HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/17/1962 Kent, Washington, December 17, 1962
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council: present: Mayor Thornton, Council-
woman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand, Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi, and Strain.
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
Clerk's, Treasurer's and Budget reports submitted, accepted and placed on fil .
WATER By motion, the City Attorney was authorized to draw an ordinance issuing
LID 244 bondsin the amount of $7,202.34 for LID 244, Lake Fenwick Water, and the
City Clerk was authorized to sell the bonds across the counter.
SEWER Councilwoman Bovell reported that she had been advised by Hill & Ingman that
the Pollution Control Commission and the State Dept. of Health have author-
ized the last 100 connections we requested. They have not yet completed the
evaluation of Hill & Ingman's report on the treatment plant.
A copy of a letter to Hill & Ingman from the Pollution Control Commission wa
read acknowledging receipt of the application for a Federal Grant for the
sewage plant improvements. The letter also advised that since only a limite
amount of money has been accumulated, the city should not be optimistic
about receiving the grant at this time. By motion, the letter was placed
on f i]e.
Valley Heights-Linda Heights A letter was read from Ruskin Fisher request-
ing that the Uity release the easements for sewer lines and release the titl
to the land for the sewer pumping station in the Valley Heights and Linda
Heights area. Mr. Mullen was present and explained that the plat could be
developed easier if this was done and Mr. Rigby would rededicate the ease-
ments for the facilities after the developing. By motion, this matter was
referred to the sewer committee. Mr. Mullen asked to be notified by the
committee so he could attend their meeting and explain further.
Pike Mayor Thornton asked the City Engineer about the sewer easement on the
Pike Plat. Mr. Sherwood stated Mr. Pike is ready to sign the easement as
soon as it is drawn up.
LID 243 By motion the City Attorney was authorized to draw an ordinance
issuing bonds for LID 243 , Kentwood dills Sewer in the amount of $48,217.18.
The City Clerk was authorized to sell the bonds across the .counter.
Sewer Plans Mr Ramsey, of Hill & Ingman outlined several plans for future
sewage- control: (A) Enlarge the plant and construct a new one North of the
O'Brien UAd, (B) Enlarge the plant and have all sewers drain there. This wi 1
require several pumping stations. (C) Keep the present plant as is and build a
new one in the North end of town, with practically all of the treatment to
be done in the new plant.
Discussions are planned in the future with Metro officials to determine thei
proposals for service in this area. Councilman Strain asked Mr. Ramsey if
Lagooning was permissible in Washington and Ramsey assured him that it was.
STREETS Crosswalk City Engineer Sherwood announced that the State Highway Lngineer
has not as yet reported on the traffic count made last Friday on Meeker St.
One Way Councilman Pozzi reported that more one-way signs will be installed,
and illuminat,,ign of the signs is being considered. The Street Dept. is in
the process of cutting the corner at Lamiglass to make the- turn easier to
negotiate. Mr. Sherwood stated a traffic count showed a drop of approximate
ly 1,000 cars per day on Shinn St. and a gain of about 400 cars per day on
Gowe. It is too soon, however, to give an accurate appraisal. Councilman
Mooney stated he had observed local business people driving short distances
against the one way signs to avoid. going around the block. Mr. Mooney
commended the Mayor on taking such a firm stand against local merchants who
objected to the one-way streets on the morning the program was to go into
Traffic Control Councilman Strain asked the- Street Committee to check into
the possiblity of putting James St. through to Lincoln Ave. to alleviate
some of the congestion at the West Highway.
St. Sup't Kendall reported he was working on opening W. Harrison from the
West Highway to Thompson St.
Parking Councilman Pozzi reported that :he. had xrgad an.azrtig"Afi. the Western
Cities magazine about a California city buying land and dividing it in ,o
parcels .to be sold on time to local merchants for off-street parking. he
City Attorney is checking further into this matter. Councilman Mooney
reported that the Kent local Merchants are having meetings to discuss off-
street parking. Mr. Mooney moved for the City Clerk to be instructed to
write to the Postmaster General to request that his department consider
making an allocation in their next budget for the Kent Yost Office to pur-
chase property in addition to the piece they are contemplating buying, to
allow for off-street parking. The motion was duly seconded and passed.
James St. Councilman Pozzi reported that he, Councilman Mooney and the
City Engineer had met with Mr. Borick and Mr. Urfer about securing dedications for t e
extension of James St. The dedications were agreed to by both parties and by motion
the City Attorney was authorized to draw up the necessary papers.
LOGGING A letter was read from Mr. Throckmorton, stating that he would start cut-
ting trees on Dec. 11. Councilman Strain suggested we have someone check
to see just what trees were being cut, Mr. Sherwood said he would check
into it.
ZONING REZONE An application for a rezone from R-A to M-2 by Kent highlands Inc.
was read. A letter from M.C. Bouldron opposing the rezone was placed ,on
file for the hearing. By motion, a public hearing wasset for Jan. 7th.
Zoning Ordinance A letter was presented from the Planning Commission con-
taining proposed amendments to the Zoning ordinance 41071) , which was
referred to the City Attorney by motion.
Race Track A letter was read from James Curran, attorney for residents
in the OTBrien area, protesting the action of the City Engineer in grant-
ing a building permit for the construction of a temporary office building
preliminary to the•'construction of a stock car race track. By motion,
the letter was placed on file. A copy was sent to the City attorney byl
Mr. Curran.
COURT Councilman Matthewe reported that Mayor Thornton had met with Police
ROOM Chief Lee and Judge-elect Fiori regarding the use of the upstairs audi-.
torium as a courtroom instead of remodeling the present courtroom. Mr.
Sherwood explained the proposed plan, which calls for a raised digs.
Councilman Pozzi asked how this would effect the amount of rent . By motio
the Mayor was authorized to discuss this with the King County Property
LEGISLATION A statement on City policy regarding inball machines, punchboards and
other trade stimulants was read. The �ity desires to go on record in
recommending, to the State Legislature that legislation be passed to re-
move the ambiguity of the present situation. By motion, the Council en-
dorsed this. policy. Councilman Mooney moved for City Attorney Thatcher
to draw a resolution to this effect and for copies to be sent to the
state legislators. The motion was duly seconded and passed.
VALLEY VISTA Resolution 482", stating that the City will entertain the annexation of
SUBURBAN VIEW'Valley Vista-Suburban view area, and that the City will require the
assumption of existing bonded indebtedness by the area was passed by mo-
tion. The City Clerk will so notify the petitioners.
SOIL CON- Mr. Sherwood and Mayor Thornton reported on a soil conservation meeting
SERVATION in Renton, attended by representatives from the Army Lngineers, Kent ,
Tukwila and Renton. The oil Conservation Service reported that the
. money allocated for the study of the problem has been exhausted. Kent 's
share of the amount needed for further study is $1,000. Councilman
Matthews moved that the Mayor be empowered to make this commitment at
the next meeting, Jan. 8th. Under discussion, Councilman Durand suggeste
that the City delay action until the next Council meeting to allow more;;
time for studying the problem before allocating the money. The motion '.
was passed, with Durand voting nay, after the Mayor explained that much:
study had already been made on this problem.
BID (SEWER) Service controls Company of Portland, Ore. submitted a bid in the amount
of $2,480.409 including tax, for the installation of electrical controls
for the dines addition Sewage Lift Station. By motion the bid was awarded
to this cogipany,:
Current Expense $10,605.80
Water 5,127.38
Street 1,198.67
Sewer 1,349.75
Garbage 4.68
Library 155•84
Park 186.88
Mayor City Clerk