HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/18/1963 I
Kent, Vvashington Feb . 18, 1963
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council ; present : Mayor Thornton,
City Attorney Thatcher, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand,
Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, except: under State
Highway Commission, the agreement concerning snow removal is still
being considered by the Street Committee and has not been accepted.
Treasurer's Report submitted , accepted and filed. j
STREETS Conference City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Northwest Roads
& Streets Conference that he and Dent had attended was very worthwhile
and highly informative.
'Woodford ave . Councilman Pozzi moved for the Clerk to write letters �
to the owners of the property along the proposed 'Woodford Ave. extens-
ion asking them to meet with his committee at their convenience.
Motion duly seconded and passed.
Post Office A letter from the General Services tidmimistration was
read. Information was requested as to whether the City would waive
the payment if asked by the U.S. to vacate the alley near the Kent
Post Office. The letter was referred to the Street Committee with
the power to act.
Vacations Mayor Thornton requested that the Street Committee study
the policy pertaining to the procedure for vacating streets and alleys, !
and possibly to propose some changes.
Alley Councilman Poz2ii reported that his committee had investigated
.the condition of the alley from 2nd to 4th 'behind the City Transfer
Parking Lot and had decided that it should be graded and possibly
have some crushed rock on it.
Willis St. Councilman Pozzi moved for the City Engineer to write
letters to the Union Pacific and Milwaukee Railroads requesting
traffic signals at the crossing on Willis St. Iflotion duly seconded
and passed.
Shinn St. Councilman Pozzi moved for the City Engineer to write to the
United Pacific and to the Milwaukee Railroads requesting that they
raise the spur track on Shinn St. Motion duly seconded and passed.
James St. Councilman Pozzi moved for the Mdypr toi send !Letters .tooMr.
Borek and to Mr. Urfer outlining the agreement made between them and
the City. Motion duly seconded and passed.
James St. Crossing Councilman Pozzi moved fot the City Engineer to
write to the NPRR requesting them to repair the crossing at lst and
James. Mr. Sherwood reported he had had a discussion with the rail-
road officials on this matter and they had informed::him they are now
ready to undertake this project. Motion withdrawn.
James St. Right-of- "Way A motion was made for the City to initiate
legal proceedings for condemnation to gain the right-of-way for James
St. Mayor Thornton requested authorization to talk again with the
Union Pacific and Milwaukee officials about this problem. The author-
ization was granted and the motion withdrawn. Matthews then moved
for legal action to be taken if the !Mayor' s efforts failed. City
Attorney Thatcher stated "he would draw up a resolution providing for
the condemnation if it should prove necessary.
Councilman Mooney asked Mr. Sherwood if the plans and specifications
for the extension of James St. had been drawn up, and Mr. Sherwood
stated they were in the making. Mooney reported the water mains for
that area would be taken care of before other work commenced.
WATER Councilman Strain reported a meting of the Water Committee, the City
Engineer and Hill and Ingman representatives had been scheduled for
Thursday at 2 p.m. to discuss the expansion of the water system.
BIDS Motorcycle Councilman Woodworth reported the bid on the motorcycle for
the Police Dept had been reduced to $1820.00 and moved the bid be a-
warded to Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. Motion duly seconded and passed.
Truck Bids ona truck for the Street Dept were read, and by motion, the
bid was awarded to the Reo WLshington Sales Co, who submitted the low
bid of $ 9697.00. Councilman Matthews voted nay.
POLICE Trains Councilman Woodworth reported he had met with the public
COMMITTEE relations representative regarding our complaint about excessive
speeding of trains going through Kent. The railroad has conducted
an investigation and infractions have been dealt with.
Meters Councilman Woodworth reported the Chamber of Commerce had
asked to have the meters hooded again this year durin the "30 Hou
Sale" on March 15th1l6th and 18th, for the customary 100. Motion
made to grant this request,duly seconded and passed.
HEALTH & Garbage Councilwoman Bovell reported a house count had been made 4f
SANITATION the 1958 that her committee was 'studying the situation
to decide upon the best program for garbage collection in these areas.
LIGHTS Councilman Durand reported his committee had receive, a request for a
street light at S.E. 240th and '.9$.th 'Ave.., on East, Hill:." The City
Engineer has approved the re,q.ues,t and .the, ,l tre,et' Light Committee
recommended a mercury vapor light be, installed at this location.
Motion so made,duly seconded and passed.
