company Inc . , Tacoma, Washington,was read. Council- man Mooney moved for the adoption df the Ordinance , seconded by Council- man Pozzi.The motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Council. PLANNING A Public Hea%ing scheduled fof this meeting on the question as to COMMISSION whether the Planning Commission should hold Public Hearings on rezones was tabled on Councilman Mooney's motion,to allow time for the New City Attorney,Mr John Bereiter to fullu study the Ordinance. I Resignation A letter from Paul Weiser was read tendering his resig- nation from the Planning Commission. The resignation was accepted with regrets,and a letter of appreciation to Mr. Weiser was authorized. CITY ATTORNEY A letter of resignation from City Attorney Thatcher was read.By motion the Council accepted the resignation with regrets. Mr. Thatcher was presented with an award for meritorious service and with a gift from ithe Council members and the City Officials. Mr. John B.1-'ereiter was sworn in as new City Attorney. i I 55 PARK Mrs. Hogan asked the cooperation of Engineer Dept. in having the BOARD property at the Scenic Hill Park staked out so it can be cleaned up. She also asked about her request for new sidewalks at the Fishpond Park. Gitb, Kendall, Sup't of the Street Dept. reported his crew had been busy on other projects,but he hoped to get to it soon. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS. Payroll $26436.45 Current Expense 3613 .30 Water 2090.46 Street 2627.45 Sewer 613 • 85 Garbage 111.81 Library 133 .90 Park 2250.92 Parking Meter 79. 51 LIDS 14. 26 MEETING ADJOURNED AS. BRIDGES ALEX THORNTON 1 Mayor City Clerk I-