HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/03/1962 Kent, Washington I I I December 3 , 1962 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council: present : 1,lavor Thornton, Councilmen Durand, I'vlatthews, Ivloone-r, Pozzi, Strain and Uoodworth.. Minutes of the last meeting approve, except the text relating to the valley li Freeway should read : REGISTERED letters to be sent to Senator Stender, Representative Biglev and Representative Beierlein. ZVATER Citv Engineer Sherwood reported that the easement in the Covington b}Mopping Center area for the old wooden transmission line was no longer being used byl the citzr. The City Attorney prepared a release of easement document, and by motion, the City Clerk and the 14avor were authorized to sign it. i Orillia Area Councilman 6train reported that the 'outer Uommittee had met with the City Engineer to discuss the possibility of having a Local improve meat District for larger water mains in the Orillia area. r$r. Sherwood will submit an estimate of the cost Noon. Water Charges Councilman Strain moved for the City Clerk to be instructed to � write to those water users who have not been paying the regular rate, informing them that it has become evident through information from the state auditor, that their will be required to pay the regular water charges. This letter is to be sent before the next billing. The motion was duly seconded and passed.! Billing Mavor 'Thornton reported that he had conferred with the pity Treasurer on the matter of having the billing and collecting done in separate offices. City Attorney Thatcher read a resolution he had prepared requiring the separ�- tion of billing and collecting, but the resolution was tabled by motion, j pending further study of the problem. S} �+ER Sum, lies A letter was read from the Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. suggesting the its enter into a contract for sul:plies for 1963 . The Purchasing "Agent announced that "spot" ordering had always been satisfactory in the past, and he saw no need to have a contract. By motion the seggestion by Pennsalt was rejected. Treatment Plant Councilmen 1,looney and Strain reported that Hill & Ingman i have requested a letter from the citjr instructing them to expedite the pro- cessing of 'their report now in the hands of the State Dept. of Health and the State Pollution Control Commission. By motion, the City Clerk was in- structed to write such a letter. STREETS City Engineer Sherwood reported the dedication of 228th (Taylor lid. ) would be satisfactory to the city. City Attorney Thatcher read Ord. 1165 accepting the dedication, which was then passed by motion. Extension of James Councilman Mooney met witl, the Howard brothers, of Howard ' Manufacturing Company, about securing dedications for the extension of James ) St. He reported that the Howards were most cooperative, and the City Engineer was instructed to draw up a draft. F'uget' Sound Power & Light seems favorable also. The City Engineer will arrange a meeting within the next two weeks, with IIr. Borek and Illr. Urfer, the other property owners involved. Councilmen Fozz;i and Moonev will also attend this meeting. i Alley Mr. Sherwood reported on the situation concerning the alley between 4th and 5th on Gowe. Vallev Finance is developing a parking area, and if they I use part of the alley for this purpose, the city garbage trucks will no longer, have access. A release on the alley has alrf,ady been given by !firs. Kraus. Councilman Mooney moved that the city continue their rights to the alley 'by use". Motion duly seconded and passed. Topping Trees A letter was read from Mr. and 1v}rs. Sam Argyr, requesting the city to act on their complaint about some dangerous trees on neighboring property. Mr. Sherwood reported. that there has been some difficulty in as- certaining whether the trees are on city property or on private property. Mr. Thatcher advised that a release must be secured before the city can top or remove the trees. Councilman Pozzi moved a release be secured and the trees be removed, which was duly seconded and passed. Councilman Matthews suggested that the city take action to get the street deeded to the city, an voted nay on Pozzi 's motion. The City Attorney suggested the party be ad- vised that some question of ownership exists, and in view of the complaints about the trees, she could be liable if any damage is caused by them. The City Engineer was instructed to send a letter to the woman, advising her of the facts and requesting a release from her. A motion was made and Massed for Mr. Sherwood to write such a letter. � i TR:IFFIC One-Viav Street Sup't Lendall reported the one-way signs will be installed CONTROL this week, Councilman Pozzi stated the one-wav streets will go into effe6t on iiondav, Dec.10th. i,ir. Burdic asked that consideration be ;riven to having Smith St. as far as lst Ave . or the railroad tracks, remain two- way because