HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/04/1963 i Kent, 1%iashington 'Iarch 4,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:66 P.M. Present: Mayor Thorriton, City Attorney Thatcher, Uouncilwoman bovell, Councilmen Durand, Matthei^rs,l'Iooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed except:the description of the RADKE rezone should read--between the City Park up to and including the wrecking yard. Clerk's and Budget reports submitted,accepted and filed. :VATER City Engineer Sherwood reported the plans and specifications are progressing for the fluoridation of the City's water, and that he would meet with Hill &. Ingman representatives to discuss the problem of how the second transmission line should be handled. CLARK SPRINGS Councilman Strain reported that the Water Committee, the Finance Committee and the City Engineer had met to discuss the second transmission line. Strain then moved for Hill & Ingman to be instructed to proceed as soon as possible with the expansion of the Clark Springs resources, on the Route B plan, so we can get start- ed by May. Motion seconded and passed. I'Ir. Chase of H & I asked if the City would finance this or if they would apply for Federal aid. By motion,this was refered to the water committee . j Franchise By motion,the Mayor and the City Clerk were authorized to arrange for the franchise for laying the main down the Kent-Kan-ley Highway for the new main. STILhETS JAIJES Mr. Sherwood reported he had met with a representative from the Milwaukee Railroad and had discussed with him the need for the James St. crossing. Mayor Thornton stated he felt we should have something in wri4ing from the Railroad before starting condemnation proceedings. City Attorney Thatcher reported a letter from their should be forthcoming. Post Office Councilman Pozzi reported that the Street Committee had checked into the matter of vacating the alley near the Post 'ffice , as requested by the General Services Administration. Investigation showed the alley to have been deeded to the City in 1906. Pozzi moved for this information to be sent to GSA along with a query as to what progress they are making toward complying with our Ordinance No. 1170,relating to off-street parking. ONE,-WAY A petition was read requesting; the City to install a 2-way i traffic pattern on E. Smith from Central to lst. Ave, Mr. Burdic,one of the 15 signers explained that these merchants felt the change was necessary to expedite the entry and exit of trucks to the firms locat- ed on Railroad Ave. N and to accomplish the most efficient flow of automobile traffic to the business on E. Smith and on Railroad N. By motion,this was refered to the Street Committee. SEWER Councilwoman Bovell reported on a memo received from Hill & Ingman, advising that I+Ietro engineers have completed their study and after it 's approval by Metro officials, it will be presented to the City. The Pollution Control Commission advised H&I that Kent 's application for a Federal grant of $12 , 520 has been approved. A letter should I be followed in planning treatment facilities on the Green River. TRANSFER A letter from the City Treasurer, I,Ir. Cavanaugh was read informing OF FUNDS the Council that $2000 from the Garbage Fund had been invested in bonds of LID 244, in compliance with the Council 's instructions. By motion the letter was placed on file. VALLEY A public hearing was opened on the final plat of Valley Heights //2. HEIGHTS There was no objection or comments from the floor. A motion to #2 approve the plat was made and seconded,but,under discussion,Council- man Woodworth asked if the requirements had been met.- City Engineer Sherwood reported that Mr. Rigby had agreed to grant easement., and to dedicate a tract for the sewer pumping station,but these have riot yet been accomplished. The motion and second were withdrawn,and a new motion was made for further action to be tabled until all the requirements have been .fulfilled. Motion dul�,r seconded and passed. PACIFIC Councilman Mooney made a motion for the City Clerk to be instructed RACEWAYS to write to the County Commissioners urging them to grant the re- qudst made by Pacific Raceways for roads to and from the track. Motion duly seconded and passed. JUSTICE Mayor Thornton requested the Building Committee to considdr purchas- COURT ing draperies for the Court Room. FINANCE. Bond Banking Councilman Mooney announced that the Council had met with. McLean & Co. representatives and had heard their proposal to refinance the City's water bonds. This proposal would provide for an additional $13 ,000 over the $74;000 savings offered by Blyth & Co. By motion,duly seconded and passed,the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the agreement with McLean & Co and the city officials were instructed to call the 1948, 57 and 58 bonds for pay- ment. Councilman Strain pointed out that by re-issuing the bonds the. ..City would havd the additional money to expand the water resources at Clark Springs,plus money for additional projects. Property Councilman Mooney reported he had been contacted again by officials of the Episcopal Church,who are anxious to know if the City is interested; in buying the church property. After pointing out that the City should be looking ahead to the time when the present City Hall offices will be outgrown,Mooney recommended the Council give the church a definite answer within the week. ZONING Radke Ordinance 1174,approving the Rynhold Radke application for a rezone from R-2 to C-3 was passed by motion. Kent Valley Speedway The public hearing; was continued on the protest made by O'Brien residents against thelbiai7ding of a race track in their area. City Attorney Thatcher stated that the building permit was not properly signed. He further pointed out that the appeal made by Mr. Curran was against the issurance of the permit,and not for the recinding of the rezone,and that proper application for recinding the rezone has not yet been made. Mr Curran maintained that the Council had the right to reconsiddr their action in granting the re- zone,now that they had more complete information. By motion,the building permit issued for the construction of the office building for the race track was invalidated . The public hearing was declared closed. Councilmen Mooney and Woodworth stated they were against spot rezoning. On Councilman Matthews motion, a public hearing was set for April lst. on the proposal to recind the rezoning action as provided iri Ord. 1155. Motion seconded and passed. PLANNING Councilmen Mooney and Woodworth stated that if the Planning commission COM1.1ISSION held public hearings on rezones,all sides of the question could be presented to them and they. would have the full picture before making their recommendation to the Council. City Attorney Thatcher pointed out that this could result in a two month delay period on requests for rezones. Fred Frazier of the planning Commission agreed with D400ney and Woodworth. Iflr. Thatcher stated that if the Planning Com- mission recommended this change,the Council would act on it. On Councilman Woodworth's motion,a hearing on whether the Zoning Ordi- nance should be changed to require the Planning Commission to hold public hearings on rezones, was set for April 1st. TRAFFIC A letter was read from Mr. Cavanaugh,the City Treasurer,requesting VIOLATIONS that personal checks tendered in payment of bail be held in a special BUREAU holding fund until the checks have cleared. By motion,authorization for. establishing such a fund was given,and under discussion, it was: decided .that receipts would not be issued to those posting bail by check. CLAIMS PRESENTED. AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Payroll $ 25$22.02 Current Expense 3446.92 Water 3305.94 Street 1206.67 Sewer 1295. 54 Garbage 1083 .43 Libfary 85.80 Park 356.64 Parking Meter 88.85 14EETING A RN :30 .M. Alex T ornton has. Bridges Mayor City Clerk