HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/21/1963 Kent, Washington January 21, 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council; present: Mayor Thornt n, City Attorney .Thatcher, Councilmen: Durand, Matthews, Mooney, Strain, Woodworth and Pozzi. Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed. Clerk's and Budget reports submitted, accepted and placed on file. STREETS James St. City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Street Commit tee recommended that item #3 in the agreement with Mr. Borek be changed to read: "The City agrees to extend sewer from manhole t Monroe Ave. N. to 20' North of the North line of James St." Moti n so made, duly seconded and passed. Dept of Highways The City Engineer reported he had met with Mr. McKay of the Dept of Highways. Mr. McKay spoke--in favor of goi g ahead with the construction of the Valley Freeway. He also in- dicated he thought it possible to improve the East Highway witto t endangering the Freeway project. East Valley Highway A letter from Frank Aliment, 'mayor of Renton was read, acknowledging Mayor Thorntonis letter regarding the poor c n- dition of the shoulders on the East Valley Highway South of Suicide Corner. Renton's City Engineer will discuss the matter with the State Highway Dept. Dedication Ordinance 1169, approving and accepting the dedication of a portion 'of Walnut St. , East of the cemetery by Mr. Reiten was passed by motion. Lincoln Ave. Councilman Mooney reported it had been called to hil attention that the poplar trees on Lincoln Ave. were in poor conlit- ion and required trimming. The chestnut trees in the park are also in need of pruning. Councilman Pozzi volunteered the service ofl the Street Dept for this project, and by motion, the problem was referred to the. Street Committee. WATER Expansion Program Councilman Strain announced that Mr. Ramsey ofl Hill & Ingman wants to meet with the Water Committee next week t report on the expansion of our water resources. Councilman Strain reported that the committee hoped to start this program in June. A study must be made of the problem of getting an extra transmission line down to Kent . Municipal Water Pumping Resolution 485, authorizing a contract fir 10 years with Puget Sound Power and Light for Municipal water Pu p- ing, was passed by motion. SEWER Mr. Sherwood reported he had met with Mr. Mullen of Ruskin Fisher & Associates regarding; their request for a release of easement. They have agreed to eliminate item #1. Councilman Mooney objected to the narrow width of a street in the north end of the plat, but Mr . Rigby assured him it would be taken care of, since the FHA also objected to it. City Attorney Thatcher stated a contract would b necessary and suggested that Mr. ttigby have his attorney draw up the papers. Councilman Woodworth said the Sewer Committee would go over the Details with Mr. Rigby to facilitate ti-:e matter. ZONING Zoning Ordinance A Public Hearing was held on the proposed amend- ments to the Zoning Ordinance. A letter from E.A. Sipe, Chairman of rD the Planning Commission, was read. Mr. Sipe objected to item ##4 COR ECTED REFER I T O (Sec 10.12.03 ) of the proposal, entitled "Interpretations". Council- -MIN TES OF ..,�'Y-� man Mooney and Mr. Thatcher agreed with Mr. Sipe. By motion, the proposed amendments were adopted withthese exceptions: item #4 was denied, and #6 was changed to read "and any other SIMILAR uses". The City Attorney was authorized to draw up the necessary papers for the Ordinance. KENT VALLEY. SPEEDWAY A letter from J.P. Curran, attorney, was read. Mr. Curran, representing residents in the O'Brien area, is appealing the ruling of the Board of Adjustment's resobtion #16, upholding the action of 'the City Engineer in granting a building permit for a temporary office building of Kent Valley Speedway Inc. A Public Hearing on this appeal was set for February 18th meeting. Counci - man Mooney moved for the Police Committee to check into the licen_ ing of this type of operation and to prepare and ordinance coven ing race tracks, etc. with particular attention given to liability insurance. Mr. Brad Moore, president of Kent Valley Speedway, and Mr. Lewis, his attorney, offered to assist the Police committee in ahy way possible. Radke An application was filed by Rynhold Radke for a rezone from R-2 to C-3 . A Public Hearin; was set for Feb. l8th meeting . KENT HIGHLANDS INC. A number of residents from the Kent Highlands area were present to protest the rezoning from $-A to M-2. City Attorney Thatcher explained that the Public Hearing on this request was held at the January 7th meeting• and the hearing; was now closed. Mayor Thornton consented to hear some of the comments of the dissenters. Mr. David Ramsey of 4326 S.2319_ voiced his objections. Both Mayor 'Thornton and Councilman Mooney explaine the plans Kent Highlands Inc . have for the area. Councilman I°iatthews move for the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Mr. rozzi. Ordinance 1172 approving the rezone from R-A to M-2 for t'tent Highlands Inc. was passed. OFF STREET Reserve Fund Ordinance 1170, establishing a Cumulative Reserve fund for PARKING Off Street Parking, was adopted by motion. Postmaster General An answer to our letter to the Postmaster General' s office was .received Our suggestion that the Kent Post Office purchase additional property to use for off street parking has been forwarded to the General 6ervices Administration. The letter has been placed on file . s TIMBER By motion, the City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Throckmorton to determine whether he is through with his logging operation in 'the Icy Creek area. w POLICE & Traffic Violations Bureau Ordinance 1171, establishing a Traffic Violations COURT Bureau was passed by motion. Duncan Bonjjorni A letter was read from Police Judge Duncan Bonjorni, com- plimenting the Kent Police Dept. for their help and co-operation during his 32 months as Police Judge. By motion, the City Clerk was instructed to write I'Ir. Bonjorni a letter of appreciation. TOLERANCE POLICEY Washington State Licensed Beverage Assn A letter was read from the Wash- ington State Licensed Beverage Assn. congratulating the City for retaining the tolerance policy relating to punch boards and other trade stimulants. , By motion, the letter was placed on file. Kent Methodist Church A letter was received from the Kent Methodist Church urging the City to back Mayor Clinton' s stand against gambling in Seattle ! by taking a similar stand in Kent. The letter was placed on file . ANNEXATIONS Stark A letter was read from Mr. Charles Stark, requesting that the oity annex his piece of property at the end of A. Hazel Ave. By motion this was referred to the Finance Committee. Methodist Church A letter was received from the rent Methodist ohurch en- dorsing the action of East Hill property owners seeking annexation by the City. The church property, about 10 acres, opposite the Kent Meridian H.S. is included in the proposed annexation. By motion, the letter was placed on file . SOIL CONSER City Engineer Sherwood reported he had attended two meetings at which VATION & FLOOD the Green River Drainage Basin problem was discussed. CONTROL A letter was received from the King County Commiysioners, signed by Ralph Stender, acknowledging receipt of Mayor Thornton s letter in which he stated Kent would budget $750.00 in 1964 for further studycf the soil problem. LIGHTING Councilman Durand was authorized to contact I'dr. Bicknell of Puget Sound Power & Light , to see if further co-ordinating is necessary on the project! of providing better lighting on the Last Highway. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $3515.38 Water 2326.95 Street 1787.63 I Sewer 1118.22 { Library 8.32 Park 8 43 . 77 MEETING ADJOURNED c L X HORNTON AS. BRIDGES Mayor City Clerk