HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/19/1962 31,
Kent , Washin,�tcn
November 19 , 1962
Re-ular meeting of the rent City council : pro? r.nt : .'t"or Thornton, Councllwom'In
BovelJ_ , Counci.Lmen Durand, Matt} evas , rioonev, I ozzi_ , Strain and Woodworth .
I z
h'Iinu-tes of tl-,c last rneetinr7 approv(:d as l r"_rltQu .
tirATER Water District 75 ;1 letter was re.:Id from ld�ter, Itob(.,rts and Shefelman ,
attornevs , i.nforrni.ru-, the City that the order disco__ ; ins the law suit
against uJD 75 was sinned by Jud(re James and filed Piov. hh,- B,,r motion
the letter, was pl.--Iced on file.
I Easement City Attornev fl)atcher• oinounced he h-((' been coantacted 1— the
Covington Shoppirnfr, Center r(ryardin an old 1.,rat;(,r ta:rin ri ht of wa,,r that
had been abandoned 15 years ago . Thatcher stated that a relea, e of
ea: ement was tree necessar,, action, and ref-r•red tl,�, :natter to the '�it�
'dnr'i_neer for further stud,,.
Councilman Mooney rehorted that tli� �ti1_road. � �tr,rn Irocn�sin�r, Company
and residents in the Oril.lia area n.-.<ar S. 21.2tl) bet1>rer n E-lst Vallev
Ni�hway and the ''lest Vallev I[iphwav have exprer;s,ed- some interest in
having a local Improvement District ,`'r.)r ,stains . By motion,
the tit<, LnrJ-neer wa: instructed to draw a roulrh or-aft of th, cost of sucl
a Local ltrrhrovemr�nt wist,rict .
JTR'`'S�T� One-''Iav City lsn,rin er rwood r. I,orted that tl. cti_, a,a tr. r,t, ain no
,.f J _ Z S F� J}'�c� cn' ce P_'� 4 c, �
into effect on IJov . t 1 if e ;Lat(1 DeI-t . 171 es that
everything; is ready.
STRIPING C i.tv isn�rirrner -her000d report�,d the :aril ins- oil Centr_t1 rive.
probably will not be fin i she d until Sprinf- .
Dedication City ,ittorne TI,atcl.er reported can a reHue:>t from the »ent
Development Compranv and Charlie Dialler about dedicat-irr�r ('Taylor
Road ) . The matter seas reforre(i to t' , Cite »rtr--r.eer to sr,(,, if the dedi-
cation would be r) cetol o -otion , r. 5. l i } erwood is to
report at the rtext r-Iular meeting.
James or .dinner Councilman Pozz_i reported on a raeetinrr with the riilwauk��e
and Dnion _T7i.fic Railroad:. which iva:- arran'—d to d:iscucs securinrs, of the
dedications necessary to "xterrd cJames Street . IJo a" reefrlent was reached ,
but Counci.lmir Aioonev stated he would report on hie ; min.T meeting with
LIr. Foward , of Howard Jiariufacturin , Co.
TR:'t1 t'1C Councilman Poz��,i reported that, lti cor�irn .ttr= ! ,id writ.tun to the Deptt . of
CONTROL Highways about the advisab-flit; of clan,-in,c t;Ite cro_awall: between 2nd
and 4th on 1V1ee1-er to a I:ush button co ,trolled cro:;sinf,.. The Dept . wi J_1 send
a representative to i`:ent to take a traffic and pedc_-tri�.tu count ar,d wil_
then make their recot,aendation to the comraittee .
ROOc: Fublic i;carin,7 wa, i.eld on the riire,<atiori . ller;, vi ri� ; no ohjectiors
A i ;XATIOf' and the heari ntr wac declared ca >ed . ordinance lir,l _tJ pr ovinr, th^ annexa-
tion, and s(tttinr, the ef£ectivts date a:: December 1- ) 19u2 , wa read and
passed b motion . Under discussion , Councilman I"ozzi ;;lade rr motion to
have a lettt,r written to the l lannlnf` C rnmiSsiun r('cot!Imendln:^ <( ' CtbaCl{S
on the Benson hir;hway. Councilr,;an ',voodvaorth arnonded tie motion to read
for the Plarining "ommir'sion to consider the matter of setb.�-cks in this
annexation. Oie amended motion was duly seconded and passed.
