HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/20/1961 Kent, Washington March 20, 1961 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Banell, Hartlaub, Mauritsen, Pozzi, Shaffer, Strain, and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting -approved as printed except... .Councilman Pozzi vras omitted from the Committee on the Railroad Merger and his name should have been placed on the Committee which now is composed of Councilman Woodworth, Strain, and Pozzi. There is to be three (3) Street Lights instead of one placed on Reten Road. Report of officers presented and placed on file, Budget, Clerk, and Treasurer. Councilman Woodworth announced, that there was no meeting on the Parking meter problem with the Chamber of Commerce and it would most likely be before next meeting. The merchants want to pay the City the overall average for each meter so they can give free parking to their customers. Councilman Woodworth talked to the Chief of Police on the Boy Scout parade. Motion was made., duly seconded, and passed for the Boy Scout parade to be held on the 20th day of May, between 11:00 Agri and noon. The parade is to start at the Valley Elementary School, North on Fourth Avenue then East down Meeker Street, then North on Central Avenue to the Memorial Park. Councilman Woodworth announced that he had a letter from various merchants requesting Railroad Avenue between Ueeker and Gorre Street be blocked off for display purposes of March 31, and April 1, 1961. He also had a letter from the Greyhound Bus saying they will cooperate and reroute the buses for those two days. Motion was made, duly seconded, and passed for the merchants to block off Railroad Avenue South from Meeker to Clare on ?March 31, and April 1, 1961. Councilwoman Borell reported that we are working on the South end sei^rers. Mr. Ramsey and'Mr. Flint have taken a new house count, in the South end area. By next meeting we should have a more concrete report to make on this. Councilmdn Pozzi reported that the Street Committee recommended the improv- ment of Scenic 'Way that it would be done sometime th is summer. Councilman Hartlaub reported on the progress of the improvement of the Police Office. Councilwoman Mauritsen reported the Street lights ire have on hand are nearly all installed. Councilman Strain announced that"Palmer Coking & Coal wants four foot curbing instead of four foot tile, which will cost the City more money. Although our agreement was verbal we should go along -vdth this. recommendation. I might add j that from her on out all easements for utilities should be payed for in cash at the time, which ivuld dispense with all later negotiations." Councilman Hartlaub suggested that the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, acquire right-of-ways by procuring, purchasing, or condemnation, by cash payments and npt by services. City Attorney, 11r. Thatcher:added not to forget by gift. Councilman. Hartlaub moved that the City Engineer be instructed henceforth that any rights-of-ways that are required for sewer or water or any other facilities that the City may vEsh to put in, be secured by gift, purchase, or d.ondemnation, rather than by agreement fcr the City to perform services in the future, Councilman Strain seconded, the motion. Motion carried. Councilman Strain reported that he has a letter from the State Highway De artment stating that we had leaks on the City of Kent transmission line at eight (85 foot intervals where it crosses Secondary State Highway 5A at the junction where it crosses Primary State Highway #2. The letter requests this leaking pipe to be lowered and encased immediately. Councilman Strain and 1aterforeman Euenson reported they could only find two leaks and not eight at the location of SSH 5A and PSH #rx2. Motion was made, duly seconded, and passed for the Clerk to write a letter to P.J. McKay District Engineer, and send a copy of the letter to John Berkowitz, Associate Highway Engineer, tellifig them that the line pressure is lowered in April and it will be taken care of then. A letter was read from I:4r. Harold N. Benson requesting an appeal to the City of Kent Council from the Board of Adjustment dt their meeting of March 71 1961. "Board of Adjustment Resolution #3 denied may application for Conditional Exception for a Service Station.'T Motion was made duly seconded, and