HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/1963 Kent, Washington Feb. 4, 1963
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council:present:Mayor Thornton,City
Attorney Thatcher, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen:Durand,Matthews,
Mooney,Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth.
Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed except:under
Zoning Ordinance, it should be noted that Mr. Sipes 's letter in which
he objected to Item#4 of the proposed amendments, was written as
an interested citizdn and not in his capacity as chairman of the
Planning Commission.
STREETS State Highwav Comission City Engineer Sherwood recommended that the
City accept both agreements received from the State Highway Commission
Q in December. One concerned snow removel and the other related to a
portion of Pacific Highway South to be turned over to Kent by the I
State. After some discussion, a motion was so made,duly seconded
and passed. i
UJ James Strdet Mr. Sherwood announced a tentative meeting had been
arranged for Wednesday at 10 o'clock with the Milwaukee Railroad to
• discuss the right-of-way for James St. Councilmen Mooney and Pozzi
Q will be notified so they can attend.
t.,.. Conference City Engineer Sheerwood requested permission for he and
UJ Mr. Dent to abtend the Northwest Roads & Streets Conference at the
University of Washington on Feb. 13th, 14th. and 15th. By motion, I
permission was granted.
�Q Trees-Lincoln Ave. Councilman Pozzi reported that the street crews hadl
cleared away the dead branches,but lacked the proper equipment to do
any further work. The City Clerk will contact a firm having this
equipment and will report.
Alley Mavor. Thornton requested the Street Committee investigate the
poor condition of the alley between 2nd. and 4th.behind the City Trans-
fer parking lot. By motion this was referred to the Street Committee
with the power to act.
East Valley Highway A letter was received from the State Highway Dept.i
in reference to Mayor Thornton's letter to the Mayor of Renton. The
commission assured the City that further improvement will be made to
the shoulders of the East Valley Highway South of Suicide Corner.
Signs Mr. Frazier pointed out that there should be a sign indicating
the turn off point for Kent on Highway 99. This was referred to the
Street Committee.
SEWER Treatment Plant Councilwoman Bovell reported that the Pollution
Control Commission had advised that the preliminary report on the
Sewage Treatment Plang has been approved. Metro engineers and still
studying a plan to provide sewer service to the northern part of Kent
Mrs Bovell recommended and moved for a letter to be seng to the HHFA
requesting a 90 day extension to give us ample time to study Metro 's
plan. Motion duly seconded and passed.
Dept. of Health & Pollution Control Letters were read from the Dept. of
Health and from the Pollution Control Commission approving the prelim
inary report on the treatment plant. The Dept. of Health further stat-
ed that it mupt be understood the type of treatment may be upgraded
by the state within the next 2 years due to resultant conditions in
the Green Rivdr. Both letters were placed on file,by motion.
Garbage A letter was read from Pfir. Cavanaugh,the City Treasurer,re-
questing that his office bd notified if,when and by whom garbage
collection will be made in certain annexed areas. By motion,the
letter was referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee.
Storm Sewer Councilman Mooney requested that the storm sewer at the
Bowen Scarff corner be diverted from the sanitary sewer. This was
referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee.
FINANCE Mr. Simms,IvIr. Boden and Mr. Yeasting,representatives of Blyth & Co.
and Wm. P.Harper & Son & Co. presented a proposal to refinance the
City's Water Bonds. Stating that $6.6,000 could, be saved by the City
by accepting this proposal,the representatives stressed the need for
immediate action as the figures wefe based on the current market.
Councilman Pozzi moved for the Finance Committee,the City Treasurer, I
the City Attorney,the Mayor and the City Cldrk to meet with these
gentlemen for further discussion,with the power to act on the issue. i
Further questions and explanations followed in rapid succession,and
Mr. Pozzi 's motion was not voted upon. Mr Boden assured the Council
that acceptance of this proposal would in no way interfere with the
City's contract with McLean & Co. City Attorney Thatcher concurred
with this after checking the contract the City has with McLean & Co.
Councilman Mooney moved for the City to accept this proposal, seconded
by Councilman Pozzi. Under discussion, Councilman Strain and Woodworth
stated thev felt more time for study was needed and Councilman Mooney
withdrew his motion. The second was not withdrawn,however,and the
motion carried,with Councilmen Strain,1,400dworth and Durand voting
nay. Mr. Yeasting then read the proposal in full. City Attorney I
Thatcher advised the Council that a motion authorizing the Mayor and
the City Clerk to sign the proposal was necessary.
