HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/07/1961 044 ZI P-4 K,?nt , WP�s hJ nrrt on � I�,. nr T'!torntnn Re7izl ar mee1-.-i nor of the C;i ter Cn,,inc-i 1 pr�­-rnt Co>>ncil_men -invel.l , I-iartlaub , Nlararitsen , T'n7,7,-i , Sh ffer , `3train , and Woodworth. I�,'ii-m,'It es of the last r(IfT,zl_r=Jr meetns� ahnrn�rG�d as printed cxcert. . . . The ivr)rd "carri Pd"' bp. Stri_ck?n can th-e motion .for the Alavor and Clerk to sign the mnd i fi c ,tj nn ar-rPement Tri th. Kent Hi hlands. and The word "now"' be chan7ed to "not" on the folding door -i_of orinn t_i.on. Bids rece:i_ved on 1,TD 243 , Kerti,�rood I-0 1 l s Semler from. . . W.J. Schade R; Sons , Tnc . i_n the amola.nt of K7 ,6n6.2.9, Shoreline Constr. Co. "' 65,95�i-.30 Tri -State Gonstrizcti_on Y" 54, 3 86.34 National_ Construction Co. '" 54,170. 5$ Thorhurn 8; LOF''o7o it 1042 , 5 7n.42 Rids read on RPcreat-i on Parking area which were opAnPd AuF'ust 4, 1961. at 1100 a .m. One bid was received from Rainier Asphalt in the amount of '$4., 53(1.C10- ° A motion was inadP her Colinci-lwoman Rovell seconded and W passed , to have a special. Council meet,in�, at 8 :00 a .m. Saturday, �� August l2 , 1961 to award the bid with a unanimous, Council_ on LT5 21�3-Kentwood Hills Sewer. The. City Attorne'r advised th e UJ° Council- that the Clerk would have to Publish a not of the ire special meeting in the Kent News Journal. 0-so notify all radio oz and TV stations and daily papers by Augl.ist. F�, ]_961-- Councilman Pozzi moved that vie bid for paving of the Recreation Building Parking Area be awarded to Rainier Asphalt in the amount of 'A, 530.00. Motion duly seconded and passed. Mayor Thornton introduced Or. Edward E. Sprecher and Dr. Ravmond. L. Hartford owners, of th e Circle K Mobile Home Park. They extended an invitation to all G-ity officials to attend a Coffee Hour on Saturday and Sunday 1-? Xr: 13 , 1961 at the New Mobile Home Park. Y1,gna.gers of the new park are h r ",. N'irs D.C. Purdie. Dr Hartford expressed anpreciation for the fine cooperation given them by the- City of Kent . Mr Pr. Mrs Steol and a group of young people appeared before the Council to inquire about the City of Kent providing a public swimming pool. They were advised to contact the Activities Council and also circulate a petition to see how many people are iziterested in a swimming pool, Councilwoman Bovell moved to cancel the special meeting set for Saturday. August 12 , 1961, to vote on LTD 243 as Councilman Shaffer appeared and made a unanimous Council. Ni.otion duly seconded. and passed. Glen Sherwood, City Engineer reported on LTD 240. He stated that the work was going slower than was expected but was progressing L� favorably. The first estimate is in the bills for payment tonight , W. The LID 242 on Street lights is nearly complete and the .first cu. and final payment will be presented at the next meeting for. payment LU° it was reported by the City Engineer. iti" Councilman Pozzi. moved to have the Clerk call for bids on W D Oz resurfacing of 252nd street as per. the City EnFri_neer 's specifications . Motion duly seconded and passed . Councilman Pozzi would 1_ike the minlztes to show as a matter of record that Mr. Kendall. is aware of the condition on Standaert 's road and will get to it as soon as poss:i ble. Councilwoman Niauri'tsen moved that the 3 Mercury Vapor Resi_dentual Street lights, placed on Kennebeck Ave. as demonstrators , be purchased and that General Electric Supp-1 Col be adv:i.sed to bill the City for same. Also for the Clerk to request Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to bill the City for services on these street lights under. the City street light contract . Motion duly seconded and i - passed. Councilman Strain announced that Icy Greek is having weirs installed and by the end of the year Hill & Ingman will make a study as to the amount of water coming from Icy Greek. Councilman Strain also reported that in the vicinity of Derbyhhire's Addition they have very low water pressure. A letter from the State Highway Department was read in reply to our letter of July 241 1961 acknowledging the stated improvements to be made on the existing State Highways within the corpera.te City limits of Kent . They assured us that they would give these projects very serious consideration �t th e time their program is prepared for the next biennial period. Continued : A letter was read from Walter F. Winters , King County Engineer, stating that there will be a joint meeting at the City Hall in Renton at 9 :00 a.m. RLuesdav, August 8, 1961 , of the sponsors of the "Application for Assistance .in Planriing and Carrying Out Works of Improvement Under the Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act , Public Law 566, for the Green River Watershed . 