HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/1961 Kent, ulashington October 16, 1961 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Bovell, Hartlaub, Yauritsen, Pozzi, Shaffer, Strain, and �Toodworth. Minutes of the last 'meeting approved as printed. Report of officers presented and placed on file Budget, Clerk & Treasurer. City Engineer made a request for a hearing date to be set on the replat of Piercets Addintion on the ?Vest Mill located on the second curve going up the hill by the Reifschnider str.awber~y patch. Councilman .^Toodworth moved, duly seconded and passed to set next Council meeting as the hearing date on the Pierce replat. { City Engineer reported on his trip to Spokane to the American Public Works and he stated it was a very successful_ meeting. The American Public Arks are working on complete "Standards" for next year (parkage, pumping, plant addition). The next meeting of the APIW is set to be held in Yakima'in connection �•rith the ?',ashington Cities. Hugh G. Goldsmith presented the '•Test Hill Trunk drawing and siphon system for the LID and stated the LID is moving along rapidly. A letter was read from the State Dep,artment of Health on Change Order ;rJ_ for Kentwood Hills Sanitary trunk sewer. They Yore approved provided the in- verted siphon provided Q Change Order 11 shall be abandoned at such time as the average flow reaching this structure are such as to provide a flow velocity in the 6-inch siphon of 3 feet per second or greater. Councilman Woodworth reported on the request from the Country Store and made a motion duly seconded, and carried for the Police Committee to take action on the free parking and Hamburger stand to be in the street, as per request. Councilwoman Bovell reported on the open blouse which was held at the Sewage Treatment Plant on October 6, 1961 as being very successful. Councilman Pozzi had a meeting with the parking lot Committee but had nothing at the, time to report. Councilman Ilartlaub reported on the glass door problem and after consultation with members of the committee made the motion, duly seconded and passed to have the City Clerk write a letter to the Association of Uashington Cities for assistance in the matter of glass doors. Asking them if any Cities in the State have any Ordinances in this line that we can refers to and what the Association is rec- ommending be done in this matter. Councilwoman Mauritsen reported that two (2) Hercury Vapor lights have been turned off on Harrison Street until the 20th of November because of the problem at the Kent Floral. Their Poinsettias will not set buds. Poinsettias need at_ least 12 hours of darkness a day and -they are not getting it with the lights on it is daylight all the time. After consulting with the Police Chief and the Committee they felt it could be done for this short period. Councilwoman Mauri.tsen moved, duly seconded, and passed for the City Cleric to be authorized to purchase _five (A suspension LaRinaires these a.re(20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor) 2 14 foot Brackets 6 16 ,t ,t 3 18 rt it 3 20 tt it that the committee have authorized to have them installed at different locations. Councilman Shaffer reported on the All American City award and the fine job which Mrs. Fournier has done. The original entry blanks had to be in by Oct. 3 and were in about a week h bad of that. '7e have Hopes that we are selected as one of the finalists and at that time to will go into further presentation. Motion Yras made; duly seconded and passed to write a letter to Mrs. Fournier and thank her for her efforts and fine i,.urk on the Display and we hope we can enlist her further support if we are lucky enough to get into the finals. A letter was read from Ed Sipe Chairman of the Planning Commission recom- mehding additional 20 foot set backs along both sides of the following Streets: (a SSH 5-A (geeker St.) from the Milwaukee tracks to the bst City limits. (b) ti'"Test Valley Highway (c) East Valley Highway north of James St. and south of Titus St. (d) Fourth Ave. from Meeker St. north to the O'Brien Road. A James-Winner between the East and ',Test Valley Highways. (f) Military Road. (g) So. 212th (O'Brien Rd.) between the East and Nest Valley Highways. (h) So. 228th (Taylor lid. ) between the East and Test Valley Highways. oau Continued: Q-4 Also recommended an additional set back of ten feet along both sides of the followir Street. (a 1-Teeker St. from 4th Ave. to the 1 i.lwaukee tracks. (b) James and Winner Str. east of East Valley Ilwy. and west of ?"lest Valley Highway. (c) Willis Street. (d) Smith-Shinn Streets (e) South Jgbth (Orillia Road) on the south side, with a