HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/05/1962 Kent, Washing_,tori November 5 , 1962 Regular meeting of Ve "ent Cite- Council : hresent : Mayor Thornton , Councilwoman J- 6vell , Councilmen : Durand , 41;Itthews , Ilooney, fozzi , Strain and 'Aoodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. 19 A T E,R Councilman Strain reported on two problek3 concerninr, the extension of intake facijities an alark Springs . The Wnn-vilie Power Adminstration a6H50d him that the City will have 0) bear the cost-, of raising the line to provide adequate clearance so a crane can be safely operated in the area . The bureau of Fishories has limited th, time of opprLition to the period between June I ind September 1-, 1`05 - Councilman Mooney moved that the vater Committee be instructed to check with the billing clerk to see if evervony connected to the water system is making I)avmenLs , including lodges and churcl,es, and if' not , to enforce the ordinance . lMotion duly seconded and passed . Councilman Mooney reported that the state Auditor recommended t1lat the billing and collecting be done in separate offices . he followed this With a motion for the ordinnpces to he revised , erfective the first of th(,' year, to conform with the Auditorle r­c,,)r,mcitdation- The motion wan duly seconded and passed . SE„ i I Court c i lwolnan Boveli stated she had received a report submitted bv, Krisstofferspn , chief operator of the 3ewnFe Ilant, on the jew-ge conven- tion he had attended in baleen Oregon. Aristofferson stated the convention was highly informative . By motion , the report was placed on file. Er. Ramsey, of hill nnd Ingman submitted a memo on the study of the Treat- ment Plant. Alproval from the regulaLory agencies has not been received as yet , but the Council authorized Pill & ingmun to file the ajj,lication now. STRE,',�TS Mayor Thornton asked L;0u11cilMari 1oz7,i what was bein.-, done about the cul- vert on the Reiten toad. hozzi reported that the Pislieries Dej:artment had informed him that the City has to provide an opening; every 1W in the culvert. he staved further that the City Engineer and the foreman of the Street Department felt the job could be done without a call for bids. Mayor Thornton stated he felt there waF a need to oper, up i4cf1illerl 20reet from Temperance Street to the creek , and asked Chat the )treet Uorninittee look into this. STRJ-,,!;,'T City Engineer Sherwood reported on the Dunham K Marlowe reauesU to have a VACATION portion of an unnamed street vacated. As required by t;ity policy,, he has had the area appraised. The aVpraisai wasdI980, and a check for A118yof which is half this amount less the ,,_IOC ori,­,ina_1,._Ly deposited , was received from Russell Dunham. dy motion Ordinance K 7, alprovirif7 the vacation was, passed. STREET NOW City Attorney Thatcher read Ordinance INK , providing for the change of street names in the city. By motion , the ordinance was passed . I,TRAFFIC Mayor Thornton asked what progress had been made in preparing: Crowe Street (',u�,,ITROL for one-way traffic . City Engineer ohnrwood reported he had contacted the railroad and will submit a sketch to them. A sketch has alre,,.cdy been sub- mitted to them of the Shinn Street area relative to getting the spur track on the East side raised to alleviate the Vradn problem. A meeting with the railroad is scheduled for this week and the matter may be discussed then. Sherwood announced tl,at the traffic light for Gowe &, Central is available Councilman Pozzi stated the Street `committee would write a letter to faci,1- itate the installation of the light. Councilman Nlooney requested the Street Committee to look, into the advis- ability of making the pedestrian crosswalk on Keeker between 2nd & 4th into a pushbutton crossing. JUSTICE Mavor Thornton announced he had met with the Zinn county property officeri COURT regarding the renovating of the court room. They decided to enlarge the present room by takinE in the adjacent washroom, for the new Justice Court. Rent has been fixed at *lCO per month , starting January first . By motion, the Council confirmed the Mayor ' s action. 13 11)S Bids for a 7 foot fence, without barbed wire , for the Treatment Flant were read by the City clerk. T11e foilowi:, , bids were submitted : Cascade V'ence Co. :0175-00 Sears &- lCoe'L)L,Wk 3491. 