HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/05/1962 Kent, T`ashington March 5, 1962 Regular ineetin- of the Cit,, Council present i.1a;ror Shaffer acting, Councilmen Hartlaub , 14auritsen , PoZZi , Strain, and 1rbodworth. Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed except. . . Icy Creek for the flow in December 1p:as 14.3 million gallons per day. Correction of the Street program O'Brien Road will extend to 240th and a point at the Denson Highway. Resolution was on a six year arterial street program. Motion made , duly seconded and passed to accept the correction I to the minutes . City Engineer Sherwood reported that he has a person checking in England for the Coat of Arms for the City of Kent. City Engineer reported there will be a Sewer Operators Conference, March 14, 159 1962, at the University of Washington. They would like to have Mr. Moriarty attend this school as he is the new operator at the Treatment Plant. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to send Mr. Moriarty to this conference with expenses paid. City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Planning Commission has Approved Pierce 's Plat #2. He would like to have the Council set March 19, 1962 as a hearing date for the Plat. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to set the hearing date on March 19, 1962 for the Pierce 's Plat. Councilman Woodworth reported on the annual police report, said thatthe Mayor wished him to call the attention to the Council on some of the fine things in the report. Total arrested for the year 6, 531, handled 600 prisoners. This report is on file in the Clerk's office this being a part of the minutes of this meeting as reported by Councilman Woodworth. Acting Mayor Shaffer requested Councilman Woodworth to attend the ground breaking at Heath Mfg. at 11:00 A.M. He. stated that Mayor Thornton is ill. Councilman Pozzi stated that he would like to compliment the l Street Depattment on the fine way they handled the snow condition. A communication was read from the Cascadia Club on the Military Road. This Club representedl3 women. They are drawing our attention that the improvements we have been making such as street planters with little trees in them is a very nice project for the City. Also in their discussions they present the idea that our street signs are in deplorable shape and new ones would be very appropriate. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to have the Clerk write this club a letter stating that we are in the process of putting up new shiny street signs. A letter was read from Hill- & Ingman our consulting engineers drawing the Council's attention that we should have a meeting with District #58 and Water. District #111 to discuss the problem of additional expansion where each water distributor has certain areas where they can best serve the publid because of supply elevation or existence of facilities, before it becomes a problem. Kent Planning Commission adopts the Comprehensive study that the Council is making on their sewer. facilities. They say this is another important step on our overall planning program, they want to let the Council know that they are 100% behind this Comprehensive sewer plan. Application for change of Classification from present MA Zone to an M-1 Zone that is by Mr. H.E. Wolvin. This change is along the Taylor Road. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to place this change of classification in the hands of the Planning Commission for recommendation. Ordinance #1120 setting up the boundries and districts of LID 244 for a 'water main along the Lake Fenwick Road and setting a seven year bond plan. This seven year bond plan was injected into the Ordinance and a five year assessment. plan. Motion made, duly seconded and gassed to accept the seven year bond plan and the five year assessment plan. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to adopt Ordinance #1120. Continued: r , Resolution of the City of Kent relating to land use and other "' advantageous developments and amending the Comprehensive plan heretofore adopted by Resolution #431 of said City and thereafter amended by Resolution #452 of said City. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to adopt Resolution Ordinance #1121 amending Section 10.10.06, 10.10.07, and 10.10.08 of Zoning Ordinance of City of Kent in Ordinance #1071. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to adopt Ordinance #1121. Councilman Strain moved to call for bids and include as an alternate asbestos cement pipe as well as cast iron, duly seconded and passed. The above motion made by Councilman Strain was for the water pipe line in LID 244. City Attorney Thatcher advised Council of all action of the Board of Review, on the proposed Midway Annexation. He stated that three to two not in favor. Three against and two in favor. There is over 80% of the petition favoring to come a part of the City. The Board of Review had various objections. The records of the Board. of Review is on file in the City Clerk t s Office and are a part of the minutes of this meeting. City Attorney recommended that we hold another hearing on the Midway Annexation to give the people another chance to voice their opinions. City Attorney also stated that the law on this annex- ation procedure states that . the Council and the Mayor does not have .to take the five man board approval or disapproval on an annexation when yo$ have over 75% of the assessed valuation of the property presented on the petition. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to hold another hearing on the annexation, as recommended by the City Attorney, Councilman Woodwort# moved, duly seconded and passed to hold the hearing on March 19, 1962 and for the notices to be published in the paper and on three places in the proposed annexed area. City Attorney also stated that our Police Judge Bonjorni.. has beerserved with a write of Prohijkition. Mr. Thatcher believes that a change of venue is not proper' in Police Court. Mr. Thatcher would like to recommend we hire the counsel of Elvidge Watt Veblen & Tewell to protect the City in this case. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to hire Elvidge Watt Veblen & Tewell as our legal counsel in the case. Acting Mayor -Shaffer announced that he has a copy of the Planning and enabling act of the Association of Washington Cities it should be directed to the Kent Planning Commission. Councilman Strain would like to notify the Council that they are soon going to apply to the government for monies for a new source of water and a new transmission line from Clark Springs. This is not going to be done right away but he is just warning the Council that it is approaching. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Payoll for February 1962 23 ,218.78 Current Expense Claims 12505.39 Water " 1,508.15 Street " 39192.60 Sewer " 766.17 Sewer Construction " 1,646.25 Garbage " 1,162.17 - Library " 123 .66 Park 1,005.42 Parking Meter 58.23 MEETING ADJOURNED: "S.___ ID ES MAYOR CITY CLERK MAYOR [`