HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1962 Kent, Washington August 20, 1962 Regular meeting of the City Council: present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Durand, Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed, except: the City Engineer' s report should be amended to read as follows: "We are now serving all of the area agreed upon except the Nike or Capehart housing." Clerk' s,Treasurer 's , and Budget reports accepted and placed on file. WATER City Engineer Sherwood reported the contractor will be putting in the well points this week on Shinn Street at the Milwaukee crossing, and will start the casing on Monday. CLARK SPRINGS: A letter was read from Mr. Lockner's attorney stating Mr. Lockner is no longer interested in purchasing the 2 acre at Clark Springs. On motion, the letter to be placed on file. ICY CREEK: City Attorney Thatcher reported that the check for Mr. Throc- morton in the amount of $26,566.28 for the land at Icy Creek was now ready to be sent to the Washington Title Insurance Co . The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the check. HIGHWAY COMMISSION: A letter was read from the State Highway Commission requesting the City to put casings on the connections on PSH # 5 at S. 228th. The Commission will reimburse the City. Referred to the City Attorney. WATER DISTRICT. 75: Two franchises were introduced and read byothbr)Gityr-, .,<:, Attorney in connection with the City's agreement with Water District 75• One grants District 75 the franchise to operate the existing system for 50 years in the area West of the Freeway. The second grants the district a 5 year franchise to operate the existing system East of PSH # 1 (Freeway) and North of the Kent Des-Moines Road. TIMBER ICY CREEK: Councilman Strain announced the timber at Icy Creek had not been cruised as yet, but the City Clerk has an appointment with Mr. East- man on Thursday to make the necessary arrangements. Mr. Throckmorton has been notified that his extension will be granted if the City does not buy the timber. CLARK SPRINGS: C ity Engineer Sherwood requested the Council set Sept 14 as the date for the opening of bids on the logging operation at Kent Springs and at Clark Springs, BIDS Only one bid was received on the street resurfacing. The City Transfer was awarded the contract by motion, on a bid of $4420. ZONING GOODWIN: A Public Hearing was opened on William Goodwin's request for a rezone from R-3 to R-4 in the area North of Woodford Ave. A petition, signed by the residents of the area was read, protesting this rezone. Mr. Sletto and Mrs. Ameny .were under the impression that Mr. Goodwin's street was to go through their property, making Woodford Ave. a through street to the park. It was explained that Goodwin would extend the road only to the North line of his own property, which satisfied the objectors. The hearing was declared closed since there were no further objections. By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draw the necessary ordi- nance approving the rezone. LINDA HEIGHTS: A letter signed by 24 residents of the Linda Heights area was read, protesting the action of the Planning Commission in allowing a service station to be built in the shopping center at 36th Ave. S. Councilman Mooney stated that this action was not taken by the Planning Commission, but by the Board of Adjustment, and he requested that the conditions in the resolution adopted by the Board now be read. The City Clerk read the conditions. Councilman Woodworth moved that the letter be accepted as other than an appeal and placed on file, after City Attorney Thatcher pointed out that this letter was actually a protest and not in the form of an appeal to the Council. Councilman Mooney reported he was present at the Board of Adjustment meeting, as were six of the protestors and everything was fully explained at that time. Councilman Woodworth' s motion was seconded and passed, with Councilman Strain voting nay. One of the protest signers arrived at the Council meeting after this action was taken, and time was taken to explain the Council's action to him. i ZONING TRADEWELL: A Public Hearing was held on the zoning of the proposed Tradewell store in the Midway area. The Planning Commission recommen-, ded the area be zoned C-3 as soon as possible so work could commence on the building. There were no objections, and the hearing was de- clared closed. Councilman Pozzi made the motion to have the subject .property zoned C-3, which was duly seconded and passed. The City Attorney is to draw the nece,;sary ordinance. Mr. Bill Olson, of the New Center Co. was present and asked if the contractor could go ahead with the building of the forms before the ordinance was passed. He