HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/17/1961 0 41 A- Kent, 71ashington July 17, 1961 Regular meeting of the City Council present Yayor Thornton, Council- men Bovell, Hartlaub, Mauritsen, and Shaffer. Minutes of the last meetin approved as printed. Treasurers report presented and by motion accepted and placdd on file. City Engineer Sherwood reported on the trap ?Ialt Ramsey, two U.S. G. S. Engineers, and himself made out to Icy Creel:, where they have made a study of the area for the purpose of stream gauging. The cost to the City for Stream Gauging and the keeping of records for a year would be 51,090.00. Councilman Shaffer moved, Councilman Hartlaub seconded, and passed for the A1,090.00 for installation of measuring devices and keeping records for stream gauging for one year. City Engineer announced that, the assistant City Engineer, Don Dent has passed his test and Trill soon be issued his certificate for Professional Land Surveyor. Mr. Ed Rutkosky has passed his e .a ination for Class TV Treatment Plant Operator. City Engineer, Sherwood was instructed to write a letter to the Rail- road Company and find out about fixing the Smith Street crossing. City Engineer was instructed to write a letter to Hays Evans and find out why we'have not been billed for the garbage disposal plant. Councilwoman Bovell moved the modification in the Kent Highlands agreement as set forth by the City Attorney and the 14yor. The bond has been changed from $50,000.00 to $5,000.00. The new clause that "the -City shall hereafter be required to commence litigation at anytime during the term of said agreement to require the ;performance of any covenant or con- dition contained in Paragraph #5 of said agreement, then and in such event the company agrees that it shall be obligated to pay to the City of Kent all reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred by the City in the prosecu- tion of such action." Motion made duly seconded and passed for the Mayor and. the Clerk to sign the modification agreement with the Kent Highlands. Councilman Hartlaub moved, duly seconded to amend the motion to include the actual costs and attorney fees. At the request of_ 'the City ."attorney Councilman Hartlaub moved, .duly seconded and passed to talbe the motion and the amendment until 1'.'fr. Curran could come down and explain. Councilman Hartlaub reported on refrigerkti:ng the air in theCity Hall and it was said it would have to go in the next year's budget. Councilwoman Mauritsen reported there will be 49 ornimental Street light standardn to be taken down and 6 ref thnm n,ro to be "nod Qk tho NA. Dave Mooney from the Beautification Committee said the lights are to be used at the .Park, parking area and at the Scenic Bill School. Councilman Hartlaub moved, duly seconded and passed to have the City Engineer .arrange for the storage of the light standards on City property. A letter was read from Ed Sipe, Chairman of the Planning Commission correcting a mistake in the legal notice for rezoning of Mr. Seijas descrip- tion should be eliminated from the notice as it is in the description on NER Zoning. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing open on the textual changes from a C-3 to an MI-IR Zone. City Attorney Mr. Thatcher explained the textual Changes. There were no objections. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing closed. Councilman Shaffer moved, Councilwoman Bovell seconded and passed to approve the drafted amendment and asked for the Ordinance to be drawn for same. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing open on Ordinance #1089 to be zoned C-1 and Ordinance #1091 to be zoned MHR, C-3, and R-1. There .were no objections on Ordinance #1099. i There were no objections on Ordinance #1091. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing closed. Councilman Hartlaub moved, Councilwoman Bovell seconded and passed to accept Ordinance #1089 approval of proposed zoning by annexed area. Councilman Hartlaub moved, Councilwoman Mauri.tsen seconded and passed to accept Ordinance #1091 approval of proposed zoning by annexed area. Dave Mooney and Bob Coen were present from the Beautification Committee. They stated they would like the Council to adopt an anti-litter Ordinance with the power to have old grass Qpt down from the right of Trays, old lots cleaned up, etc. 04 Z Continued: �� Mr. Mooney talked about planter boxes on the street in front of stores. Councilwoman hauritsen moved, duly seconded and passed that the anti- litter Ordinance be given to the IIealth and Sanitation Committee. Councili%,oman Bovell moved, 017 seconded and passed to take .from the table the Kent Highlands modification. Mr. Jim Curran explained the Dent Highlands bond and the aE reement that, the Street Committee, the Eayor and Himself had come to. Councilmen Hartlaub made a motion to with dray: his amendment to his original motion, duly seconded and passed. Councilman Shaffer reported on the letter from the City Treasurer stating that 080,000.00 in US Government 180-day Treasury Bills were due July 19, 1961, as there would be no construction within the next 6 months he would recommend re-investment. Councilman Shaffer moved, duly seconded and carried to authorize the treasurer re-invest the 11380,000.00 in bonds. A letter was read from Dahlquist•Reality signed by W.A. & Elin Throck- morton on the option money 10o or Q75.00 is going to Dahlquist Realty and `v2,475.00 for Mr. & Mrs. Throckmorton's land. A letter was read from Todernfold Northwest Inc. for doors to go across the big room. The price of the doors is $1,178.00 and an alternate estimate on Sound blaster Doors in the amount of $1,969.00. In the discussion no action was t^.I-en as there is now no money in the bugget for building this. A letter was read from hers. Hogan, Sec. of the Park Board. They have had two meetings. hors. Hogan was elected secretary and Pete Baffaro was elected Chairman. Mr. Barney Wilson has presented Renton's present park ordinance to the board for study. At the next; meeting the board will discuss its requirements applicable to our City and present it. Mr. Jack Magner from the Park Barad reported that the Board would like to be an administrative park board and will draw up an ordinance. A letter was read from Ca•rtano P,otzer & Chapman law office written by Mr. 7atson stating that Vlater District #75 is willing to establish a division line for water service along 40th Ave. South from South 242nd to South 256th S Street thence along 39th Ave. South from 252nd Street to a point 150 feet south of the Reith Road. No action ias taken.Councilman Hartlaub asked that all members of the Council be sent a copy of the Cartano letter. A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs. Manfred G. Nitchke. They are concerned about the water pressure in the area South 243rd Street and 36th Avenue South. There are already 12 houses on a 2 inch line and they are adding 6 more new homes. 