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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/02/1961 nt i I n,I-,on nctnl�f-r 0"),
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M IT a Y' MPP.I-,in p-, n F t 11 P G 1 ,oli r ( noi I r 1q,)vnr Thnrnt—-In' rth .
13PIT011 and Won( T,,Tn
Minutes of tjI(I 1 aft. VI0Ptj.nI(r P 11-MrOVed Tyr-in I-r,d ri On
Fr-In-er rrnrtPri I-11--it Hip
Complete except fnr n I -itt1p n=atri nsr tollr.111)r wnrl,' . 'I,ll'n f ITla] "�'t I m
-js in for -p; vment - P , I S (-Ompl etp
The. reported that the c"tr pt T.'i t r
P7rIrPnt for P small thITIrrs . The final _' 1-n for T-,,-'vinent
The F,nfinepr attended t h I II F1 , r�qrl' (TO )d Roads rS Assn .1 . convention ntion
3eI_)teIrIhP.T- ')i ?? , 1061 -r(Ir)()rt VIRS that it
at Pnrt AnFel-ps ,seemed innrp for Chamber Of Commerce than for C tv _)f s
The CitIT EnCrinePr announced that t I I e, Tr r r,I-n Pn t I ant i
P house c 1.e.P n I -n,P.' An bporl House i s rPiT-'Fr hpld for qplr 'interestP(i
pprties Friday, October 6 , 10h1 from I p.m. to ),, p.m.
r foreman .9tq -1 -1 hl,(' condr i r -he
The w,�tfl* start to lnqt,� j-t� across ross 11
!�nrth Bend freewiv thi-s next- week, I t bias rer)--ted b�T the Ui tT Engineer.
-F'or himself and Dnn Dent , Asst .
The City Enp,,Jnper i',QPde ren11r!-,f,
EnF--ir-er to I attend the iVn-,ri -can Pi'11)1 -ic Tplorl�F; convPW-Jon I.n
Snnk'Anp On October 11 , 17 TQ()j , t(r, pr;j_rd tn use the
c(,,Tjjp,(j I-,o F,�,-n(l Glen Sherwood
F,ql-con. Motion made d10-y se
and Don Dent to the �PWA c'nnvont-ion -in 9-r)l-prjn . (')ctobor TI
Ali expenses paid . -c
Motion was made., duly seconded and rp��sr-ri for lierb Will e to
attend the Building Inspectors school Pf-, 11�1111'Tipn -in [\,,o7T-mbPr.
Pir. GnIdsmi-thwas present and stated that the Work is T)r 0 F-r e,9-s n
satisfactorily on the KpntT,iood Hills se'110r . The wn-1,,- scheduleI was
reviewed last' week and tilt- c�nntrqctor 1 �-, T-n-q!cJn�)- proP*rr)ss - ThP estimate
is in the bills for pa'yment.
Ma.vor Thornton announced that the hearing was open on tile 1062
Budget . ' No comments were made so the fvLqV0r declared the hoarinp,
closed .
Mayor Thornton requested the Clt.r Att.n-rne.,T to read the 9'1'ldP'Pt
Ordinance and the I'ax Levy Ordinance .
Motion made, duly seconded and passed by the iinan-J,moiis vo[-e of
the Council present to adopt the Budget Ordinance #11-05.
Motion made, duly 2nd and passed by the unanimous vote of the
Council present to adopt Tax Levy Ordinance // 1106 .
Councilwoman Bovell announced that they now have the preliminary
draft on standards and procedures on seU,,ers .in form to present to the
committee and the Engineer. She hores, it will he brouplit back to be
passed as an Ordinance and not as a policy.
Councilman Pozzi stated that the PqrkinF, lot situation is not
feasib16 as it was presented at,
the I-a,,-,t meeting. The Bonding Company
said they could not go along with the parking lot committee on the
bond issue until there was a test case made by the Supreme Court .
Councilman Pozzi said his committee j meet_s prepared to m . t with the
Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot committee on the parking lot Plan.
Councilwoman Mauritsen moved to instruct the Clerk to notify
Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to install two residential street
lights on Maple Street . One to be installed at maple and Garfield
and one on Maple Street between Reiten Road and Garfield. Ave. Motion
duly seconded and carried.
.1 The street foreman announced that the improvements on 252nd
street would be completed within the week. The rock will be put on
tomorrow and the blacktop the* following day.
A letter was received from the American Legibn requesting
permission to install their flag brackets on the now street light
poles. They have reconditioned the brackets to conform with the new
-poles. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to allow the American
Legion to install their flag brackets on the new street light Poles .