was advised by Councilman Pozzi that the forms could be built , but no concrete poured. PRESCOTT: A letter was read from I,ir. Prescott of 23241 Pacific High- way S. in which he complained about an auto wrecking next door. IIe stated he has complaints from his tenants about the junk that is scattered around. Prescott further suggested that this concern was in a prohibited area, and asked that the Council investigate. By motion this was referred to the Building Inspector. CARPINE:A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Carpine request- ing the return of $50 they had deposited with a request for a variance. City Attorney Thatcher advised -tile Council that a variance was not applicable in this case and recommended the money be refunded. On motion, a warrant was authorized to be drawn. aTI3EETS Councilman Mooney stated it had been brought to his attention that on blay 21, 1962, King County had issued a building permit for a buildimg at 23064 Military Road which does not have the proper setbacks. On motion, proper action to be taken. A letter was received from Air. and T'.rs . Argyr of 1116 E. Smith Street, requesting the City to top two trees near their house. This was re- ferred to the Street Committee. STONECREST Ordinance 1143 , approving the plat of Stonecrest No. 2, was, by NO. 2 motion passed. CAMBRIDGE A Public Hearing for the proposed plat of Cambridge was set for the next regular meeting on Sept 4th. FLOOD A letter was received by the llayor from Ed Tlonro, King County, inform- CONTROL ing him that the work on the Russell Dike Project has been completed and the cost has been paid from the Flood Control Bonds. SE'ZR Mr. Goldsmith was present and stated that most of the sewer alloca- tions for Park Orchard had been used. Mir. Sherwood announced he had already written to request more allocations, but has not as yet had a reply. Councilman Mooney then suggested we write to the State Pollu- tion Control Commission and ask them to test our plant. 11r. Ramsey announced that two engineers have been reviewing the plant and are making a survey. Their study will be completed in about two weeks and he suggested we wait until then to request an efficiency test from the state. City Engineer Sherwood will follow up on this. SCHOOLS tlayor Clinton of Seattle sent a letter urging the support of I1JR-1 and SJR-1, which could return to the citizens the right to vote a special levy for a local purpose for periods not to exceed four years., Councilman Matthews stated that the Association of Washington Cities recommends this program of having the cities and schools work together. On motion the letter was referred to the Legislative Committee Chair- man, Dave Durand, with Councilman Strain voting; nay. CLAD[ AGAINST City Attorney Thatcher announced he had received a communication from THE CITY the insurance company regarding the Rasor accident of March 1960. The' company informed him the amount was $3000 over our coverage and wanted to know if the City desired to have a special assistant counsel. On the City Attorney' s recommendation, by motion, duly seconded and pass .ed, this proposal was rejected. The City Attorney will notify the insurance company. TRAFFIC Councilman Strain asked what had been done about the request for a CONTROL push button traffic light made by Tradewell for the icinity oi' their ' new store on Highway 99. The Police Committee reported that the State Engineers had denied this request. The City Clerk was instructed to write to Tradewell to this effect. NEVJ I,IID117AY AI�Ni;XATION: City Attorney Thatcher recommended that the firth of BUSINESS Elvidge, Veblen, Watt & Tewell be engaged to handle the action nec- essary regarding the summons' served upon the City Officials concern ing the Midway annexation. RESERVOIR: Councilman Strain announced that the old O'Brien reservoir will be filled in as soon as the 'Hater Dept Supervisor is able to do so. HHFA: The City Attorney suggested the following motions be made : IT That the City Treasurer be authorized and directed to establish an account to be known as: Water Supply System Project No. P-Wash-3164. 2) That the City Treasurer be authorized and directed to establish an account to be known as: Sewage Facilities Planning Fund, Project No. P-Wash-3162. Motions so made, duly seconded and passed. INTRODUCTION Mr. Justin Coburn of the South End Associated Clubs was introduced by Mayor Thornton. He complimented the Council on their manner of han- dling the City affairs. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS : Current Expense 31059.45 Street 1278.13 Sewer 158.83 Garbage 508.54 Library 135.20 Water 1474.71 Park 69.55 Parking Meter 34.80 LID 241 192.00 MEETING ADJOURNED t j MAYOR CHAS. BRfDGES CITY CLERK