HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/06/1961Kent, `-la.shington November 6, 1c61 'regular meetin,- of the City Council present T,"ayor Thornton, Counci7nien Povell, Hartlaub, Mauritsen, Pozzi, Shaffer, Strain, and "roodriorth. Finutes of the last rneetinrr, approved _,.s �rinte-!. Tor. Doug CTti°riruiett, stated 16he boys -and ni_rls n^tncs from the High School. The pupils are studying; City Government. There should be a lot of good come from this project. Councilman 176odi-mrth introduced each of the boys and r�irls from the High School vrhich viere representinn the Councilmen ,-ind viomen, City Attorney Mayor, City Clerk -Fire Chief, Chief of Police, and the Superintendents of the ','rater and Street Departments. Mwor Thornton introduced all_ of the. Councilmen and viomen, City Clerk - Fire Chef, and the Chief of Poli-ce. Chief of Police Lee reported on. his Departments activities. Fire Chief Fridges resorted on the operation of tlae City fire Department and the Rural Fire District. City Engineer, Sherwood re orted the J�lanes Street sevrer is going along fine. City Engineer Sher,,rood reported the Icy Creek flow is dropping from the last rerort., Engineer•from Goldsmith & �ssoci.ates reported on I,"entwood I-I_ills Trunk Sevier that all the pipe and man holes were in pL. ce and they ,could be tested in the next ten days. City Engineer reported_ the Drafts.mnn wa.s to,yln,' with the idea of an insignia for the City of Kent -to be used on the equipment. The drarwing vias passed to the Council to let them look at it. City engineer reported the vaork on the head works on the :'rest hill Sewer System was not resolved, and the sir)hon system was s1.lgf ested on a change order from the Mate at a later date. Walt Ramsey of Hill P,-, Ingman stated the book o -r str_Indards are about to be completed. Councilwoman Bovell reported that t hey would like to have a meetin,; at 7:00 94 17edhesday the final meeting on the Standards to include the following people Councilman Strain, Bovell, Pozzi, City ;'attorney Thatcher, and City Engineer Sherwood. Councilman Hartlaub had no report on the ,,lass door hazards from tiwo � cities one in California and one in F_lordia. Councilwoman Mauritsen moved, dul-r seconded and passed 'or the City Clerk to sell the old light standards for $10.00 each. Counciln-�-in Strain stated that P,Ir. Paul Flint from 'McClean A: Co. was working out a schedule for venter Financiq_T. C. Ralph Fleming Inc. submitted a bid on standin,7 timber in our water shed. They vrill do selective log,;ing. The letter from C. Ralph Fleming Inc. ivas turned_ over to the '':'ater Committee for study. Cole & Dolman requested for the City to accept the black top street by the church just off the Reith Road on the old Vilitai7j Road. No action was t.-iken on the letter from Cole e: Dolman. Their letter was ,referred to the Street Department and Councilman Ilartlaub. Letter was read from the Association of '4ashi_nrcton Cities they do not have any Ordinances out on the hazards of clear -1ass doors. Letter from the Association of ?,'rashiiV;ton Cities vias referred to the Puilding Committee for study. Letter was read from 'fob Carroll on the improvements of the Fast Valley Highway. He made a rencrt stating he vias at t lie _meet:inf; of the King County Safety Council in Auburn he requested the Payor and the Council to �-et their thinking; for the King County Safety Council recoriendation for improvements of the East Valley iIighwa.,y. Motion was made, duly seconded and passed to r;i.ve the letter to the � Street Committee to give this a study with Oouncilm-3n Pozzi voting nay. j Councilwoman Bovell reported that in the past tvio months they have J given out to individuals and organizations over 500 ­_­mhoees on fall out shelters, first aid cupboards, and fruit cupboards. We also have the Engineers data on fallout air,circulatioh air fans that is not contained in the Government pamphlets. They have distributed 100 copies of the circulation air fan information to contractors and Individuals building their oven homes. They have spoke to 8 different PTA & Service Clubs in the last 2 months, and they have 9 more meetings scheduled. Councilwoman Dovell stated that we are very fortunate to have Mr. Ed Costello helping. CORRECTED -REFER TO MINUTES OF 11-20-61 14a,yor Thcrnton appointed `'aldwin Sammis and James Pouldron to the Indus- trial Commission. Continued: Mr. c: 'Irs. Carl i1oost;er's petition to vacate a portion of Mountain Ave. or (27th Avenue South) lying between the North line of Oak Street north line projected last on lot 14, Block 21, Interurban Heights 3rd section was read. A.T!