HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/17/1962 Kent, Washingto n September 17, 1962 i Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Thornton, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen Durand, Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain, and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, except: Resolution 477, should be corrected to read: "Resolution 477, authorizing the purchase of a $1000 bond for franchise # S-1570 for a sewer for asswer line installation was passed." Clerk 's Budget and Treasurer's reports submitted, accepted and placed on file. WATER Mr. Frank Tilly from WD 105 stated that the new IGA on the corner of the Wax Road and Highway 5A had applied to the City for water. Although the store is not within the boundaries of 105, it is right on on the transmission line, and 105 is able to serve them. After much discussion, Councilman Mooney moved the City stay out of it, and let District 105 make the connection. The motion was passed, with Council- man Strain voting nay. Capital Construction : Mr. Curran, attorney for Capital Construction stated there is still the problem of the wording of their contract with the City.. The backers of Capital object to the word "terminate." Mayor Thornton suggested Mr. Curran meet with the City Attorney, and the water and sewer committees, which was agreed to by all. TIMBER Clark Springs Bid Councilman Strain read the bids on the timber at Clark Springs. The firm of Smith & Fardig bid $24, 140, plus 25% on poles. The bid was awarded to them on Mooney's motion, after Pierce ' s bid was set aside for failing to meet the specifications. Councilman Mooney' s motion included the stipulation that the trees be marked and the logging be supervised by a qualified logger. This was agreed to by Mr. Colburn, who represented Smith & Fardig. The motion was duly second ed and passed. Icy Creek Councilman Strain made a motion for the City Clerk to be authorized to write to Mr. Throckmorton informing him that the City is no longer interested in purchasing the timber at Icy Creek. This decision was reached after, a verbal report on the cruise given by the City Clerk. A written report will be sent by Mr. Eastman, who did the cruising. LID 244 The City Engineer recommended the date for the final hearing on the assessment roll for LID 244 (Lake Fenwick Water Main) be set for the Oct . 15th regular meeting. Motion so made, duly seconded and passed. i SEWER Shinn Street: City Engineer Sherwood reported the Shinn Street sewer relocation project is progressing slowly. The contractor will be layin the pipe this week. Letters were received from the Dept. of Health and the Pollution Control Commission approving the plans and specifications for the sewer relocation at Shinn Street. By motion the letters were place on file . Benson Crest Addition: Councilwoman Bovell reported her committee will Wait until after the meeting with the Dept. of Health and the Pollution j Control Commission before answering Mr. Peretti 's request for sewer service for the Benson Crest Addition. Capital Construction: Councilwoman Bovell reported that her committee had written to Mr. Sarkowskv and to Mr. Pike regarding the charges owed to Capital for hook-ups to their line. Cambridge#l : Letters were received from the Department of Health and the Pollution Control Commission approving the project plans for Cam- bridge #1, providing the Citv approves any allocations over 40 Cam- in writing before construction . By motion, both letters were placed on file . Federal "a Schools : Letters were read from the Dept of Health and the State ollution Commission approving the plans and specifications for the sewer at the Jr. High Federal Way School District #210. STREETS James Street : City Engineer Sherwood reports James Street is ready for the crushed rock and paving will start this week. Street Vacation: A letter was read from the Planning Commission recom- mending the request for the vacation of an unnamed street abutting the property of Dunham and Marlowe be granted. By motion, duly seconded an passed, a public hearing was set for Oct. 15th. Continued : Dedication: Ordinance 1151rapacificgRai Arid lroadaccepting staeetdedications purposesfwas two readportions Winner Street by the Northern and by motion, passed. One Way Streets : Ordince 1150, providing for one-way streets in the City was by motion passed. 'OLICE Stop sign: Councilman Woodworth recommended the stop sign at James & Jason be removed. Motion so made , seconded and passed. Police Judge : Mayor Thornton announced he had met with the City Attorney to discuss retaining an attorneyto handle the prosecution in the Police Court. He recommended that George Fiori be retained in this capacity at $100 per week, or less depending upon the number of cases handled, to carry us over to the 1st of the year. Councilman Woodworth so moved. Under discussion, Councilman Mooney noted this would come to $5 ,200 per year, and perhaps the City should consider hiring a full time City Attorney. Councilman 'U+ood- worth 's motion was duly seconded and passed. BIDS ON Bids on a truck for the water department were read. Bowen Scarff Ford Sales TRUCK were low with a bid of $4187, plus tax. By motion the bid was awarded to them. Other bidders were : Valley Motors and Kent Motors. ZONING A public hearing was set for Oct. 15th on the James Gonnason rezoning re- quest from R-1 to R-3 . CAMBRIDGE:A letter was read from the law firm of Roderick, Lobdell, Makus & Coney representing Robert Willet. Enclosed was a copy of a notice of claim of lien against the plat of Cambridge for failure to pair Mr. Willet for his engineering services. By motion the letter was referred to the City Attorney. ARMSCREST A public hearing was held on the proposed plat of Armscrest A. Mr. Ros- coe Collins who lives in the area asked if it was usual for roads to go through private property before platting. It was explained by Councilman Pozzi and by Mr. Curran, who represents Hauge, that the roads have not yet been accepted by the City. Collins made it clear that he was not objecting to the plat, and a motion to postpone the approval was defeated. The hear- ing ing was declared closed, and Ordinance 111,9, approving the plat was with Councilmen Mooney and Strain voting nay. ROOS' Resolution 479, stating that the annexation petition by Frank Roos and ANNEXATION others will be entertained by the City, and the City will require the assumption of existing general bonded indebtedness of the City by the area proposed to be annexed. The Clerk was instructed to notify the petitioners. CHERRY Councilman Strain commented on a letter from Mr. Powell, of Cherry Park PARK Estates, in which Mr. Powell objected to the suggestion that the developer ESTATES pay for an $" main. After some discussion, it was decided by motion, that Mr. Powell would not have to pay for the main on the East side of the Mili- tary Road . SCHOOLS Councilman Durand made the motion that the Council go on record as being in favor of HJR-1 and SJR-1. The motion was seconded, but under discussion, Councilman Pozzi objected as it would be an indorsement of a measure by the Council. Councilman Woodworth moved to table the issue which was secondedi an passed, with Councilman Durand voting nay. BOARD OF Mavor Thornton announced the resignation of Charles Bridges from the Board ADJUSTMENT o£ Adjustment , and the appointment of Harry Clements. BUDGET A preliminary hearing of the budget wac held and Councilman Mooney moved for the City Clerk to prepare the Tax Levy and the Budget Ordinance for the next regular meeting on Oct. 1st. Motion duly seconded and passed. CITY Councilman Mooney reported he had received a letter from Father Frank re- PROPERTY garding property available for purchase by the City. By motion, a meeting was set for 7 P.M. Oct . lst before the regular meeting. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $3175.84 Water 956. 56 Street 788.27 Sewer 223 .71 Garbage 3 .00 Library 36.00 Park 116. 55 MEETING ADJOURNED CHAS. B IDGES MAYOR CITY CLERK