HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/16/1962 Kent, 'Yashington April 16, 1962
Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton,
Councilmen Bovell, Hartlaub, Moon6y,s-P9z�zi, chaffer, Strain, and
Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed
except. . .
Councilman Shaffer moved , duly seconded and passed that a
lighted fountain should be allowed and paid for.
Report- of officers, Clerk,Treasurer, and Budget presented
and placed on file.
City Engineer, Sherwood reported that the Planning Comm.
approved the' Dehnert Plat and would like to recommend that May
7, 1962, be the date of hearinL; on this plat.
Motion made, duly seconded and Fa ssed for the hearing
on the Dehnert Plat to be May 7, 1962.
Planning Commission also approved the final plat of
Kentwood Hill. Glen ,�l and would like to recommend the date of
hearing be May 7, 1962.
Motion made, duly seconded and passed to hold the hearing
on Kentwood Hill Glen #1 on May 7, 1962.
City Engineer reported that we have been getting traffic
counts with a borrowed counter. 5,Ve set it on Smith St. and
counted 11,000 cars per day on Smith >t.
Mayor Thornton asked the City Engineer if he had done
anything on the planters for the entrancesto the City Engineer
stated that he didn 't understand at the last meeting on the
six signs ordered and the Mayor explained that they were re-
flective signs made downstairs by the firemen and they are set
on a steel post in a planter at each entrance. City Engineer
was to see Mr. Nesbitt of the Highway Department and see where
the best location for these signs would be. The other signs
talked on last meeting were beautification signs.
Councilwoman Bovell reported on the progress rejort of
the Treatment Plant about six months ago with Mr. Koch and Mr.
They devised a program in three phases:
#1. Engineering stage , correct filtration, and deviate I
storm drainage, also make application to the Home and Housing i
program from the Government . We now have separated a good
deal of this storm water and have allocated 270 applications
from the Pollution Control Commission.
#2. To work towards immediate needs increased our plant
and efficiency by various ways such as lagoons, baffles and
#3 . The comprehensive study for a long range plan such
as for the next ten years. This will come when we have approval
from the Government. Our consulting Engineers have been working
on this program and they hope to have it completed by July 7,
1962 as we feel at this time we have made a great stride toward
this improvment.
Councilman Mooney requested the Clerk to read the letter
from the T-Vashington State Pollution Control Commission he had
received this week and include this in Councilwoman Bovell 's
Letter was read from the Pollution Control Commission
stating that we are probably aware the Commission is preparing
for hearings with certain pulp mills which have contested
conditions of waste discharge permits issded by them. Their
survey group is collecting information to be ased ...". in the
hearings and they will be occupied with this until next fall,
so they are unable to set a definite date for a plant study
at Kent. They will make every effort to schedule a study as
soon as they can but probably '-*ill not be in the immediate
Councilman Mooney moved, duly seconded and passed that
the City Treasurer give us exact figures on the sewage con-
nections for the Council. Also ask sewage Committee , Treasurer
and City Engineer to work with outside sewers and not let the
amounts accumulate before they are billed by the Treasurer and
for the Engineers to notify the Treasurer about the connections
at the time the"v are made.
Councilman Mooney also requested the status of the Shinn
St. sewer damage when this is going to be l;ut up for contract.
Councilman Fartlaub reported that 1,11ere will be some paint-
ing on the outside of the City Fall- so i_t will. look a little
better for fair time and some minor cha.nrTes in painting on the
Councilman I"Looney renuested to have street Li,,rhts relit
again on the annexation i-n I11-i _ y, he not knowing that we had
been served with papers restraining us from doing anything in
the area until the court orders us to. Cur. ",ttorneys are sup-
posed to answer this writ of prohibition on April. 20, 1962 .
Cot.rn1�cilt'�oriz.nsr �a11 watertmapd innacrPclntherhiglr��ajlater
District #75 * '3 t 252nC1..
Fe reported that we w ould not honor their request.
Motion mane, duly seconded and r_assed i.o deny ',,'ater
District. !,775 to ill-tall the water main . ret?ncil_rna.n Mooney
abstained from the vote because he I-11d not had much information
on this subject.
Councilman 'train reported on a meeting with the Lake
Ferr,jick water main LID.