Resolution # 459 to draw 4166 .32 from the gas tax money for
final payment of Mercury Vapor lights at the intersection of Hwy #1
and 252nd Street was presented. Motion made, duly seconded and.
passed to adopt Resolution # 459 with Councilwoman Plauritsen and
Councilman Strain voting ney.
Estimate #1 on LID 243 Kentwood Hills Addn, sewer and final
estimate on Kenwood-Guiberson LTD presented for payment. Mot-ion
made, duly seconded and passed to pay through claims .
continued :
The Ordinance on the new pl_urnbinr; code--Western Officials
Uniform Plumbing Code, 1.961 add_iti.on, was read. Councilman
Pozzi moved to Hass an Ord-innnee to est- '1)11 sh a r1_umbing Co(](-
by reference. After d_i_scrrssion the motion vies w _thd.rnwn to adopt
the ordinance. Plotion iti1as made to set; a date for hearing on
October 16, 1961) 8 p.m. , C_i.ty hall for all interested people
to attend.Notice will_ state that the code is in the CI
_erkTs office
for them to examine. Notice will he nlaced in the Kent official_
news paper. (Kent PIews Journal. ) Motion d,zly seconded an.d carried .
An ordinance on the traffic code malting various amendments
was presented . Councilman Woodworth moved and Councilman Pozzi
seconded to pass the traffic ordinance. Councilman .Strain made an
amendment to the original_ motion to delete the speed limit on
the Kent Desivio_i_nes Road from the ordinance , leaving the speed limit
the same as it is now, 50 miles per hour. The amendment lost.
A vote on the original motion was dioy seconded and carried.
Councilmen Strain and tiartleub voting ney. ')ki) s' )10'7
Orman T. Smith was introduced by 1�1ayor Thornton ns the latest
member of the Planning Commission. ile was presented with his
certificate of appointment.
Mayor Thornton reappointed i{. A. Sine to the F'l.anni nor Commission
for a 6 year term. By motion the appointment was confirmed by the
unanimous vote of the Council.
Jack Wagner, a member of the Park Board, was present and
stated that they will use the money allocated in the Budget to
make greater improvements i.n Parrk and Recreat�i_on .faci.lities .
Councilwoman Bovell. .reported on the Civil Defense meeting
called by Governor last Tuesdny. hr. Frank Ellis spoke.
lie made the statement that Civil Defense will come first and
requested people to build shelters . It seems this is the only
way people can survive. The Electric Power Go 's will issue forms for
registration of all peoples through their monthly billings so
there will be a record of all peop-1 e for Civil Defense pur?,oses .
Councilman i-iartlaub requested the City Attorney to explain
the only workable way on setbacks . Mr. . Thatcher explained that the
only sucessful way would be to have setbacks in the over all
zoning plan. Setbacks would be made from the new proposed line of the
road and. not from the old line. This could be included in the
street and alley proposal in the over all Plan-
Part k-- Necessary setbacks on. streets that are presently in
existence. The Planning Commission should proceed as rapidly as
possible to tiring a recommendation to the Coaincil so that it can
be considered at the earliest possible time.
Part B--To consider the establishment of streets through the
areas that are presently undeveloped where they will be needed. Also
width of streets. The Pltnning Commission should bring a recommend-
ation to the Council as soon as possible so that the proper
Ordinances can be drawn.
Councilman tlartlaub moved to pass Parts A & O of setback
proposal. Councilwoman Bovell seconded the motion.
Motion made to seperate Parts A and H. Notion carried.
Motion made, duiv seconded and carried to accept Fart A.
Motion made on Part B carried,, Woodworth voting ney.
Councilman Pozzi made a short report on glass doors . Ile is not
ready to have an ordinance drawn as he wants to have a meeting with
the glass door companies . Some good ideas might be derived from these
Councilman Woodworth stated. that the -time was about up on the
Railroad Company repairing the Shinn Street, crossing. he will bring
the matter up at the next meeting.
Motion was made, duly seconded. and passed by the unanimous vote
of the Council present. to appoint Coiinc .lman ilartlaub as chairman
of the Legislative committee.
continued :
Payroll September 22 ,0 5.a5
Current ExpP.nsP 27r7g5. 58
WJa t er rr l, 521 .7 I
Water %ervency Fund eT 6o.03
Street 1 210.00
Sewer tt ' ,6$
Garbage rr 513 .68
211.3 .68
Library ,�
Park 1.01 • 51
Parking Meter
41 .25 i
_ _. elf'
M,q nr it
,;City Clerk