% Roberts, Attorney re,;resentllzg 7,1i '?oyvodich rrlio resides at 19217 Myth Ave. South st,-itcd his cci',Ip1_aint is that hinds Grill is not the proper parking area and the ba rge trucks block his driveway so he can't get in. Tlln l cI-,i,er f'1'nrn T"1 'i i"T()y-vrxl r,lr 'wn.r, i n l' , r'r nrl Lr i, l rn 1'n'I i ctn (;c�nurt i L lsr+r . A letter eras rca(l from ',he State Ileaitlr Department to the Vayor vecom- mending that the City of Kent use .fluorid .t_ion aC their hater. They say this means improved Detital health of children and it has been demonstrated that Flouridation will prevent 2 out of every 3 cavities and has been endorsed by the nations leadirV health and scientific groups. Tv'otion was made, duly seconded and nasscd to place .the letter on flouridation in the hands of the health officer. I.:Irs. Richardson, a dental assistant and Irir.. Dalquist, a veterinary spoke from the audience in favor of flouridation. Mayor Thornton announced the Ilearin; of on on the Piercers Replat. No one objected. Uayor Thornton declared the hear:i_rv� closed anri a:,I-_ed for the reading of the Ordinance on Pierces 'Zeplat. Ordinance i,'�1109 , as read b), moi,ion, duly seconded and passed. Ordinance 'r�1110 was read by motion, duly seconded and passed relatin'; to Pl..,a.nnin and Zonitlr; for land use and d.evelonement :in the City of Kent and rezoning certain lands rri thin the said C4.t;y. Ordinance `ll_11, �7ae lead by: t of: un, .duly seconded and �assed� and Ordinance of the City of Kent approving and accepting deeds for public street purpcs es. The contract was read and discussed for contract acceptance of sewer facilities and agreement f'or reimbursement to uwners and Developers with Land OlLakes Developement Company. Councilwoman Bovell moved, duly seconded and car_:ied to accept the contract with Councilman Pozzi abstaining. Resolution i/460 adopted by unanimous vote of the Council approving a proposed action for annexation of certain territorities to the City of Kent. Monty Fugate was present and talked on planters for the Beautification of the City of Kent and he had several questions on size, type, and location. All of this was referred to the :Beautification Committee. Councilman Vloodworth vras api�ointed to z.,ork i°ri_th the Beautification Committee on these planters. Mr. Reg Lothe represent.iT Lenders Inc. was speaking for them. They oppose the proposed setbacks on meeker Street. Councilwoman 14auritsen suggested the 11ayor appoint a committee to work on a curfew -ordinance for the City of Kent. I.4r. Cunningham, head of the Transportation System of the Kent School System reauested the City to 'build more wall -.rays fort he chit' ren as more children are' having tb�;�,,.lk:'to and from school now. I,'otion made, duly seconded, and pa.sse(l to refer the problem of more vral_k-orays to the :Street Committee. Councilwoman IJauritsen reported that the children have walk -mays on Kenivooddand sometimes the cars can ha.rly get through the street for the children in the road. Motion made, duly seconded and passed for the Clerk to write a letter to the School District telling them of the children walking in the roadways and ask them if they ?•rould instruct the child ren to walk in the walkways and not in the streets. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS PRES.EITED AND AL LUEM AS FOLLOWS: Payroll for October, 1961 223290.24 Current Exp.- Claims 22,371.45 ',Tat er if 1, 041. 35 ?'Tater Emergency Fund " 1,045.96 Street rr 2,998.80 Seweir Rev. 'r 1,337.61 Sewer Construction 'r 1,197.0? Garbage rr 809.61 Library " 66.04 Park 'r 2,536.21 Parking Metier rr 82.87 I=TING ADJOURNED: 1 I Chas. Pridr;es P!ay_oy City Clerk` MAYOR