passed and a hearing was set for Mr. Harold N. Benson to construct and operate a service station in a C-1 Neighborhood Busire ss Zone District, at 8:00 7,2 at the City Hall on April 17, 1961. Continued: Councilman Shaffer stated that a committee was at the Ilifhvray Commission Office in Olympia. The Committee was compm ed. cf the 11ayor Thornton, Councilman Shaffer, Hartlaub., and Pozzi, Fire Chief Br�dges, City -Engineer, Glen Sherwood. The Committee was very well received. The ommission promised us a hearing within 30 days at the City Hall- 1 th the Bureau of Public Roads. This Committee made an appearance before the Highway Commission on interchanges, separations, and .frontage roads. Councilman Shaffer moved, duly seconded, and passed for the Clerk to write a letter expressing our gratitude for the fine reception they gave us in Olympia. A letter was received from Chapman Electric extending the Street Light bid to April 10, 1961. A letter was read from the Salt Air Hills Community Club expressing their desire to be served by the City of Kent with water. A motion was made, duly seconded, and pas-;ed fort he Clerk to 'write a letter to the Salt Air Bills Community Club telling them of the law suit i°rith ?,"later District #75 and the City of Kent. Until this law suit is settled there is not much which the City can do in serving them with water at this time. A letter was read from Governor Rosel1 i.ni stating that he would make a careful. study of I-Iouse Bill 662 before he signed it and rya.de it into a law. This request was made to the Garernor in regard to the State Auditor operating his examiners in the Cities and Counties of the State. If the Gcv ernor signed the House Bill 662 it iv uld make it possible foir the C ities to hire private CPA's. A letter was read from Barney s'ilson, Recreation Director requesting to attend the Recreation Convention at Tacoma, April 9, 10, ll, & 12, 1961 with Expenses paid. Motion was made, duly seconded, and passed to pay expenses for the Recreation Director to go to the convention in acoma. A letter was read from the State Highway ommission giving us m audience at' their regular me-ting of March 20, 1961, in Olympia. A letter was readfrom the Davis Construction in regard to a curb setting at South 252nd and Pacific Highway. Their letter requested payment for the mislocation of a curb in the height of one foot for 1140.00 plus tax. City Engineer, Glen Sherwood states that the one foot grade was not the fault of the City of Kent Engineering Department as the State Highway Department I set the original grade. P:Ir. Sherwood said that the Engineering Department vrould not take any of the responsibility as it was not their error. -- Motion was made, duly s econded, and passed for the Clerk to reply to,the letter from Davis Construction after the information vie received from the City Engineer, that the City was not obligated to pay this amount and didn't intend to. A letter was read from the Planning Commission with changes in the amendment to Ordinance #1071 and the Planning Commission recommends that the months of January and July of each year be set for changes in the Ordinance. The Planning Commission also requested that a special meeting be held in April to clear out the back log. Mayor Thornton apointed the Committee of Councilmen Pozzi, Hartlaub , and Strain to study the changes in the Comprehensive Ordinance #1071 that the Planning Commission has recommended and after the study has been made ther will be a hearing set. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing open for L.I.D. ti'later mains along the Lake Fenwick Road and'anyone opposing or having anything to say raise and state your name and a ddress. LYLE SANDELIUS, 25626 48th South, spoke for the L.I.D. but he did not concur with paying for an 8" main, but he will go along with paying for a 611 main. Mr. Sandelius also complemented the City Engineer, Asir. Sherwood for the good Engineering, fast operation, and good wrk of getting the L.I.D. underway for the Lake o Fenwick Road. W T 1 " 1MYNE POZZI, 1025 E. Valley Road was also in the same opinion that the 6 W,; main was what the property oi-ner was supposed to pay for and not an 8" main. �" Councilman Hartlaub moved that the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, be instructed W o to bill for 8" mains and over that