11 Attendance was requested for the review of the completed preliminary report by the Soil Conservation Service. Letter was read from Pir. Philip Ivi. Botch, Engineer representing Water District #75, regarding an article in the Kent News Journal .refering to .letters received by the City of Kent complaining about Water District #75 water shortage. mr. Botch felt that "actual facts" should be given to the people as well as the Mayor and Council "instead of encouraging such activities."" Motion was made, duly seconded and passed to place the letter and photostats of the clippinF,s on file in the office of the City Clerk. A letter was received, read arld placed on file from Penn H. O'Brien regarding the doing of business by letter instead. of verbally with the City of Kent . He requested the water meter read . Letters received from residence of West Hill requesting water from Kent to telieve the shortap;e they experienced with Water District #75 water were placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. Councilman Hartlaub obtained the letters from the City Clerk and is going to contact the people personally and explain the water situation to them. Councilman Shaffer is to study the letter fom Washington 0 Cities on American Municipal Assn. regarding Municipal Fire Defense Institute. h �� Petition from Presbyterian Curch was presented .for annexation. Councilman Hartlaub moved that the Presbyterian Church seek property Wo other than the Hamilton Road area on which to build. Woodworth seconded. After discussion a motion was made to withdraw the previous motion. N W"- oZ Duly seconded and passed. Motion was made to have the City Attorney give an expression on the new annexation law to the church people. inotion duly seconded. f and carried. The annexation petition from I4idway was presented. This petition represents 10% of the valuation of the area to be annexed. Councilman Hartlaub moved that the hearing be set for August 21, 1961, 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City hall, Kent, Washington. The Clerk is to send a notice of hearing to all names on the petition. Motion duly seconded and carried . Mrs. Williams requested a traffic light at the corner of Reith Rd . and Military load. The County has advised us that they have set. a sppecial_ speed limit of 45 mph on Military Road between 192nd and 268th. Resolution #456 presented. for a State Franchise for Water Mains. Motion made to pass resolution #456 and for the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Duly seconded and carried. Resolution #457 of intent to vacate a portion of James Street setting a hearing date for September 5, 1.961, at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , CityHall, Kent, Washington. 1�1otion duly seconded and passed. Ordinance #1098, an ordinance relating to planning and zoning for land use and development in the City of Kent and ammending subsection (e) of section 1, of Ordinance #1097 of said City, rezoning certain lands within the City of Kent, was adopted by motion duly seconded and passed. Ordinance # 1099 was by motion made , duly seconded and passed to zone certain lands annexed by Ordinance # 1089 and # 1091 '"Single Family Besdential (R-1) Neighborhood Business C-1" 1' General Commercial C-311 and Mobile home Residential (MHR)". Motion made by Gouncilman Hartlaub and. seconded by Councilman Woodworth to adopt Ordinance # 1100 to amend Section 10.6.12 (as amended by Ordinance # 1094) and 1-0.14.03 , all of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Keimt , being Ordinance F#1071. Ordinance ## 1101 providing for improvement of certain streets and avenues and easements in the City by the construction and installation of an 18 inch sanitary sewer trunk line .was presented. Councilwoman Bovell moved to adopt Ordinance # 1.101. Motion duly seconded and passed. ±:mow Continued. : Councilwoman Bovell moved to award the bid. on LIDi 243 to Thorburn and Logozo in the amount of $4.2. , 570.4.2. Motion duly seconded and passed.. Mayor Thornton appointed the Finance Committee to study the increase in the Recreation Directors salary for the year of 1962. The City Clerk is to advise the King County Park Board of the Finance Committee ' s findings. The City Attorney presented a contract for reimbursement of Sewer facilities on iia.milton Road in the amount of* $1, 996.00, Motion was made to ad.opt the contract for the 15 year period. Original motion amend.ed to make it a 5 year period. By roll call vote the amendment lost . By motion madeA duly seconded the priginal motion passed. The City Attorney, Emerson B. Thatcher, was instructed to write a letter to Water District #f75 advising them that the concession they suggest is unsatisfactory and the City of Kent will not accept it . Councilman Shaffer reported that the Park Board. was requesting an Ordinance passed to give them administrative powers. He suggested that an ordinance of this type be looked into. CLAIMS AND PAYROLL PRESENTED AND ALLOW PM FOLLOWS : Payroll July '1�221 284.98 Current Expense Claims 9,134 -12 Water T° 3 ,213 .08 Street: It�.T 2 11773 . 52 Sewer Revenue , 540. 53 Garbage rr 322 •25 Library 115.39 Park " 90.91 Parking Meter t' 62 .80 I i MEH:TING ADJOURNED: Mavor *as . dges City Glerk MAYOR ' i