1,7hen they water their lawns the pressure only goes about 6 inches high. Councilman Hartlaub moved that the Clerk ,mite a letter to Mr. & Yrs. Manfred G. Nitchke stating the City is doing everything possible to take over the area by legal means. Councilman Shaffer seconded and carried. Councilman Hartlaub moved duly seconded and passed that Mr. Frazier's statement of asking how they would gut out a fire in that area with so little water pressure, be a part of the minutes. A letter was read from the ,Association of 7'Tashington Cities thanking us for our kind words and enthusiastic participation in their annual event. A letter was read from Hugh G. Goldsmith & Associates on the Kentwood Hills Sanitary Trunk Sewer LID 243 calling to our attention that the review by the Public Health authorities can take considerable time but the bids can be held up to 30 days after opening. The City of Kent is to make official acknowledgement to the Pollution Control Commission. The Sewer is being planndd to serve more area than originally planned. Councilwoman Bovell moved to study the letter of Hugh G. Goldsmith and take into consideration the facts and information as set forth in the letter. A letter is to be written to Hugh G. Goldsmith. Councilwoman Mauritsen duly seconded and passed. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing on Kentwood Hills Sanitary Sewer open. Alex Smith stated. he objected because he could not build a house over the old sewer survey. City Engineer said that they Wuh changed the route and he can now build his house. Mrs. F-Lahard Kemp objected to donating a. 30 foot easement across the back of her property as she could not just hook on to the main sever where she wgnted to as she was told she could do. She states that a 30 foot right-of"ray uAl cause problems in their future building. Continued: TAr. Parker objected because the sewer will not go on his property and he would have to obtain an easement from Ili-. which would he an addi- tional cost. A letter was read f rom tl e State II_i_ I.tiray Der)t. protesting, to the cost of .$4,196.91 as the server rrou.ld be of no benefit to them and they want their name stricken from the roll. City Attorney, Thatcher is to check the legality of dropping the State Highway Dept. from the roll. 1.3,yor Thornton announced the hearing closed. A letter vias read from the State IIighl'my Commission, Roy 0. Besbitt, District State Aid Engineer, acknowledging our letter of 6-7-61 on borrovr- ing road building ma,tea ia1 from existing County Roads to ii nrove roads in _ our area by excavation, borrow material and ti°ridenting. A ,petition was read from residents and nropert r ovmers along Military Road requesting an engineeri_n>f, and traffic survey of speed conditions between South 242nd and South 252nd along 17i_litary goa.d be changed from 50 to 35 miles an hour and be strictly enforced. Councilman Shaffer moved, duly seconded and carried to referr to the Police Committee the letter f'or change of speed conditions on the T.Tilitary Road and be reported on at the neat meeting. Councilwoman Bovell gloved, duly seconded, and passed for the City Engineer to call for bids on the Kentwood Hills Sanitary Trunk Sevier for August 4, 1961, to be opened at 3:00 PT.T at the C it jT Hall. Councilman H,artlaub moved, duly seconded and passed to have the City Engineer directed to , lace in the bids 1a.0 day, time limit instead of 30 day, time limit on the award hold. period. Mlayor Thornton appointed Orman T. Smith, Realtor to the Planning Comm- ission on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Councilman Hartlaub moved dull- seconded and passed to accept the appointment of Orman T. Smith to the Plann_i.ng Commission. City Engineer rcp orted on work on the serer at 6th and Shinn to proceed t^rith the Engineer �a.nd. the Street Dept. is more economical. Street Supt. Gib Kendall was a -ainst '_t. lie stated that they ddd not have enough equipment or experienced enough crews. 14otion made, duly seconded and r)assed to place the sewer '^cork at 6th and Shinn in the hands of the City Engineers and tr^:e City Crews. Street Supt., Gib Kendall reported on the LID for Kenvsood and Guiberson stating they were having trouble getting someone to remove the gees. Councilwoman Bovell moved, duly seconded to have the City Engineer write � a letter to Army Seijas granting permission to hook to the sewer line for mobile home units under rules and regulations perscribed by the City Engineer. Councilwoman Bovell and the second both withdrew and decided to take the .'letter back to the Sevier Committee for further study. Councilwoman i:4auritsen asked why we change a zone to meet the business desire? She stated that. the business should amply first for a License then if need be for the change of zone. It is wrong for the business to move in first and then for us to let it slip by and change for them. CLAUTS PRES7F ITED AND ALLOTTED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense Claims C1,586.95 Water if 2,967.18 Street it827.26 Sevier It 199.71 Garbage it 154-42 Library It 3.90 Park if 425.a0 LID 239 It 2,715.04 LID 240 " 136.36 MEETIP,IG ADJOURNED Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk MAYOR