HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/07/1963 Kent, Washington, January "I, _iyou3 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council: present Mayor Thornton, Council woman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed. STREETS JAMES STREET Councilman Pozzi reported that he and Councilman Mooney had me with representatives from Howard Manufacturing Co. , and had reached an agre - ment with them. The City Engineer will now contact the Railroad Company an arrange a meeting with them. Pozzi then read the following agreements made with Mr. BorMk and Mr. Urfer: Bosh., ; The City Agrees to (1) move Mr. Bofk s fence back to the new property line, (2 ) extend the water main and relocate existing water service connection, (3 ) extend sewer from man hole at Monroe Ave. N. to the north line of James St. These are to be accomplished before the construction of the street is started. Urfer The City agrees to (1) Move Mr. Urfer's fence back to the new property line and extend it to the Puget Power fence, (2 ) move the water meter as necessary. i ONE-WAY Ordinance 1166, making certain streets and alleys one-way, and amend- ing Ordinance 1150, passed 9-18-62 was passed by motion. TRAFFIC CONTROL Letters were read from Sheriff Tim McCullough and from Chi f Roy Betlatch, of the Washington State Patrol, expressing appreciation to th City for our recent letters to them commending them on their fine service t� the City. WATER LID 244 Ordinance 1168, authorizing the issuance of bonds against LID 244'y Lake Fenwick Water, was passed by motion. FLUORIDATION On Councilman Strain's recommendation, the City Engineer was in- structed to draw up the specifications for the fluoridation equipment, so that a call for bids can be made. SEWER: LID 243 Ordinance 1167, authorizing the issuance of bonds against LID 243 , Kentwood Hills Sewer, was passed by motion. EASEMENTS Councilwoman Bovell reported that the sewer committee was referri g the request by Ruskin Fisher for release of sewer easements in the Valley Heights-Linda Heights area to the City Engineer. Mr. Sherwood will confer with Mr. Mullen on item #1 of this request. TREATMENT PLANT Mr Ramsey of Hill & Ingman submitted a report stating that the Pollution ontrol Commission had advised him that the report on the stu y of the plant would probably be approved by the end of this month. Hill & Ingman have discussed sewer service for Kent with Metro officials. Metro has assigned an engineer to study the situation, which will take from 30 to 45 days. ARKING City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Zoning Ordinance requires the Citi to adopt certain factors regarding the parking lot fund. A formula for deter- mining the figure is contained in the ordinance. Basedon land sales in the downtown area, the amount woub be $3 . 55+ per sq. ft. Mr. Sherwood recommended the City adopt the amount of $3 .00 per sq. ft. to determine the amount the amount of money required for the parking lot fund. Mooney so moved, and under discussion, the City Attorney answered several questions presented by Councilman Woodworth. Mr. Thatcher stated that a reserve fund should be es- tabli,thed for the sole purpose of purchasing the property. The Planning Com- mission reported they were working on a plan and would report soon. It was ascertained that the Comprehensive Plandid not require that this be drawn u p by a professional. Mooney's motion was duly seconded and passed. Mooney the moved for the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance to establish an account to be known as "The cumulative reserve fund for off-street parking". The motion was duly - seconded and passed. Mayor Thornton appointed a citizen 's committee, consisting of Don Bell, Jr. , chairman, James Curran, L.B. Coen, . Lou Kherity and T. Bailey to study the issue . Councilman Pozzi was- appointed to act as liaison officer between this committee and the . Council. UILDING City Engineer Sherwood reported that -building Permits for the year 1962 tota - PERMITS,;ed $6,076,90,8.20. STANDARD Mr. Sherwood reported he had received a copy of the Standard Specifications SPEGIFI_ for Municipal Public Works Construction from: the Washington State Chapter CATIONS of the American Public Works Ass n. He will report further after studying it. LEGLISLATION Resolution 484, recommending to the State Legislature that legislation be passed to remove the ambiguities in the present laws regarding puncit boards, pin ball machines and other trade stimulants was read by the y Attorney, and was adopted by motion. Copies of the resolution are to be sen to the legislators of the 30th District. i Chamber of A copy of a letter from Noel Bicknell, president of the Kent. Chamber of Commerce Commerce to Mr. Rasmussen of the Vita freze Co. , in Seattle was read. Mr. Bicknell espressed the City's pleasure in welcoming the Vitafreze plant to Kent. PLANNING Councilman Mooney moved for an executive session to be held, attended b COREISSION the City Council, Planning Commission, City Attorney, and the City Engi - eer to discuss engaging a consultant for the Planning `%ommission. The motion was seconded and passed. Mr. Frazier stated he felt the City sho ld consider hiring a professional planner. -1. 4- 1........,_, tti- 1, .-i-A