HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/05/1961 664
Kent , Washington June 5 , 1961
Regular meetin of the City Council present Mayor Thornton,
Councilmen Bovell, Hartlaub, Nlauritsen, Pozzi , Shaffer , Strain
and Woodworth.
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed accept. . .
Councilwoman Mauritsen moved, duly seconded and carried,
the minutes be corrected as follows : appeal to the Council from
the Board of Adjustment. Granting a permit for removal of fill,
be set for hearing June 5th.
Mayor Thornton announced that the hearing be now open on
the appeal to the Council, from the ruling of the Board of
Adjustment on Mr. Waller' s gravel pit.
Don E. Watson, attorney for the people that reside in the �
area of Waller' s gravel pit , DIr. ''Matson opposed the granting
of removal of gravel in the Waller pit , and that the State High-
way was going to condemn -the Waller and Butenko land for gravel
to be used on their Highways.
Mr. Curran an attorney, representing T..r. Waller asked Mr.
Watson if he was 'asking -the Council not to act. "'Yes" , was the
answer. Mr. Curran stated to the Council that this law does
not apply.
Mr. Waller stated that the State Highway Commission did
not contact him on gravel -after the Board of Adjustment meeting
and up to this date, nothing in writing only verbal.
City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher advised the Council that they
had the power to uphold or reject the decession of the Board
of Adjustment in this matter.
Dr. Neil Twelker, a soil consultant Engineer was present
for Mr. Waller to. state that there was no danger of a slide, in
this soil system, that he had made a study and studies of others
before him as far back as 1$98.
Dr. Dragnsholt was present and stated that he had a slide
on the grounds at present. Dr. Twelker stated that he was not
referring to surface slides.
Bill Adams was present and reported that he opposed the
gravel pit operation and asked Dr. Twelker if he thought it
was safe from slides.
Mr. Curran presented pictures of the area and letters
from Drake Engineering, and a trap. P�1r. Curran would like to
make them a record of the hearing.
Mr. Bert Timby opposed.
Mr. Lee Purdy, 22244 841-1h Ave. So. also opposed the
gravel pit.
Carl Herring was in favor of the {;ravel pit at this
Fred Obrien residing 1/4 mile north of the area wanted to
know how long an operation this would be.
Mr. Curran gave the Council two letters from signers of
the petition requesting an appeal to the Council on the gravel
pit with drawing their names , Sylveetries and Fasnacht.
Mayor Thornton declared the hearing closed. Councilman
Hartlaub moved for ten minute recess seconded and carried.
Motion made and gassed to reconvene.
Councilman Pozzi moved and was duly seconded to uphold
the action of the Board of Adjustment on Resolution //6 carried.
by the unanimous vote of the Council.
Councilman Shaffer moved for the City Clerk to write a
letter both to the State Highway Dept. having jurisdiction over
this area and also the King County Engineers in regard of taking
' their borrow from the improvement of the hill roads , "what I had
in mind is the (Thomas Road that goes up the ','Test Hill ) straightened i
out and cuts made and is good material for fill dirt for the I
Valley Roads. This would be a double gain" . Carried. j
Councilman Shaffer says everythin is in gear and Mill
Ingman have done a fine job, on the Display board. for the
I ssociation of Washington. Cities Convention and is in Seattle
from '"Iednesday noon to r'xday noon. It will be on display at
the Olympic Hotel.
Councilman Woodworth announced that Bob [ganstad from the
Boy Scout Troup #415 was present and wanted to present the
City with a plaque.
Bob Nanstad presented mayor Thornton a Boy Scout plaque for
the wonderful cooperation betneen the City on their .l unforall days
in Kent. Mayor Thornton in return thanked them for their good
behavior and the fine job they did in cleaning up the park before
they left.
Mayor Thornton announced a hearing is now open on a change
of zone from a T:'IA to a M-2 at the request of the Western Processing
Elmer Bergstem was present and asked if the blood they used
in this process would pollute the creels. Mr. Neilson of the State
Pollution Control. Commission was present and answered, in the
negative. That if it would they would not ,give the permit and the
only smell is :in the building, and not outride.
Hearing declared. closed.
Councilman T-odyortb moved to have the property zone changed.
to 1-2. Carried.
Mayor Thornton announced the hearing open on P::IIR zones.
Chairman of the Planning, Comriiss _on ex?;lamed the need o:f the
I:HIR bones , and this phase of zoni_nn , was .not _included on the reaps
when drawn.
Tee Purdy was present and requested the reason of the rezone
t o 111R
P.T.L. Arinstrong Was present and asked what this would to do
adjoining property? City Attorney answered the question and said
no effect to adjoining property.
Mr. Curren was present and asked if tye present; code permitted
MHR zones now.
Councilman Hartl anb opposed the Ordinance on the grounds that
"I feel it is not necessary." (After discussion) Councilman Ilartlnub
with drew his objections .
Mayor Thornton announced the heaving closed..
