HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/01/1962 Kent, Washington October 1, 1962 Regular meeting of the Kent Cite Council : l resent :Mayor Thorrton, Councilmen : Durand, Matthews) Mooriey, 11ozzi and atvairi. Minutes of the last regular meeting allroved as printed. WATI?R 11D7 A letter was recc,,ived from ` ter- District '/5 accepting the franchises granted by our Ordinances 1144 aril 1145 . A cop•T of their resolution r/ 62-9-19A was enclosed. Receil.t of the resolution has been acknowledged , and by motion the lett,�r and resolution have been l;laced on file . CA1'I`I'AL CU"STRUCTIOi1 Councilman Strain reported lie had conferred with Citv Attorney ` hatcher on ti!e re��jording of the a�;ree.iient with Cal ital Construction. The word "control" is to replace the word "terminate" in the Modification Agreement drawn up by I,lr. Curran, attorney for Capital Construction. By motion the Cite/ Clerk an,] the l�iayor were authorized to sign the Modification Agreement, olitj� Councilman 1,,latthews voting nay. TII.113hR ICY CREEK A letter -i.a read from Mr. 'rl)rockmorton reque��ting an extension of time to January 1, 1963 , as agreed ulon for the removal of certain trees from the Icv Creek tract. 13, motion the City Clerk wa instructed to write granting the extension and informing Mr. I'hrockrnorton that he i_ to contact the City Clerk before removing any timber from the area. CRUISE City Clerk Bridges anrioiir:ced lie lad a detailed report from i4'- East== man who cruised the tirr.b�-r in thc� Icy Creek area. 13y motion the report ti, as placed on file . Sr;��ER By motion , Resolution V`(! was passed, authorizing the lurchase of a $1, 000 bond for Permit S-1576 for the installation of a sewer line acros_; 1I1 5-A• SHINN ST. City Engineer Sherwood reported the project at 6th avid Shinn is almost finished and should be completed �ri.ti in the next two vie -1 s . LID 243 A Public Hearing was held on the final assessment roll for LID 243 . 14r. Rotta stated the City had nevcrr obtained an easement to cross his property. Cit�r Attorne- Thatc; er exl Lamed that this matter was in the hands of our insurance carrier. 11r. Rotta further objected to the assea;ment claiming the levation of the sewer line was too high to be useful to sum^ of the property. Mr. Earl Brannon 'wa.- pr,��serit also and he auestirnedwhetl_(.r tl�e swampy part of his property should be assessed since he felt it alas doubtful that any homes could be hunt in this area. Ly motion the Council decided to hold the hearing over for two weeks, till the next regular meeting to hive the objectors time to .ub star,tiate their claims. A letter was read from an attorney,r representing Ilr. l°;illiarn v'4inder, object- ing to any change in the assessment roll. �;r motion the letter was placed on file. STREETS Councilman Pozzi reported the plaving of James Street has been completed, which should alleviate some of the congestion on Smitli Street. 13ACIFIC Councilman Strain announced he had attended the races at pacific Raceways 'RACEWAYS on Sunday, in the absence of 1,1avor Thornton. He said lie felt this was a highly successful venture �ahich hay; brought a lot of bu:;iness into Kent , and holed it would continue to do so. BANNFU..S Councilman Iviattliews announced he had checked with Renton and found that they had not set policy governing the use of advertising banners. On the suggestion of the City Attorney, the Cit,,T Clerk was instructed to write to the Association of ,.'dashington Cities for literature on this subject . ZONING A Public Hearing was held on the zoning of the Mid,.aa_;T area. There were no objections and the hearing was declared closed . Ordinance 1154, zoning the I-1idwav area C-3 and 14FR was read and by motion passed. FINANCE, Councilman Mooney moved for the Clerk to be instructed to hire an appraiser to a praise the area between 3rd and 4th Avenues, Lowe to Titus, excluding the library building. The appraisal is to be broken down as to land and buildings and should be completed i^rithin one month. Motion duly seconded and passed. UUDGF�T & A Public Hearing was held on the Budget for 1963 . The proposed Budget was TAB; LEVY read and there were no ob iections, so the hearing was declared closed. Ordinance 115", adopting the Budget for 1963 was b,T motion 'Passed. Ordinance 1153 adopting the Tax Levy for 1963 was read, and by motion, passed. A letter was read from the Northwest Lot Services Inc. quoting a price for sweeping the additional streets in Kent for 1963 . 'Since the quotation was too late to be included in the Budget for 1963 , an emergency ordinace will. be passed later to cover this expenditure. ROOS AI4NEX-A petition was presented for &P Hous Annexation signed by the owners of ATION not less the 75% of the assessed valuation of the area. City Attorney Thatcher will set a date. CONVENTIONS City Engineer iherwood reported he had attended a meeting of the Washing- ton Good Roads Association in kenatclee . Representatives were present from Auburn and from Renton. The Kent Chanher of Commerce sponsored a resolution read at the meeting asking that work be pursued on the valley freeway. Mr. Sherwood renuested permission for h4self and Mr. Dent to attend an AFWA meeting in OlymFia on Oct. 17th, 18th and 19th. Bar motion permission was granted. Mr. Sherwood asked permission for Bob Kristofferson to attend a Sevaage Pollu- tion Control Association convention in Salem Oreaon, on Oct. 25th and mouth. By motion permission granted. PARK BOARD Nlrs. Hogan asked the Citv Ennineer to prepare an estimate for the cost of installing; water and sower facilities at Scenic Hill "ark. tir. Sherwood will report on this at a future date . CLAIi-IS FRESE'PTED AND ALLCwED AS FOLLO'1JS: Current Expense $7036.37 Payroll $ 24,721 .65 Water 1634.84 Street 8202. 55 Sewer 1499( . 56 Garbage 94.49 Library 46. 50 Park 2392.30 } Parking Meter 76. 73 MEIsTIP•IG A IoURkd�—... CHAS. BRIDGES CITY CLERK I