HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/19/1961 Kent., ',7ashington June 19, 1961_ Regular meeting to the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Lovell, Hartlaub, Mauritsen, Pozzi, Shaffer, Strain, and ?'�Ioodlrorth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed accept... Motion made duly seconded and passed to correct the minutes to be read that all petitions for annexation of lands to the City of Kent, other than those presently-in circulation, shall contain a. provision that all property within area to be annexed shall, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as the property cC the City of Kent is assessed and taxed, to pay for any'then 'outstanding indebtedness of the City of Kent'Which "eras contracted prior to, or' Risting at, the date of annexatidn: Report of officers presented and placed on file Treasurer, nudget, and Cleric. Bids were read on the purchase of a damp truck for the Street Department bids were opened Friday, June 16, at 3:00 PM. Low bid was awarded to Bowen Scatff ?ord Sajes, in the amount of 14496.24- Bids were read for the purchase of a, backhoe and Loader, Evergreen Equipment Co. was low bid, but did not meet the specifications *05,677.125 Fray Equipment Co. Inc. vTas 06,058.00 which did not meet the specifications and alternate bid was 16630.00 which Was high bid. and I)mith Tractor ane Equipment Co. of Puyallup was in the amount of 06,40.80 by motion passed to award bid to this company Smith Tractor of Puyallup in the amount of "6,442.80 which meets the specifications. Notion carried andCouncilman Shaffer voted- nay. Mr. Keeler from Olympia pia appeared before the Council to explain the operation of state aid on certain projects, furnishing labor. Mr. Keeley left statement of Policy -and general i_nformRti.on and application blanks for projects when they arise. Councilwoman t.'-ov 11 moved to c-.ill a special meeting June 26, to pass a resolution on LID 239 in Kentwood Hills at 7:00 PP'I• Councilman ?Voodyrorth seconded the motion and carried. Councilwoman 1dauritsen reported that she had a diagram made out for residential street lights on the Military Road, and moved to have the Clerk instruct the power Co. to install "as per diagram in their office" 25 street lights. Mayor Thornton announced that Councilman Shaffer was elected to Vice President of the Association of Whshington Cities and congratulated him on his achievement. Letter: read from t he Dent Kiwanis Club requesting permission to close through traffic on 2nd Ave. between Meeker and Gowe Streets on the 23rd and 24th of June to W nduct 'a pancake feed. Motion made, duly seconded, to grant the Kiwanis permission to block off the street for pancake sale, Carried. Letter read from Lyle Sandelius representing property ovmers along the proposed crater mains at Lake Fenivick they have sulomitted a 13.00 per front foot for the people on the East fide of the line with no provisions `for any reimbursement when future connection.are made. Councilman Strain moved to accept the proposal and the City brill call for bids when money .is placed in escrow. Seconded and passed. A letter was read from the Association of `,rashi-ngton Cities e;;tending their appreciation on the fine display that our City contri_';,uted to the Vashington Cities Convention in Seattle. Councilman Shaffer exprepsed appreciation for all that made our display a success at the convention and suggested a letter to the various fine people that Cave of their time to place Kent on the map. Letter to Hill chi Inman, Ted Reynolds, Kent Queen, City of Seattle, and Association of 7,1ashi.ngton Cities, Motion moved and carried for the let':ers also he wished to thank our City Engineer, and Mrs. Bove11 and Barney VdIson for carrying the ball in his absence. A letter was read from E. A. Sipe, Chairman of Planning Commission i recommending to the Council that they adopt a mobile home and or travel trailer Ordinance which the Commission approved at t heir regular meeting 6-14-61. Councilman Kbodworth moved, duly seconded and passed to hold a hearing on July 17 for various changes, in ordinance #1094, #1071, #1089, as d #1091. These changes were recommended b - the Planning Commission at their June 14, regular meeting. Letter was read from R. E. Ratcliffe requesting the release of Ed Floods plat bond was by motion passed and referred -Do the Street Committee for study. Continued: C-4 Letter from Mr. Ratcliffe requesting, Dent Hi_gl-d-ands Fond. of �?50,000.00 be reduced because they are not under full operation and. they are f ound to be good operations. Motion made duly seconded and passed. to referr the above matter to the Street Committee:. Letter was read from the Washington State Library requesting current material on our City, factual, descriptive, and historical. Iriotion duly seconded and passed to have Councilman Shaffer make a study. Mobile Homes and / or travel trailer Ordinance ias presented by the Planning Commission and by motion passed and placed on file till next meeting. Farms from Housing & Home Finance Agency, for advance planning programs. Motion duly seconded' and passed to refer to the Sewer and "atbr Committee. Letter was read from Army Seijas requesting permit to hook to the City Sewer. ITotion to have the Sewer Committee ri-ake a study duly seconded and passed. Letter was read from the First Baptist Church requesting permission to place a sign on a pole at lath & Meeker referred to the Police Committee. Letter of cost from the Cascade Llachinery & Electric Co. for the repair of "dinner Street pump in the amount of 1)1,160.00. Motion passed to have the pump repaired from the lo-aeat bidder. Councilman Shaffer presented the new street ntunbering map for City Streets signs. Motion made to proceed with the making of signs and passed. Ordinande # 1096 by motion duly seconded and passed for Emergency appropriations for Fire and General Government. Ordinance #1097 passed the una.mimous vote of the Council relating, to the Planning, land zoning, and rezoning. Display used at the AssociatIlon of `.j`a >h _nFton Cities to be used at all American City Convention. Resolution #454 for contract tivith P.S.P. &: L. Co. to furnish parser for a period of 10 years for a water pump at Summit Ave. Motion to adopt the Resolution #454 duly seconded and carried. Petition for annexation of a small parcel of land on the Hamilton Road was presented , only one piece of the Butenko property. Motion made and passed to reject the petition on account it is the pslicy of the Council not to accept one landowners piece of property because of the high cost. Petition was presented for annexation of area around I•'iidway. City Attorney explained a new law on annexation and recommended that -the petition be rejected. Motion made duly seconded to reject the petition, that it was filed after the new la-vT rJent into effect June gth. Carried. Councilman Strain moved that -vie move the selrer line from Irons and Campbells property and place it in the alley, dull seconded and carried vrith Councilwoman Bovell voting nay. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to call for bids for the Black top for the park. CLAIMS PRESLNTED AND A119= AS FOLLOV S: Current Expense Claims 3,760.00 Plater it 879.11 Street it 774.55 Sewer it 221.50 Garbage It 24.0$ Library " 155.49 Park it 138.47 Iti'1111ETING ADJOURNED: Mayor City Clerk Chas. Bridges I C-, MAYOR