Councilman tlartlaub moved to amrnend the present water
Ordinance where there is a +dater LID or a lot longer than 135
feet back from tl,.e property line where the water main would
run to give an extended service to a. person so t}1ey would not
be paying twice. "�s our pres•Qrlt ordinance says that trey will.
pay T' .00 per foot with the long lots over. 135 feet a nd that
makes a person pay twice for the same service.
The amendment would read that people having; the existing
houses and would want to bl.iild. anot-Iler house on the back of
their., lot outside of the 135 feet drat was assessed with the
LII) they would be granted an extended and the cost v' ould be :'1,87. 50.
`This amendment by motion passed fray for the attorney to
amend the existing water ordinance ns sl?gested.
Councilman Money mover'. , duly seconded and la sled for
the City Engineer to prepare and call for bids at 3 :00 P14,
May 29, 1962, for the LID on the Lake Fen�,iick water main.
1'1ayor Thornton announced that the discussion on the hearing
of Matelich to discuss the road location as re(>uested by Mr.
I.iatelich ' s attorney would be postponed because Mir. Matelich is
away on a vacation.
Mavor `Thornton announced the hearing open on the 'Volvi.n
block plant on the Taylor Road, of his 13 acres. Anyone in the
crowd objecting please stand and state ,,our name and address.
Mr. Taylor at 6252 South 228th, would like. to know more
bout this and what it is going to do to our t-axes and their,
adjoining property, also what the trucks going back and forth
will do to their roads,
Mr. 1olvin was present and stated that it :vould be a
small- plant and a machine stop at this time and their trucks
were one and one/half ton trucks and not large semis.
There were no other objections to the block plant on
the Taylor Road so the Mayor announced the hearing closed .
Councilman Hartla. ub moved, duly seconded and passed to
approve the rezone for tle block plant.
Letter was rP•.d from the )-Tanning Commission that was
presented -at the last meeting was represented at this meeting
for action on the renuest for the Cljairman of the Planning
Commission recommending for Ordinance r107.1, Sec . 10.11 . 5 proce-
ddure be amended to read:
Applications together vi th plans specifications shall- be
submitted to the City Engineer and his approval shall be required
before site preperation or development work is commenced at the
present time the Ordinance requires plans .for parkin; be submitted
to both the City Engineer, and t1le Flanning Commission and we
feel that is not necessary because .it 1•olds r_rh construction for
about 30 days.
Continued :
The letter on truck wrecking yard was resubmitted back to �
the Council for action at the request of E.A. Sipe , Chairman of
the Planning Commission.
The above two letters were layed over until the July amend-
ment of the Zoning Ordinance by accumulated recomriiendation from
the Planning Commission.
A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending
to the Council to rezone for Mr. Tjalter H. Wheeler, of 24426 Pacific
Highway South, Kent, to zone it to MHR as soon as possible .
This area in the City of .Kent has recently had a writ of
prohibition signed against it so at this time we will take no
action on the Walter H. ?^feeler rezone , until we get the court j
order changed.
Councilman Woodworth moved., duly seconded and passed for
the Clerk to write a letter .to Mr. ':'heeler and tell him why we
did not take direct action on the rezone .
Councilman Hartlaub moved, duly seconded and passed to
table the motion of the '10lieeler rezone until the next meeting .
Letter was read from the Planning Commission fora rezone
from an R-4 to a C-3 from Ralph Gerber and hurray Miller they
recommend that this have a hearing.
A letter was read from Charlie 1'Ialler akking for a rezone
from an R-1 to an M-1 this is also recommended by the Planning
Commission, to have a hearing held by the Council.
R letter was read from the Planning Commission to have a
hearing on the proposed rezone from an R-1 to an M-1 by the Kent
Development Co.
The above letters being read, Councilman Mooney moved, duly
sdconded and passed to hold a hearing on May 21, 1962 on these
recommendations from the Planning Commission on rezones.
A letter was read from the Planning Commission that there
will be a vacation of a portion of the John H. Patten Road right-
of-way along the Military Road for vacation.
Motion made , duly seconded and passed to hold the hearing
on this vacation of this portion of street right-of-way on May
21, 1962.
A letter was read from the City Treasureron an inquiry ! I
from Mr. Ernest P. Vogel, manager of the Bank of Kent, regarding
the deposit of some portion of municipal funds with the newest
of this City's finicial institutions. The Treasurer recommends
that he be authorized by the Council to transfer to said bank
such portion of the available funds as appear to be to the best
of our mutual interests.