of the heavv truck traffic. Pozzi said the sugf;estion will be considered during the 30 to 45 day trial period. I.ir. )urdic then called attention to the fact that a one way sign at the corner of Shinn and the tj+est Valle'T }fir' way waF� uncovered. The Street Sup't was instruct- ed to replace the cover. Crosswalk Councilman Pozzi asked the Uity , rigineer if the Dept. of high- ! ways had reported vet on the traffic count at the crosswalk on b1eeker be tween 2nd and 4th. I'Ir. Sherwood stated the Dept. had not made the survey as yet, but that it was scheduled. for later in the month. f Washington State Patrol Councilman I400nelr made a 'motion to have the City Clerk write to the Chief of the 41`ashington State Patrol complirnentirg the Local Valley Detachment for the fine work they have done patrolling the area between Kent and Penton. Motion was duly seconded and passed. A letter of appreciation to the retiring sleriff was also authorized. Parking Councilman `Vq'oodworth reported he had received a request from the Chamber of Uommerce to have the parking meters hooded from Dec.lU through Dec. 24th, and moved that the request be granted. The motion was passed, and under discussion, Councilman i-Iooney suggested that the commute con- sider blocking off some meters to alleviate turning problems in come of the congested areas. FINANCE Councilman (looney reported that th :re was a reed for s7 tablishirrg a defin- ite policy regarding vacation, paid holidays and sick leave for city employees. A study is being made and official action will be taken by the council. CHERRY HILLS City Attorney Thatcher reported that a request had been made to the city ESTATE PLAT to have a water easement released from the Cherry Hills Estates flat. By ' motion,the I%rayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the quit claim j deed. VALLEY VISTA By motion, the Council voted to accept the 10`� petition, and will require SUBURBAN VIEW the assumption of existing general bonded indebtedness of the city by the ANNEXATION Valley Vista-Suburban View area. The City Attorney will draw the neces.s, ary resolution. POLICE COMh7-Ordinance 1164, setting the fees for all dog licenses at 1,2.00 was passed ITTEE by motion. This ordinance amends Ordinances 1102 and 931. STATE HIGH- Two agreements were received from the State Highway Uommission. One WAY CO;Sl. concerned snow removal and the other related to a portion of highway to be turned over to Kent by the state . Both proposals were referred to the Street Committee for further study. (LIGHTS Councilman Durand reported he had had a request from the Iolice Dept. to ' check into better lighting facilities for the East and Nest Valley highways and also the Reiten Road and James Street. His committee will check into this and will report at a future meeting. j ZONING A Public Hearing was held on the Simon request for a rezone from R-1 to C-3 . There were no objections, and the hearing was declared closed. Ordinance 1163 , approving the rezone was read, and passed by motion. REAUTIFI- A letter was read from the O'Brien Garden Club, thani:ing the City for CATION their decision to retain the planters. The Street Sup't will work with the Park Dept. and the garden clubs on repairing the planters and decor- ating them suitably for the holidays. CHERRY A letter was read from Mr. Powell of Cherry Park Estates requesting a PARK letter verifing that the City of Kent will reimburse the Midway Land ESTATES Company for the cost of the service control system in 1963 . By motion, I the Clerk was instructed to write to hIr. Powell, informing him that as per the original agreement, the reimbursement will be allowed in the 1961 budget. LEGISLATION A resolution from the Kent Public Schools was read requesting tlat the city consider including the Scenic hill School and the Kent-Meridian Hig School in any future annexations to the East. By motion, the resolttion was placed on file. A letter was read from the City of Tacoma requesting a resolution from Kent, urging the Governor and the Highway Director to provide for the development of the Naches Pass Highway and tunnel at the corning session of the Legislature. By motion, the Clerk was instructed to draft such a resolution. I I i CIVIL Don Bell, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, announced that Gertrud SERVICE Bovell was resigning from her position as secretary, effective December 31 t. Phyllis Mauritsen will serve as acting secretary while the Civil Service Commission fulfills the regular required procedure. By motion, a letter of appreciation was authorized to be sent to Mrs. Bovell, and by motion, Mrs. Mauritsen was appointed acting secretary. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Pavroll $24167.17 Current Expense 2486•82 Water 4945.65 Street 4132.93 Sewer 14321.93 Garbage 234•$1 Library 66.44 Park 178. 53 Parking Meter 40.96 r MEETING ADJOURNED l� ;A�TLE TH0RNT0N CHAS. BRIDGES MAYOR CITY CLERK