ShrJJICR Kentwood Fills Letters were received from the Lngton State ft�l lotion
Control Commission and the State Department of Health, aiprovin( 4C con-
nections for Kentwood Hills .
F'ark Orchard Letters were rne(,ived i'rcm the :gate 1 o]_lutiorn Control
Corn-mir-sion ant t;1 e Utate Derartcrent; of health ra ; I;r ;virrp 51 coun�>ct,ion I'or
Park Orchard ;:"1r-.
Treatment Ilant Councilwoman t-)oveli r">rort(,(i on a rar--tirro from '�Ial-t i.,am-:ev
of liil.l_1� In ;man in '.vh_ich Ftamse'r re-orte.d tkat :it ;�rovai frorrr the re:.,u1a-
tory arrenci r"<- 1-:1s not yet boen rec-i.ved on tale I�r(�] or t; on the
treatmont l lant. A memo was read frorrr Iii11 Y� _Ln n7n stat9.nr tr°gat th(,
applic stion for a feri�_,ral grant for trnl rovi_nt, the plant
has been rrepared and 15 r(?a(1'' for the J',Ia�rOr� S 11 -riatur'e . L , 'notion, the
Mayor was autl-ori:,,ed t,) si;rn the application.
STRis},'r Councilman LluranfJ rr-rl,ort(td he h d recr ived a rrtaur=st for rr :- treet light
LI1111TS on Third Ave . , betiii-en Goore ar,i i it;u: . after cl eckinf�,, he said he felt
there wa:; a nE',ed for it: , and 'Ov motion the r;'ctUF,;-t -,3pprov� d .
TIi4BIsR City En7inecr �1,erwood r(�rortr,d that; tl r i.;r -inr~ of' one F-cctio n of the
Pent Springs area is now underway.
POLICE Trains Councilman r,joodworth retorted he I�ad written to thethrourintendent
COI,Ii,':ITTEE of the NPRR regarding the excessive speed of trains €, g
city, but as yet has had no reply.
Dogs Ordinance 1162, raising the price of dog licenses and amending
other sections of Ordinance 931, was read, and passed, by motion.
Police Exams Donald Bell, Jr. commented on the fine job that was done
on of the police exams, which were given
by the committee in the preparati
during the week.
BANNERS Councilman Ilrtthews reported he had prepared a draft for an ordinance on
banners. He will submit it to the City attorney after checking it with
the Building Committee.
FINANICE Councilman Mooney reported that the Cit Treasurer felt his office didn't
need a' cash register at this time. i-Ir. Cavanaugh did not concur witl thel
auditor 's surzgestion that the billing and collecting be done in separate
offices. Councilman iozzi moved that the i-iavor and city Clerk confer
further with the treasurer and rel:ort back to the Corneal before further j
action is taken. 14otion duly seconded and pawed.
BIDS Bids for a new billinfT machine for the treasurer ' ,- office were read. Bur-
roughs submitted a bid of $4652.2� , which included an allowance of y�1500
for the old machine. National Cash Register "o. bid $3 ,982 .03 • By motion;
the bid was awarded to National Cash.
Valley Vista
;VALLEY VISTA A petition was read from aproximately 4G residents in the
a letter.
(SUBURBAN VIEW Suburban View area, requesting; annexation to the City of
from the City Enf-:ineer was read, stating that the signatures represented
owners of more than 1U%o of the assessed valuation of tl,e area. Council-
woman Bovell moved tl at a meeting be �-et with the petitioners for 7
on Dec. 3rd, and that the petitioners be notified of this meeting. Notion
duly seconded and I;assed.
VALI T!Y Councilman .Strain moved that the T,,iayor and Gity Clerk and Councilman
FREEWAY Pozzi get together to draft a letter to send to Senator otender, Repre-
Binley and Representative Beierlein stating Kent 's position ,
co TESOF -RHF2RTo sentative Freeway. He said he felt this clarification ,
MI UT6SOF_12-36 on the subject of the Valley
was necessar'T in view of the statements made by Representative Beirelei.n '
at a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.
Current Expense *6044.39
ln,ater 3 G02. 50
Street 9b4.30
Sewer 139•69
Garbage 850•87
Library 12334.00
Park 781.30
-23-7- 238,2 ,244-- 55 .43 L