FINANCE A letter was read from Blyth & Co. further explaining their proposal
and stating that the City's contract with McLean & Co. would in no
way be violated if the City accepted Blyth' s ,proposal., The letter
offered to withdraw the proposal to refinance the bonds and recind
the contract entered into at the Feb. 4th meeting, if the Council s
desired. Councilman Pozzi so moved. The motion was seconded and
passed with Councilwoman Bovell and Councilmen Matthews and Mooney
voting nay. A motion for returning the check and the copy of the
proposal was also passed. Councilman Mooney stated that as
chairman of the Finance Committee,he wanted to have a meeting with
McLean & Co, our bond concultants,to discuss drawing a new contracts
By motion the Mayor was authorized to arrange such a meeting.
HEIGHTS #2 City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Planning Commission had
referred the final plat of Valley Heights #2 to the Council.
Sherwood recommended the public hearing on this plat be set fof
March 4th.Motion so made,duly seconded and passed.
ZONING Roos A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending tht
the Roos annexation be zoned as follows:l) property fronting the
Benson from present right-of-way back 270'C,3 zone 21) require 20'
rlo_re .right-of way for Benson,as this should be a 100' highway
3 )'balance of annexation to be r-3 .
Griffen-Jensen An application for a rezone from RA toC-3 was read
from 1valter Griffen and Wm. Jensen. By motion,a ,public hearing
was set for March 18th.
L.A.Strain & Others An application for a rezone from M-1 to R-3 fro
L.A. Strain & others was read. By motion,a public hearing was set
for March 18th.
Kent Valley Speedway.A public hearing was held on the protest made by
O'Brien residents against the building of a race track in their are
Mr. James Curran,attorney for the residents,asked that the City re='
consider the rezoning of this area to M-1 and return it to it 's on fi-
nal MA zoning. He also contested the action of the City Engineer in
granting a building permit for a temporary office building to the
Kent Valley Speedway Inc. Mr. Curran stated that the Speedway is
not a permitted use under M-1 zoning,but was found to be proper
because the City officials construed the law to include a race track
by considering the track to be "a form of commercialized recreationl"I
The Board of Adjustment upheld th City Engineer's decision in issuizhg
the permit. Mr Curran pointed out that at the public hearing in
November,Harlan Bull, the owner, stated he had no definate plans for
the area,but actually the plans for the Speedway were already in th
making. Mr.Curran then commented on the traffic hazard and the
noise nuisance. Roger Lewis,attorney for Kent Valley Speedway Inc.
stated that the Speedway owners fully intended to meet all requirements
set up by the City of Kent, including insurance,traffic control and
safety measures. City Attorney Thatcher recommended the hearing be
held over until the next meeting to allow time for study of the sit -
ation. Motion so made , seconded and passed. Mayor Thornton requested
the attorneys to submit their arguments in writing,copies of which
are a part of these minutes and are on file, in .the. C�,ty Clerk's
Radke A public hearing was opened on the request for a change of zoning
CORRECTED-REFER TO from R-2 to C-3 made by Hynhold Radke and other property owners from the
MINUTES OF City Park North to the motel on the East Valley Highway. . Mr. Jens
Anderson of 1014 East Valley Highway objected to the rezone, stating that there
was plenty of C-3 already without making this residential area C-3 . j
The Planning Commission approved the request and 8 other property owners
were in favor of it. The hearing was declared closed,and by motion the
rezone from R-2 to C-3 was approved with Councilman Pozzils nay.
ANNEXATION Councilman Mooney reported he had talked to Mr. Stark regarding his
request to have a small piece of property at the end of N. Hazel St.
annexed to the city. :after approximate costs were discussed with Mr.
Stark, and the City policy regarding annexing small parcels was
explained,Councilman Pozzi moved that the matter be left up to Mr.
Stark, and if he is willing to pay the costs of the annexation, the
City will consider it.
REGIONAL Mayor Thornton appointed Norman Anderson to the Regional Planning
PLANNING Council, and by motion, the Council approved the appointment with
COUNCIL Councilman Mooney voting nay.
CONVENTION By motion,Councilwoman Bovell was appointed chairman for the coming
convention of the Association of Washington Cities to be held in I
COURT City Attorney Thatcher recommended that Kent employ special counsel
to defend Judge Fiori against the writ of prohibition filed against
him by attorney Alva C. Long. Motion so made,duly seconded and
Current Expense $4289. 57
':eater 133 5.33
Street 3957.94
Sewer 48.18
Garbage 642.90
Library 198.22
Park 415.12
Mayor City Clerk