HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/1962 Kent, iashington September 4, 1962
Regular meeting of the City Council; present: Mayor Thornton, Councilwoman
Bovell, Councilmen Durand, Matthews, blooney, Pozzi and Strain.
Ivlinutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
WATER CAPITAL COUSTRUOTION: By mot_�_on, Councilman. Strain recommended that
the Council officially substantiate h:is letter to Capital Construction
Co. regarding the future availability of Kent water for Part: Orchard..
Motion duly seconded and passed for the Clerk to write a letter.
Councilman Strain announced that Capital Con�,tructiOn had re-
quested pormi!sion to extend the date for the construction of the S"
water main on the Benson highway till early in 1963. The request was
granted by motion provided the date for completion be set for June 1,
1963. The City Engineer was instructed to notify Capital Construction
of the Council';; action.
WD :Ordinances 114.4. and 114.5, granting franchises to Water District
75 were by motion duly seconded and passed. The Clerk was directed to
send copies to District 75.
CORRECTED• REFER TO FRANCHISE: Resolution 477 granting franchise # S-1564 for a water line
MINUTES OF •17& installation was adopted by motion, duly seconded and passed.
HIGHWAY COh,MISSION: City Attorney Thatcher reported he had studied the
contract whereby the Highway Conmiissicn will reimburse the City for
putting casings on the existing water main connections on PSH # 5 at
S. 228th. On Mr. Thatcher's recommendation, by motion, duly seconded
and passed, the mayor was authorized to sign the contract.
SEWER SHINN ST. City Engineer Sherwood reported that the well points were in
at Shinn Street, and the pipe and casing have been delivered. Council-
man Pozzi suggested a traffic detour sign be placed at the West Valley
Highway. Mr. Sherwood said he would. so inform the contractor.
CHERRY PARK EST:ITES A lettter was received from the Washington State
Pollution Control Commission approving 70 connections for Cherry Park
Estates. A similar letter was received. from the State Dept of ITealth.
By motion both letters were placed on file.
PARK ORCHARD: Mr. Sarkowsky of Capital Construction asked about being>,
reimbursed for the apartments that have hooked on to their mains.
Councilwoman Bovell said her corunittee viou_ld check into the matter and
write to Capital.
Mr. Goldsmith asked again about sewer allocations for Park Orchard.
A memo from Mr. Ramsey was referred to which stated that a meeting has
been scheduled for Sept 13th.
FRANCHISE: Resolution 47&, granting franchise �� 5-1570 for a Sevier line
NU installation was adopted by notion.
WATER & A letter was rezd from Mr. Peretti of the General Investment Co of
SE'VIER Renton requesting water and sewer service from the City for the Ben-
AVAILABILITY son Crest Addition. This was referred to the water and sewer comm-
STREETS DAMES ST Councilman Pozzi reported that James Street is almost ready to
be black topped, and if everything goes on schedule, the one-way streets
should go into effect about Oct lst.
WINNER ST City Attorney Thatcher reopened the subject of street dedi-
cations on two portions of Winner Street by the Northern Pacific Rail-
road, and stated he would draw the necessary papers.
AIaISCREST The City Engineer recommended a public hearing on the proposed plat of
#4. Armscrest # 4. be set for the next regular meeting, Sept 17th. Motion
so made and passed.
CAMBItIDGE A public hearing was held. on the proposed plat of Cambridge. There
were no objections, and the hearing was declared closed. Ordinance
114.6, approving the plat, was by motion passed.
LID 24.3 City Engineer Sherwood suggested the date of hearing for the final roll
of LID 243 (Kentwood Hills Trurd: Sewer) be set for the regular meeting
of Oct 1st. Motion so made, seconded and passed.
ZONING Ordinance 1147 approving Goodwin's rezone from R-3 to R-4 was passed
by motion.
TRADEWELL Ordinance 1148 approving; the zoning of the Tradewell area in
Midway area to C-3 was passed by motion.
MIDWAY AREA A publ]-c hearing was set for the Oct 1st meeting for the
zoning of the Midway area to C-3, except the mobile home area which
will be MHR.
E.E. MILLER. A complaint against Mr. EE Miller of 1008 Guiberson signed
by residents of the area was read by the Clerk. The signers request ' !:
that some action be taken regarding: 1)the operation of a business in a
residential zone, 2) the damage to property caused by Mr. Miller's
horses. By motion, duly seconded and passed the Clerk was instructed
to write to Miller requesting him to report to the City Hall within a
week to answer these complaints.
TRAFFIC Councilman Strain moved that the Police Committee consider removing the
(;0NTROL stop sign at James and Jason and to report on it at the next meeting.
Motion seconded and passed with Councilman Pozzi voting nay.
TIMBER ICY CREEK The City Clerk reported the timber cruiser had been out of
town but will be here this week to cruise at Icy Creek. '
CLARK SPRINGS The City Clerk reported the call for bids on timber at
Kent Springs and Clark Springs will be published �.on the 5th and the
12th. Bids are to be opened on Sept 14th at 3 pm.
CLAIMS A- A letter was received from Mr. A. E. Rotta requesting some action on
GAINST THE the claim he filed against the City in May. City Attorney Thatcher
CITY advised the Council that he had virit-ben to Rotta and the claim is in
the hands of our insurance carrier. By motion, the letter was placed
on file.
PRESBYTER- A letter was read from the King County Commissioner' s office advising
IAN CHURCH the City that the report on. the Presbyterian Church annexation had been
approved and placed on file, By motion, the letter was placed on file.
PETITIONS A petition was read, signed by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dunham and by Mr and
Mrs. C.D. Marlowe requesting the City to vacate a portion of an unnamed
street abutting on their property. This was referred to the Planning
ANNEXA- A petition for the annexation of the NW corner of the North Rd and the
',TION Benson Highway, signed by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Snow and Frank Roos was
read. A meeting was set for Sept 17 at 7 p.m.
SCHOOLS Councilman Durand reported he had attended a PTA meeting at Meridian
Jr. High at which the merits of HJR-1 and SJR-1 were discussed. The
PTA is backing this program, and Mr. Durand will keep the Council „ !
informed on further news.
(BANNERS Councilman Strain brought up the question of banners in the City. Pac-
ific Raceways has requested permi:csion to use advertising banners.
Strain suggested a letter be sent to them stipulating: 1)the banner
must be no lower than 17t at the bottom edge, 2) public utility poles
or light standards must not be used, 3 ) banners will be up only at Spec-
ified times 4)standards are to be placed on private property and must
be approved by the City Engineer. Mr. Sherwood, the engineer, objected ,
to allowing the banners as he felt it would set a precedent. Council-
woman Bovell moved the problem be referred to the Building Committee
for further study. Motion was seconded and passed.
Payroll for August 1962 25,061.91
Current Expense 10,362.08
Water 19627.10
Street 610.57
Sewer 1,231.36
9 .5
Garbage 46 50
Library .
Park 50
Parking Meters 53-�P