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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/20/1961 Fent , iashington February 20, 1961
Present iIayor Thornton, CouncilmanBovell , Iartlaub, Pozzi,
Shaff er, Strain, and "Ioodvaorth, and I.Iaurit:en.
T:iiriutes approved as printed accept. . .
The minutes shall read that a Bearing on an annexation of
Linda and Valley Heights shall be set for. I1arch 6, 1961.
Palmer Coking cc Coal Co. is the corrected spelling and wording.
';daft Ra.fise;;T of Ijill & Ingraan reported that he had made
headway for a display:_ dt the .%lashington Cities Convention and not
the Century 21 Exposition.
Clerks, Budget , and Treasurers reports were submitted and
placed on file .
Councilman 'doodworth reported that the Chamber of Commerce
viould like free parkin; on I:Iarch 2, 3, and 4, 1961 and they would
pay the City 100.00.
Motion made, duly seconded, and passed, all were in favor
except Councilman Shaffer voting nay to close off the parking meters
F,.ar ch 2 , 3 , and 41 1961.
Councilman 'ioodvvorth reported that he hadn't come in with
a fifteen minute recommendation for parking across the street from
the City Hall since the City parking lot has been established.
Councilwoman Bovell drew the attention of the Council to the
annual ret) ort of the Treatment Plant and the report is to be placed
on file.
Councilwoman Bovell also reported that they have three (3 )
plans to submit for a trunk line sewer to the Southern part of the City.
Councilman Pozzi reported -that a meeting will be held with the
Northern Pacific Railroad next Tuesday at 10:00 Al'
Councilman Pozzi ' announced that the Johnson,Narita condition
will be worked out with the State Highway Department .
Councilman Pozzi announced that the County du.Tnp located at the
old Titus gravel pit will be open tomorrow for dumping.
Councilman. Hartlaub, announced that they hadn't taken action on
the telephone deal yet. Councilman Hartlaub also, announced that 'the
teenage recreation building should have insurance placed on it.
Councilman Strain said he did not have a complete report on
the new water source land as yet.
i Councilman Strain announced that he had a meeting with Palmer
Coking & Coal Co. on their six (6) inch connection to the trans-
mission line.
Councilman Strain moved, duly seconded and passed that the
compromise be accepted. f rom the Palmer Coking & Coal Co. and for the
City Attorney, MT. Thatcher to contact Mr. James from .that company.
The water for"eman is to notify the City Attorney before he
makes the connection for Palmer Coking & Coal Co.
Mayor Thornton opened the hearing on the intention of creating
an L.I.D. for Street Lights.
Various people in attendance at the hearing were oppased'.to
the L.I.D. for Street Lighting and others talked in favor of the
creation of the L.I.D.
Several persons had their protest in writing, these are on file
In the Clerks office. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 3-6-61
Mayor Thornton declared tne nearing closed.
Councilman Hartlaub moved that the area along Highway 99 be
deleted from the L.I.D. for Street Lighting. The motion. for the area
along Highway 99 to be deleted froip the L.I.D. was duly seconded, and
Councilwoman Yauritsen moved that the Ordinance #1087 be read
and adopted for the creation of an L.I.D. for Street Lights as
amended. Motion for the reading and the adopting of Ordinance #1087
was duly seconded and passed.
Councilwoman Mauritsen moved, duly seconded, and passed that the
Street Lights:contract not be awarded for thirty ( 30) days or until the
0 3rd of April, 1961. The reason for the 30 day delay being so they
Wr people will have 30 days in which to place their objection in writing.
WTI Mayor Thornton announced the opening of the hearing on an
�� annexation that would be contiguous to the Kent Highlands Addition part
Wo of the City of Kent would be' postponed indefinitely on the account of
QF the description on the petitions were faulty according to the advice
oZ of the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood.
Petition was presented to the Council for the same annexation
was accepted and placed on files also , Buff icency of signaturers
presented and read from the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood up to
87.8% of the assessed valuations. CORRECTED-REFER TO
The hearing was set by motion duly seconded, and passed for MINUTES OF 3-6-61
Iviarch 6, 1961; at 8: 00 pm on the Linda and Valley Heights annexation.
- A letter was read from the Planning Commission in. regards to
the Council requesting them to give the acenic Hill Park study and
recommendation. . The Planning Commission unanimously approved the
use of this City property for Park purposes providing that the
natural state of the park is left intact.
Councilman Shaffer stated, "it seems that the Park Board has
not to much interest in Park Planning, and there are other people
who are very rauch interested to go on the Park Board if they fail
to show interest."
Councilman Strain moved to send the Planning Commissionrs
recommendation to the Park Board. Motion to send the recommendation
to the Park Board was duly seconded, and passed.
A letter was read from the Planning Commission drawing the
Council' s attention to the fact that the government is releasing
some Twenty-three millons of dollars (�23,000.000.00) for the
Highway construction and the Planning Commission suggets that the
City take approprate action to secure some of this money for the
Valley Freeway.