Motion made, duly seconded and passed for the transfer
of funds to the Bank of Kent.
A letter was read from the Treasurer stating that LID #
241 during the Thirty-day period ending April 6, 1962 and
allowed by law for the payment of the same without interest in
the sum of $16,086. 84, and that there remains unpaid assessments
in said -District Number 241 aggregating the sum of .$8, 883 .42 to
be paid off in a bond issue.
Motion made, dulygeconded and passed to have the City
Attorney draft an Ordinance for issuance of bonds for LID #241
Street Light LID.
A letter was read from Barney 1'�Iilson, Supervisor of Parks
and Recreation, requesting to have his expenses paid to a
conference in Vancouver B.C. on 4-29-30, and 5-1-2, 1962.
Motion made, duly seconded and Massed to allow Barney
Wilson to attend the Conference in Vancouver with expenses paid .
Motion made, duly seconded and passed to allow the payment
of $2,213 .60 for the final payment on LID 243 . All that remains
on LID 243 from Sanitary sewer on West Hill is the retaining
15% which is due and payable in the 30 days from this date.
It was announced that there will be a hearing on the Street
Plan in the 2nd meeting in May.
Councilman Strain stated that he would like to have the
Street Committee make a study on the vacations of streets and
the policy that now is set, Councilman 1,1oodworth duly seconded
and passed. Councilman Pozzi voted nay. ,..
Councilwoman 13ovel.l moved, duly seconded for a hearing on
the re ular meeting of Tiay 7, 1962 , for Flans for the Developers
recommended to notify Builders Tnc. This motion was withdrawn
and another motion made , duly seconded and passed to hold a hear-
ing on the Monday evening of 4-23-62 , at 7:30 P11 with the Developers
and Home Builders and the Clerk is to advise by letter the Home
Builders Association of the hearing.
Councilman Hartlaub made a motion to have material pur-
chased for a small building in front of the recreation park building
to give information by free volunteers ' service on all instructions
and infromation on the ?'' orld 's Fair and orther pertinent questions
of the City. There would be free labor furnished on the const-
ruction on this small building that would be placed out to the
curb so it would be easy to give information to the people in the
Kent area and tourits traveling through. Motion made, duly
seconded and passed with Councilman Strain voting nay.
Councilman Mooney stated that there are three garden clubs
which have contacted him and would like to have the Street crew
clean up the North side of the a.p;,roach from the Fast Highway on
Scenic Hill so they could set up a flower garden there and they
would keep it in contact and beautify that section of the street.
The street crew will do this.
City Attorney Tliatcher requested the Council to have
Elvidge Watt Veblen & Tewell be retained as Counsel in the latest
law suit filed.
Mr. Turner was present at the Council meeting and would like
to know if he would dedicate Wouth 228th St. (portion of Street
right-of-way) going Fast from the east Highway, at this time but
does not want it improved now.
This will be granted when the papers are d r� wn for the
Gov. Rosel.lini was at the new bank opening and he stated to
the people there that there are not enough roads in this area
and that is what caused him to be late for the dedication.
Motion made for the Clerk to write to Mr. Beierlein in
Auburn, Chairman of the Good Roads and have a meeting with him
on the subject of North Central, Meeker, Smith and Gowe Streets.
Gowe St. being an alternate to 5A. An amendment to the motion
on the Valley Freeway, will not divert from the Freeway for any
of these improvements on the above mentioned streets.
Councilman Mooney withdrew the motion for two weeks to
give it time for study. Fire & Police Committee
Councilman Woodworth) Chairman of
moved that- James Smail be appointed as a volunteer Firemen as
recommended by Fire Chief Chas. Bridges, duly seconded and passed.
Motion made , duly seconded and passed to send Fire Chief
Chas. Bridges to Command School at Yakima, April 17, 18, 1962, with
all expenses paid.
Councilman Woodworth moved, duly seconded and passed that
we have the City Attorney draw an ordinance to install and main-
tain flouridation equipment and to include this in the budget
for 1963 .
Current Exp. it 22545. 50
Water t, 1,122.74
Street „ 150.11
Sewer Garbage 52.04
136.04 tt
Library 3631
Park t, 64.26
Parking Meter