request to Renton to do the same on the forth side. Councilman Hartlaub moved, duly seconded and passed for the City Attorney and the City Engineer to forge ahead on the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the set backs on certain streets. Also the City- Clerk to write a letter to the City of Renton askinr; them to cooperate an the 0rillia Road. A letter was read from the State lligh,-ray Commission �-ri_th copies of the access Resolution covering Sheets 3 E: 4 of 14 of PSH 5 from So. 228th in Renton to Kent. This Resolution covers the deletion of frontage service roads. City Clerk is to contact the people on the State Resolution on the front- age roads. A letter was read from Barney I'Tilson requesting the City to pay his way to the fall conference at the Washington State Recreation Soceity to be held in the Tri-Cities area October 27,28, 1961. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to send Barney i'Tilson expenses paid to tie fall conference on Oct. 27, 28, 1961. A letter t.^ra.s read from T. S. Bailey, Seeretany of Chamber of Commerce stating; they would like to propose an Ordinance governing "Close-Out Sales" in the City of Kent and a Committee to study it and adopt the Ordinance as soon as possible. Motion m� de, duly seconded, and passed to refer the Totter from the Chamber of Commerce on Close-out Sales to the Police Committee and the City Attorney for study. A letter was read from the Valley Industrial Commission. They have arranged to have Mr. j^lalter Straley, Pres. of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone as principal speaker. They are inviting the City Council and Administration leaders to attend. The meeting is being held in the conference room at the Renton City Hall on the 23rd of October at 8:00 o'clock P.LI. Mayor Thornton would like as many as possible to attend the above mentioned meeting of the Valley Industrial Commission. Ordinance #1108 was presented approving and accepting a deed for public st r�et. Motion was mde duly seconded arr passed to adopt Ordinance #1108. Petition for the annexation of Valley Vista and Suburban View was presented. Motion made duly seconded and nassed for the City Attorney to draw up a resolution to proceed wi.th Valley Vista and Suburban View Annexation. Councilman Hartlaub says there are to many holes in the road rahere the side sewers were put in on the Reith Road, and he would like to know what can be done about it. The problem of the side sewer Boles in the Reith Road was referred to the City Engineer. MWor Thornton announced the heari.ru_=, is now open on the Change of Zone requested by Mr. Yorrison on Kentwood IIil1s for a rezone .from an I1-1 Zone to a C-1 Zone. Mr. Jones withdrew his objections to the rezone and Mayor Thornton announced the. hearing closed. Councilman Pozzi moved, duly seconded, and passed to approve the rezone from an R-1- Zone to a C-1 Zone. Councilman Woodworth moved, duly seconded and passed for Hill & Inman to prepare, "in boog form" standards on utilities, streets, and etc. Fred Fraizer introduced Mrs. KeJ1,y and Tyr. Saunders from Valley Vista. rdlayor Thornton presented Ed Sipe with his certificate of reappointment to the Planning Commission. Mr. Paul ITieser reported on the progress of the steel firms which are coming ihto the North end of the City. Councilman Shaffer says that 1-Jr. 7lieser should be congratulated on his advancement of Industry to the City of Kent. Councilman Hartlaub says that the Street Department should he complimented on the fine job they have done on 252nd Street. ' City Attorney Thatcher said that Mr. Campbell states the sewer should be moved from the alley now. Gib Kendall, Street Foreman said that we will start on the Campbell sewer next week. Continued: Mayor Thornton announced the Trailer Ordinance is to be taken up at the next meeting. Councilraman Pa.uri.tsen reported on the meeting of. the King County Traffic Safety Council to be held in Auburn on October 25, 1961 at 7:30 P.M. The Safety Council proposed widening the East valley Highway. It is felt that the City should be represented because they are trying to promote a program that we thought had been stopped, to take the place of the proposed Fre enay. Councilman hbodworth moved, duly- .seconded and passej to send a letter to the King County Traffic Safety Council. I.hyor T!_ornhon stated that he Yould_ be present at the October 25th meeting. CLAIMS PRES11'dTED ANID ALLO1,"�TJD AS FOLL9,,.-S: Current EQ. Claims 11,251.76 ','later " 709.74 ?later Finergency " 690.03 Street " 848.31 Sever Revenue " 231.16 Garbage " 90.60 Library " 92.86 Park if 190.18 I STING ADJOURITID: l _ � Bridge h.Ia,�or ��tir Clerk I I