the'City will pay. W W Motion eras rm.de, duly seconded, and passed to table the motion to bill for oz the 8" mains. Mayor'Thornton announced the hearing closed, on the- Lake Fenwick L.T.D. for water mains. City Engineer, Glen Sherwood certified the estimated cost of the proposed Lek e Fenvi ck water main Local Tmprovement District as set forth in Resolution #La 6 is $213848.12. Y�I Cohtinued: City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher, announced that he had an agreement made out with Mr. Morrison and that he vzould explain to the Council the different phases of it. An estimate payment of $20,009.74 that would be the total L.I.D. payment. Mr. Morrisonts property of approximately 92 acres, if this portion of land was deannexed from the City Mr. Morrison's agreement vrould hold. The City Engineer, Glen Sherwoodts estimate is 26.68% of Mr. Morrisonts payment of the total of $75,000.00 for the L.I.D. Motion was made, duly seconded, and passed to accent the percentage figure of 26.68% made by the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood. Mr. Morrison was present at the meeting and accepted. llr.'lorrison stated that he will pay the percentage. nor. Hagen was present and said he' i^ould accept the lien on his property at the stated percentage of the City Engineer. Councilwoman Bovell moved that we accent. the agreement plan of Par. Morrison and Mr. Hagen as stated bar the City Attorney, 11r. Thatcher, also for the public peace, hellth, welfare, safety, and service. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 4-3-61 Motion to accept the plan of 1.4r. Morrison and Mr. Hagen was duly seconded, and passed. Ordinance #1090 was read for the improvement of certain Streets, Avenues, and easements in the City of Kent by the installation and construction of a 15" sewer trunk line with man holes, appurtenances ajhd all other work with and incidental_ thereto pursuant to Resolution #44l, Creating an L.I.D. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 4-3-61 CotIncilman Strain moved, Councilwoman Bovel-1 seconded, and carried with unanimous vote of the Council the passage of Ordinance #1090. Councilwoman Bovell thanked Mr. Morrison and his Attorney 11r. Iverson for working with the Council on the agreement. City Attorney, 11r. Thatcher announced to the Council that he had Resolution #448 and the Bill of Sale from Mr. & Mrs. George Fugate. This Bill of Sale trans- fers and conveys water and sewer facilities in Fugates Addition to the City Of Kent in certain streets and e asements in and adjacent to Fugates Addition to Kent. Councilwoman Bovell moved and Council-nun Hartlaub seconded to adopt Resolution #448 and to accept the Bill of sale by George and Alice Fugate for water and s ewer facilities. 1.1otion to accept the Bill of sale by George Fugate and Alice was carried. Resolution on the Railroad merger was read. Councilman Pozzi moved, Councilman 6'�Toodworth seconded to adopt the Railroad merger resolution. Councilman Hartlaub moved to table the motion on the floor. Mayor Thornton called for a roll call vote on the motion to adopt the Reso- lution on the Railroad merger. Tie vote. Motion lost. Councilman Pozzi announced that the Street Committee vrill go over the Specifications on Kenwood and Guiberson and it vrill be reported on at the next meeting. Councilman Strain will study the City water policy on the 6" and 8" water mains. Walt Ramsey reported on the Display and will contact and have information next week. Councilman Strain moved, duly seconded, and passed to have q letter written to the Kent Meridian Athletic Association and signed by the Mayor for their ac accomplishment at the State AA basketball tournament and also a letter is- to be vrritten to Jim Halte complementing him on his out standing ability and good sportsmanship. CLAI S PRESENTED AND ALLOIZP AS FOLLU, S: Current Exp. Claims 21951,76 lVater " 292.48 Street " 1,349.92 Sewer " 116.33 Sewer Construction " 161.11 Park " 229.01 Parking Meter " 17.40 Councilwoman Bovell moved, Councilman lartlaub seconded, and passed for the effective date of April 1, 1961 for the annexation of Linda and Valley Heights to, the City of Kent. Ordinance #1091 was read, by motion made adopted, duly seconded, and passed with the unamimous vote of the Council_. MEETING ADJOURNED: \ Chas. Bridges Mayor City Clerk MAYOR