HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/06/1962SEVtiER
Kent, %°ashington August 6, 1962
Regular meeting of the City Council: presen; Mayor Thornton,
Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen Durand I,Iatthews, I,1ooney, Pozzi, Strain,
and Woodworth.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council approved as
printed and placed on file.
City Engineer Sherwood recommended a letter to be written to Hill
€C Ingman authorizing them to proceed with the Sewer Comprehensive Plan.
Qn motion, the City Clerk and the Iiayor were authorized to sign the con-
iract. The Clerk was instructed to write the letter.
BIDS Two bids were received for the oiling and resurfacing of various
roads. The City Transfer submitted a bid'for $11.,232, and Doolittle
Construction of Seattle submitted one for *10,950• On motion, both bids
were rejected since they were considered too high. New specifications
will be drawn and bids will be called for again. Bids are to be opened
on August 17th at 3 pm.
WATER City Engineer Sherwood reported the 1,ater District 75 cut over was
CORRECTED • REFER TO made on July 23rd, and we are now serving all.. of the area agreed upon.
MINUTES OF 8-20.82
Councilman Strain reported that the Lake Fenwick LID was completed
and that Tri State had done a fine job. He stated also that Viest Hill-
is now on Kent Water and the pressure in that area is good.
A letter was read from PJ1r. Thro ckmorton regarding; the sale of
timber at Icy Creek to the City. On motion it was decided that the
area be cruised; this to be arranged by the City Clerk. The Clerk was
instructed to write to Mr. Throckmorton and advise him the Council is
considering the timber purchase.
Councilman Strain announced there was a possibility that Mr. Ripley
of the East Hill area might institute a law suit against the City for
damage to his blueberry crop when the reservoir on 114th overflowed.
This matter has been placed in the hands of the Don Bell Agency, insurance
carriers for the City.
On motion, duly seconded and passed, the City Clerk was instructed
to write to Mr. Lockner advising him that the City is considering the
sale of the land in the Clark Springs area, and requesting him to send
to the Council the reports of three appraisers.
ASS'N OF A letter was read from the Association of Washington Cities, an-
IBASH, nouncing it's biennial one day schools for Councilmen, Mayors, etc.
CITII,S Anyone interested in attending on August 17th or 18th at the Meany Hotel
in Seattle, please contact the City Clerk's office.
A letter was received from the Association of Washington Cities
informing the Citv of the coming annual Legislative District meeting.
The date for Kent has been set for Nov. 8th and Councilman Durand has
been appointed chairman for Kent.
ACTIVITIES The Kent Activities Council announced by letter that the Wenatchee
COUNCIL Youth.Circus will give two performances at the High School on Saturday,
August 18th.
ZONING A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending that in
the Midway annexation area all of the area be zoned C-3, except existing
Mobile Home Courts, which will. of course, be zoned MHR. The Commission
further recommends that the area for the new Tradewell store be zoned
C-3 as soon as pos:-ible. A Public Hearing for this was set for August 20.
Oridinance 1141, amendin the zoning code, was, by motion duly
seconded and passed.
FRESBY- A Public Hearing was held on the proposed Presbyterian Church Annex-
TT,RIAN ation. There were no objections, and the hearing way declared closed.
CHURCH Ordinance 1139, approving the annexation was, by motion pas�-ed.
STONE- A Public Hearing was held on the proposed plat of Stonecrest #2.
CI171ST #2 There were no objections and the hearing; was declared closed. On motion
the City Attorney is to draw lip the necessar ordinance.
MOVING OF Ordinance 1140, pertaininf7 to the moving of buildings in or out of
BUILDINGS the City of Kent was read, and by motion adopted.
CO�I'P. By motion the Construction Standards, Ordinance 11 was passed. Mr.
STAND:'�RD.,Sarkowski and Mr. Dickenson, of the Capital' Construction Company, were
present and questioned the legality of the sewer hook-up charges in the
Construction Standards, since they have a contract with the City. By
motion, the Council agreed to arrange a meeting between these gentlemen and
the City Attorney.
PUGET Resolution 1+76, al provin a contract with PuF.et Sound Power & Light Co:
POWER for a Sewage Lift Station was read, and by motion approved.
PARK A letter was read from Cole &. Dolman requesting; the City to bear the
cost of the water meter and to take over the maintenance of the shrubs after
one year in the Kentwood Hills entrance. By motion, the Council agreed.
Councilman Strain then moved that the cost of the meter be deducted from
the outstanding bill that Cole and Dolman have with the City. This motion
also carried, with Councilmen Pozzi and Mooney voting; nay.
Mrs. Hogan was present and suggested that the City consider annexing;
the Scenic Hill Park. She also said that sanitary facilities and water
should be provided at the park. The Council decided, by motion, that this
proposed annexation be taken up with City Attorney Thatcher.
AIR Councilman Mooney made a motion that the City Clerk write to the City
POLLUTION Council in Tacoma advisi.n- them of the complaints from Kent residents on
the polluted air that drifts this way from 'Tacoma. This motion dul-y second
and passed.
Payroll for July 1962
Current Expense
Parking Meters
$ 31,346.54
19, 310.2_1