Councilwoman Bovell _so moved,,and th, motion was seconded and passed with
Coupcilment Strain.,and lYoodworth voting nay.
TIMBER A-letter. was read from Mr. Throckmorton stating that the timber as
been removed from the Icy* Creek �tract as per our agreement: By motion �
the letter was placed on file .
� I
BIDS Truck. Bids were read on a truck for the Street Dept. ,and by motion
all bids were rejected. New specifications will be drawn and a new
call for bids made. New bids will be opened on Feb. 15th at 3 p.m.
j Motorcycle A bid in the amount of $2$03 .0$ was received from Drager's
Harley Davidson Co. on a motorcycle for the Police Dept. Since this
was over the amount budgeted for a cycle, the matter was referred to
the Police Committee,with Councilman Pozzi voting nay.
Car Bias on a compact car for the Police Dept. were received from Bowen
Scafff'Vailey Garage ,Kent I�Iotors, Ford Garage and Strain's. By motion,
the bid was .awarded to Strain's for a Valiant at $1$54.00.
ZONING Zoning Ordinance Ordinance 1173 ,amending the Zoning Ordinance (#1071) I
was passed by motion.
Stewart-Martens Co. Mr. Stewart of the Stewart Martens Co. and Mr.
Collins of Humble Oil Co. were present to question the Council about
the order to close the service station at the West Hill Shopping Plaza.
City Attorney Thatcher and Councilman Mooney Explained that under the
terms of the variance , the servicoi station was not to open until all
units in the plaza were open for business. One unit is still vacant
and until' it is occupied, the operation of the service station is a
COMNIITEE A Resolution adopted .bv the town of Sultan was received with a letter
j ffom the Mayor. The Resolutation contained the resignation of Sultan j
from the Association of Washington Cities,and stated that copies
would be sent to all 4th class cities. By motion this was referred
to the Police Committee , with Councilman Woodworth voting nay.
MIDWAY City Attorney Thatcher announced that on Tuesday Feb. 5th,Kent's
motion to dismiss the suit brought by a group of Midway residents
will be heard in Seattle 's Superior Court.
CLAIMS City Attorney Thatcher reported that the City's insurance carrier had
AGAINST informed him they would pay $600 of the $1200 claim Mr. Rotta has
THE CITY against the City. The City would have to pay the remaining $600 if
we accept this proposal. A motion was made,duly seconded and passed j
LID243 for the City Attorney to be authorized to effect a settlement on the
terms as described. In return, the City will receivd a release from
Mr. Rotta as well as an easement for the Kentwood Hills Trunk Sewer,
LID 243 .
DEF T Fire Chief Bridges announced that the City is being studied by the
Washington Survey and Rating Bureau, and possibly the rating for
Kent will be changed.
CENCUS By motion,the Fire Dep 't was authorized to take the census in April.
LTGHTING�: Councilman Durand reported that the Light Committee recommended res-
idential mercury vapor lights to be installed on James St. from Summit
to Odntral,and so moved. The motion was duly seconded and passed.
Mayor Thornton advised that the City Clerk had some. literature on
a new type of sesidental light. Mr. Durand stated his committee
would check into this.
PARK Councilman Strain,as liaison officer between the Council and the Park
Board,brought up the subject of opening Woodford Avd. to the park.
Councilman Pozzi stated the land owners concerned had already been
contacted. A motion was made and seconded to have the City Clerk
write to the owners to set a meeting date. Under discussion, it was
decided that the committees will meet and discuss the matter further
before action is taken. The motion and the second was withdrawn.
REGIONAL Resolution 4$6,adopting and approving the formation of the Regional
PLANNING Planning Commission was passed by motion.
JAYCEES Mayor Thornton presented an award to the Kent Junior Chamber of
Commerce for the many notable contributions they have made to
the City. President Don Peters accepted the award for the
Current Expense 3007.60 Garbage $461. 58
Water $5443 •$1 Library 121.45
Street 3577.01 Park 1687.42
Sewer . 1593 •84 Parking 42.38