HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/15/1962 Kent, Washington, October, 15th, 1962
Regular meeting of the City Council : present : Mavor Thornton, Council-
woman Bovell, Councilmen : Durand, Matthews , Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
Clerk' s and Budget reports submitted and filed.
ENGINEER' S City Engineer Sherwood reported on the damage caused by the storm over
REPORT the week-end. The fence around the million gallon tank on the West Hill ,
was damaged. Power was out at the water pump station which sulplies the
Hines Additon was out of service from Friday night to Sunday morning. As
far as could be determined at the time, there was no damage to the equip-
ment. The treatment plant was also out of service for some time due to
the power failure. Mr. Sherwood commended the Street Department 011 their
fine work in marking and clearirig,, felled trees. The Water Department was
also commended for the long hours they were "on call" .
WATER CON- City Clerk Bridges announced he had received one be on the electrical
iTROLS BID equipment for the water pumping station controls . On motion, the bid, in
the amount of $3388 plus tax, was awarded to Service Controls Company,
Portland , Oregon.
SCHOOLS & City Engineer Sherwood requested permission for Herb '�Nilke , Building
:CONVENTIONS Inspector to attend a Building Officials short course in Pullman, Novem"
ber 5th, bth, 7th, and 8th. B7 motion, permission was granted.
ZONING City Clerk Bridges announced he Lad received two applications for rezonir�-,,
from the Planning Commission. Russell Thorpe , Ralph Thomson, and Glenn
Norwood requested a C-3 area be changed to an M-i , and harian bull and
Walter Venino requested an MA area changed to M-1. By motion , Public
hearings were set for these two for Nov . 5th , the next regular meeting.
Gonnason Rezone A Public Hearing was held on the James Gonnason request
for a rezone from R-1 to R-3 . Attorney 'harles Curran? representing 13
residents of the Cherry Hills area protested the rezoning. Mr. Curran
stated his clients felt that the rezoning of this area to R-3 to allow the
building of apartments would adversely affect the value of their property
which is in an R-1 area. Mr. Gonnason was present, but declined to make
any comment . It was pointed out that the Comprehensive Map makes no pro-
vision for mutiple dwellings in this particular area. By motion, duly
seconded and passed, the request was denied.
STREET VACA-A Public Hearing was held on the Dunham-Marlowerequest to have a street
TION vacated . The City engineer reported the procedure met with the City 's
policy on street vacations. There were no objections and the hearing was
declared closed. The city "ngineer will proceed with the appraisal .
LIP 244 The hearing on LID 244, Lake Fenwick eater Kain was opened. Mr. "illiam
M. Kay read a protest , stating that his property lies along the Easterly �
margin of the Reith Road and according to his legal description, does
not touch upon the Lake Penwick Road at all. the protest was filed with
the City Clerk. The City Engineer was instructed to check into this matter
and report his findings at the next meeting. The hearing was held over
until that titrie, by motion.
LID 21r3 A public Hearing on LID 243 , Lentwood Hills Sewer, was Opened. City Clerk
Bridges stated that Hr. Brannon had withdrawn his objection to the assess-
ment . Mr. Sherwood reported he bad checked Mr. Nottals property and he
felt that the elevation of the sewer was adequate for all but a A to 401
triangular shaped piece . By motion, the assessment roll wa,. approved as
published. City Attorney Thatcher stated he would draw the necessary
ordinance for the next meeting.
�ROOS, Mr. Thatcher reported a I-Soard of Review meeting was held on Oct. 10th on !
ANNEXATION the Roos annexation. The County (lid not lave a representative present . Mr.
Frank Roos was appointed resident member of the board. The 1'rinexation was
approved and will be signed by the members before tl,e next Council meeting
at which time the City Attorney will ask the Council to set a date for the
Public Hearing.
POLICE Councilman ti�oodworth raised the question of a proposed ordinance dealing
COi•'JIITTEE with the required registration of felons in the City. Chief Lee was intro-
duced and he spoke in favor of the measure , stating that King County,
Renton and Auburn have such an ordinance. This ordinance provides that
persons who hive been convicted of a crime would have to register with the
Police Department within 48 hours of their arrival in Kent. They would be'
required to inform the Department of their previous convictions , time
served, name and aliases , and the local address where they may be reached.
City Attorney Thatcher spoke against this proposal, stating,, that to thus
burden a m,,in who has alroady PQrved his time , is to infringe upon his
d by
was made that this proposed ordinance not passed , I'ozzi1evotiv. nay
motion was duly seconded and passd, with
Councilman Islatthews made a statement complimenting Chief Lee orl the fine
service the Police Department Ira;• been rendering; to the City .
SE W ER Councilwoman Bovell reported on a ineet i_n!,1 pith Hi_Ll ac "IF man, the Mate
Pollution Control Commission and the Det <_rrtment of Health, who recommend=
ed tY�at improvement:; be made a,; soori as possible to give added capacity
to the treatment plant. Cor-incilwornan Boi:r?ll rriade _r motion for the City
to proceed with the Improvements recommc rrded in the preliminary reI ort,
provided they are approved by the regulat;ory agencies , a nd for tile- City
Engineer to prepare the contr=rct, 1,lans , and s1:ecifications for the im-
provements ; monies to be Laid from fun n ds ow i,tvailable for sewage improve-
ments. Motion passed.
SEV,IER Councilman Moonev commented on Ordinance 1142 , which raised the rates for'
CHARGES connecting to the sewer. Formerly it cost $10, and now there is a $70
connection fee , in addition to the "'IO. Mr. Mooney asked if the ordinance
could be amended to allow the people who have been paying a service charge
of p2. 50 per month, to now connect at the *lU rate . Councilman Strain
stated that these peol:le could have connected. to the sewer before the
ordinance was passed. City Attorney Thatcher stated that these peol;le took
the risk of the charge being~ raise i when they didn't connect in the first
place , and tI e City can 't differentiate now betweeii the new cust�)'W�l':
and these old ones. Councilwoman Bovell pointed out that they have been
paying tine service charge of $2. 50 montY,ly, just Lis though they were con-
nected . Mr. Thatcher pointed out that this was a different matter entire-
ly; one is the Sewer Service charge and the other is the Sewer "onriection
Councilman i,Ioonev moved for those who have been paying the sewer service
fee since the in of their LID be allowed to connect under the
original fee . Motion seconded , but lo-,t, with 4 nays and 3 ayes. Iflr.
IYooney then moved for the City Engineer and the :=ewer Billing, Clerk to be
instructed to start charging the sewer service charge to all people with-
in 200' of the sewer, that is , all those geographically able to hook up.
Motion duly seconded and passed.
TIA�BER Councilman Matthews announced he had studied the report submitted b,,,, ilr.
Eastman, who cruised the Icy Creek arc-a for the City. On llr. hiattYrews
motion, the CitNr Attorney swan reai_iested to write to hir. Throckrnorton,
clarifving for him the exact conditions of the contract , regarding which
trees he ma,,r cut .
Current Expense il3502. 86
Water 1198.23
Street 3428.37
Sewer 1,487.81
Garbage 509.68
Library 184.64
Park 201.43
! Parking Meter 81.71
LID 244 70.22