79 Cyclone. Fence 6o. 49"-C 0 By motion, the bid was awarded to Sears & hoebuck. bids for a cash register arid a bill! n,; machine . Bids are to be read at T seconded and asked. the December 17th meeting. J'iotion dull, I%" LID 243 Ordinance 1158 , approving any! corlfirrniji;-, LID 243 (Kentwood hill fewer ) i was by motion .1dol-ted. I LID 244 City ngineer her,�iood reported Yj� had checked tI e objection of I1Ir. Kay and found fie was not included in the aEsessrnent roll. By motion the �we's - ;rrent roll, was approved �:_ind confirmed _�s printed. Ordinance 1159, aPP i ing and confirming.LID 244 (Lake Fenwick ..titer i��lain ) wa by moti n, passed. ay- 1-ld on the request of Har]_a ZONING Bull & Uenino A public hearing w n Bull and uualter Venino to have a tract �_n the O'Brien area rez_,,ned from ii,'A to tlese A group of residents from the area pretested the rezoning. Among n, an ! were : 1. Anderson , 'I.L. ;Tiller, Oliver . allenberg, Earl ilcLaughl_in, and Mr. Ordonio . 1t the request of the protestors , City .LttOrney !'hatcher ! explained that those r��.uesting rezone,- were not required to state the purpose the area would be used for. lair. Bull was questionk3lb­ Council- i men P,iooney and Durand and stated tf,at the area consisted o1' 52 acres , and he had no specific industry in mind. Mr. Thatcher read a list of industries permitted' in an I -1 zone , and clarified a question put to him about taxes. A rezone does not automatically increase taxes, he stated. The hearing was declared closed. Ordinance 1155 , approving the rezone request of Bull & Venino from MA to ICI-1 was read, and by motion, passed. Thorpe, Thompson & Norwood : A public hearing was Yield on the request of j Thorpe, Thompson and Norwood to have an area rezoned from C-3 to There were no objections, and the hearing was declared closed. urdiriance' I 1156, approving the rezoning was read , and by motion, passed. Simon The application of Ernest jirnon for a rezone from R-1 to C-3 , approved by the Flannirlg Commission, was introduced.. A Public Hearin-; was set for the regular meetinrr, of December 3rd. CLAI',S A letter was': read from Donald Dahlgrerl, attorney for Frank E. Baker, re AGAINST THE garding a claim resulting from an accident on Oct. 3 , 1902. pity Attorney CITY Thatcher reported this matter has been placed in the hands of our incur- ance carrier. CIVIL A letter of resignation as Civil Defense Director was read from Edward DEFENSE Costello. On motion, the resignation was accepted , and the clerk was in structed to write a letter of appreciation to him. Y,Iayor Thornton intro- duced Donald Zelinsky, whom he recently appointed to take ilr. Costello ' s place. By motion, the Uouncil confirmed the appointment. flr. %'elinsky i stated he had acquired aathetyublic Civil throuDefense the officeaofons the�rCitynd hCle�rk. i would be glade available to P PUBLIC A petition was read reouesting the Cityto enforce the ordinance relating ! NUISANCE to the 30 mph speed limit for trains €going through the City. The City Attorney advised that action could sometimes be accomplished by writing this was I-laced in the hands of the Police to the railroad . By motion, Committee . ROOS City Attorney Thatcher requested. tl�at Nov. lyti; be the date set for a ANNEXATION hearing on the Roos Annexation. By motion, date so set. PLANNING Mavor Thornton announced the resignation of Orman Smith from the I'larinin'g COIIi4ISSION Commission and the appointment of Millard (Jimmy) Bouldron. By -notion, The City Clerk rags instructed to the Council confirmed the appointment . Smith. write a letter of ap7>reciation to i'ir. tment to repair the planters, an BEAUTIFI- Mayor Thornton requested the Street Depard CATION asked that the press carry an item requesting the garden clubs to decor-: ate them suitably for the coming holidav season. Councilman 'iJoodworth reported that some of the rner•chants 'rave requested that the planters be moved back from the curb to prevent damage to them by cars pulling; in to park. CLAIb1S PRESENTED AIM ALLOWED AS F'OLLO-J >: Payroll $25 , 00o.6& Current Expense 2 ,243 .45 titi`ater 2 , 854.10 Street 2 , 440.00 Sewer 1, 223 .15 I Garbage 200.95 Library 47.73 Park 222 .06 Parking Meter 54. 50 ! MEETING ADJOURZJN D ALEX TPORNTON c_ _ CH' S. BRIDGES MAYOR CITY CT,I1;Rl