Counc ilman-Woodwo-rtb moved that I,THR Zone apply to the trailer
parks that were in the notices which were posted. Carried, Council-
man. Hartlaub voted nay.
City Engineer asked the Council to accept 3rd Ave. South as
gravel street south. of Waterman Ac-es Tracts to the South - end.
City Engineer, Mr. Sherwood reported to the Council that the
County has requested us to have all annexations to include General
Obligations bond issues. Motion passed to require this procedure
cORRECTEO•REFER TO on all petitions not including the ones that are out at this time.
MINUTES OF 6.19-61
Street signs were brought up and a comuriittee Will set the
core sign boundry.
City Engineer recommended the acceptance of the agreement be-
tween the City and the State this is a maintenance agreement for
maintenance of realigned and or reconstructed city streeets in
connection with state project No. C. S, 1715 , except should be 41
wide instead of 3' on F lin.e, Fl _line , F2 line, and deeded to thO
City on completion.
Councilman ,Strain moved to write to the State Highway Comumittee
and ask them of the recommendation of the City Engineer in regard
to F, Fl and F2 lines deeded to the City on completion seconded
and carried.
Bids were opened and read 6-2-61 at 31: 00 AM on Kenwood and
Guiberson Street improvements , this was a recall for bids. One
complete bid was received on the both contracts. Pacific Const .
of Seattle in .the amount of $48,121.86. One bid received on Contract
#1 from Rainier Asphalt Co. for $23,482.75 , and one from Bert
Robinson on ,Contract 71l2 for 17,358.75.
Councilman. Pozzi moved to accept the complete bid of Pacific
Const. Co. -of Seattle in the amount of their bid of $48,121.05 duly
seconded and passed.
Councilwoman Bovell reported on various projects on the
efficency of our Treatment Plant . A new firm that might move to
Kent will take all of Libby' s kraut juice. Stokley has promised to
divert their condenser water from the Sewer System. The water and
the Sewer committees should get together to solve the Campbell and
Iron problem.
Councilman Pozzi moved to deny the damage claim by Gweden
Clark for a storm sewer run off through his yard during a heavey
down pour , duly seconded and passed.
The Planning Commission would like a separation in the large
room for meetings. Building Committee is working on same.
Continued: C-a
Councilwoman Maurit.,en reported that they had. a petition for
some 44 residential street lights on Military Road. The Committee
will study same.
A letter was read from Barney Wilson requesting; permission
to attend the Association of UJaohi.n ;ton Cities conference in Seattle
June 7 to 9 inc .
A letter was received from the Dept. of Public; Assistance,
saying that they would be here next Council meeting June 19 -to
discuss the program with you.
A letter was read of protest from residents around the
Happy Canyon Tavern requesting the City not to issue a cabaret
License, Clerk will refer to the Police and License Committee
before issuance of the next license.
A letter vvas read from. Felix Campanella stating; that business
is very poor and we cannot afford b100.00 for a Library Building
Plaque but will k6(tp you in mind.
A letter of resignation vaas read from L. A. Strain from the
Planning Commission reason accepting j�osition in 'JJest Palcistan.
Motion made duly seconded, and passed. to accept "with regrets" the
resignation of L. A. Strain.
A letter from the Cartano Attorney for �1ater District //75 ,
requesting the City of Kent to _leave the Water District alone and
settle up the differences if they have -the say. City Attorney will
write a letter to the later District' s attorney.
A letter from Ron Sumner , District Scout Executive thanking
the Mayor and the Council for the fine cooperation at their 1961
A letter was read from the Library Board requesting the Park
maintenance men to do the work at the Library grounds. To be
appropriated in next years budget.
Ordinance #1094 was read and by motion duly seconded and
passed for Textual changes of the zoning Ordinances) Motion to pass
Ordinance #1094 seconded. Amendment made and seconded to allow
trailer parks in all C-3 Zones. Motion on amendemnt duly seconded
and lost. Moved on the motion and carried. Councilman Hartlaub
voting nay.
Resolution #452 was read and seconded to extend various s
streets on the comprehensive map , seconded, and passed. V�
Ordinance #1095 creating an R-1 Zone in the Lake Fenwick
area. Motion made , duly seconded and passed.
Ordinance ##1096 read on its first reading for an Emergency
appropration for 0500.00 on fire truck and $5 ,000.00 for legal
consultants .
Resolution .#453 setting time and place of hearing on
Emergency Ordinance for fire truck and legal Consul. Motion made ,
duly seconded and passed for a hearing on Emergency Ordinance.
Motion made to refer the tire ,plant to the Planning Comm.
for recommendation duly seconded and passed.
Payroll for May 1961 $21,889.31-
Emergency Ordinance legal fees 3,024.30
Current Exp. Claims 2,096.96
Water 't 2,195.64
Street ;fly 1-1871097
Sewer 690.07
Garbage 351.04
Library " 10,123.11
Park 1,489.60
Parking Meter T1 56.59
LID 230 " , 12.35
Mayor �as. Bridges
City Clerk