A letter was read from the Planning Commission pointing out
facts shown on the Highway map and legal description. The study
of the Planning Commission results held between the Council and
the Planning Commission were held at the City Hall, Thursday
night, February 16, 1961.
Motion made, - duly seconded, and passed for the letter from
the Planning Commission on the Highway be a part of the City records.
A letter was read from Mrs. James Hogan, Secretary of the Scenic
Hill PTA extending an invitation to the Mayor and the Council to
attend their artists in action show, Saturday 25, 1961 from 4:00 pm
to 9:00•pm at the new Scenic Hill School.
A letter was read from the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare stating that the final audit has been made of our
accounts and records on the construction of a pump station and out-
fall sewer. The project now is complete and the final payment is
being certified for payment in the amount of 03,525•00,
The letter states that," that the cooperation of all concerned
in the audits process is greatly appreciated and vie have enjoyed
working with you, your Engineers, and all concerned."
Motion was made to write a letter to the Department of Health
Education, and Welfare thanking them for their fine cooperation
letter - n regards to the pump station and outf all sewer. Motion
made, c, r seconded and passed for the Clerk to write a lettef to
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare thanking them.
The hearing by the Army Engineers on the Twin Bridges at
Foster was brought to the attention of the City Council.
Mr, Noel Bicknell, a member of the Valley Industrial Commission
was present and he explained to the City Council why the Commission
was in favor of the low level bridge.
Councilman Hartlaub requested that Senator Warren G. Magnuson
be notified of the low level bridge also the hearing on the twin
bridges at Foster. .
Councilman Shaffer moved that we send a letter to the Array "
Engineers hearing and state our attitude toward same. Motion made
to send the Army Engineers a letter was duly seconded and passed.
Councilman Shaffer moved that Councilman Hartlaub contact
Senator Warren G. Magnuson on the ship canal he has referred to j
previous. Motion duly seconded, and passed for Councilman Hartlaub I
to contact Senator Warren G. Tv7agnuson on the Ship Canal"
Resolution #445 declaring the intention of the City Cbdn.cil
.to improve certain streets and avenues in the City of Kent by
construction and installation of water mains and fixing the time
and date of the hearing on this resolution.. (Lake Fenwick Road. )
Motion made, duly seconded, and passed for Resolution #445 to
be adopted and the hearing to be set for 8:00 pm at the City Hall
on 1.1arch 20, 1961.
Ordinance #1086 amending Ordinance #1049 specifying and adopting
a system or a plan of additions to and betterments and extensions
of the water supply and distribution system of the City of Kent.
Continued: o J_
Councilman Pozzi moved to have Ordinance #1086 adopted. IT
Motion to have Ordinance #1086 ado._,ted was duly seconded, and
Motion made, duly seconded, and passed for the Council to
authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the amended Complaint
#544050, in the Superior Court of the State of Vlashington,
City of Kent, Plaintiff vs. Water District #75 defendents.
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood reported on the Hines Addition
lift station he will receive a letter from the State about removing
the electrical pannels.
Mr. Dickinson is going to cover the electric panels with a
heavy plastic so no crater can injure same.
The state Safety Inspector will recoginize this as an extra
measure for the protection of the electric panel and it will not
need to be moved.
The City Engineer, Glen Sherwood recommends reading the Ord-
inance for acceptance of all facilities crater and sewer , and land
and right of ways.
Resolution /446 by motion mde, duly seconded, and passed to
accept the bill of sale including; water mains and sewer mains and
other facilities in connection with Capital Const. Co. , Inc.
Motion made, duly- seconded and passed to adopt Ordinance #1088
for approving and accepting deed for General Iriunicipal purposes
(Capital Construction Co. , Inc. ) .
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood and I.'7ayo.r Thornton met with thb
;Mate Highway Commission about a change on the dross over bridge
at 208th and the Freeway.
The recommendation of the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood are :
1. Provide g ft. shoulder on North ofor pedestrians.
2. Provide 4 ft, shoulder on South ,
#3. Provide berms on each side, for surface water control.
4. -Pave roadway with Asphalt concrete.
5. Provide light bituminous treatment on shoulders.
6. Provide a walkway on the bridge-minimum 4 ft.
1VIotion made, duly seconded and passed that the- City Engineer,
Glen Sherwood' s recommendations be approved by the Council and sent
along to the State Highway Engineers.
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, says 'lalt Ramsey of Hill & Ingman
has a' drawing for the display at the ',Vashington Cities Convention
and .it may be used at the other conventions in due time.
Clerk is instructed to check into the Council Telephone credit
Current Exp. Claims .,�?'7,440.64
'slat er rr 582.64
Street ,t 464.62
Sewer rr 23-�5
Garbage rr 106.25
Library 169.11
Parking I:Ieter 28.35
Chas,. Bridges
Mayor City Clerk