HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/16/1961 Kent, Washington, January 16, 1961
Regular meeting of the City: Council present Mayor Thornton,
Councilman Hartlaub, Mauritsen, P02&i, Shaffer, Strain, and
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, reported there was no time
to study the Derbyshire water connection but would make a
report on his findings at a later meeting.
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, also reported the government
man was here last Thursday and was checking over the documents
for the Federal Grants on the Pump Station and Trunk Sewer.
$lt005.00 is the last of the grant payments on this project
the Government man was very pleased in the way it was handled.
Councilmah Woodworth reported that he is waiting the advice
of the Chief of Police of DesMoines to make any further report
on the use of the Kent City Jail by the City of DesMoinos.
Councilman Pozzi reported that the City Engineer, Glen
Sherwood, Councilman Hartlaub, and Councilman Strain, took a
field tip of the Streets of Salt Air Hills, also with Mr. Rigby
in attendance. The purpose of this investigation was to see
the required repair needed to the Strt ets and the amount in
money so that the City could reduce the amount of Mr. Rigby' s
o The Midway Asphalt man was present and said the repair to
W� the Salt Air Streets would be in the vicinity of $800.00 so in
U(° this case the $25,000.00 bond that Mr. Rigby has could be reduced
"I to a $1,000.00 bond.
Fo Councilman Hartlaub moved that the Rigb Bond of $25,000.00
be released and IJIr. Rigby reissue a bond of 4$000,00 with the
o-3 approval of the City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher, and the City Engineer
Mr. Sherwood, as to form. Councilman Strain duly seconded, The
motion carried.
Councilman Woodworth made a motion, duly seconded, and
passed that the work on the Salt Air Hill Streets was to be
completed by July 1, 1961.
Councilman Hartlaub reported that he and the Mayor attended
a hearing held by the U.S. Army Engineers on the Duwamish
Waterway, on January 1191961, on the low level bridge, high
level bridge, or the widening of the Waterway for large ships
to 200 feet.
There were various organizations and people at this hearing.
The one apparently for the high level bridge and widening of the
water way were the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Industrial
Council, Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Port Commission and the
Foss Tug and Barage Co.
Those against the high level bridge and the widening of the
channel and for the low le vel' bridge with no widening to the
channel were; Valley Industrial Commission of Kent , Puget Sourt3
Power & Light Co. , the Andover Project, the City of Tukwilla,
and a few others.
"I stated that the City of Kent was in favor of the High
level-Bridge and widening of the waterway to create deep sea
navigation. To add this information that we received this meeting,
there has been no permit granted to cross the river with high or
with the low level bridge. This hearing was for the various
people and organizations to express their veiws."
Councilman Strain moved, duly seconded, and passed to draw
a resolution for a hearing on the West Hill Water LID along the
Lake Fenwick Road.
City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, made a check of the petition
i for water mains along the Lake Fenwick Road filed December 28,
1960, shows that the signatures of owners, of property aggreating
a majority, (1) of this lineal frontage upon the improvement,and
(2) of the area within the proposed District wbve recorded.
Councilman Shaffer announced to the Council that the Treasurer
invest U. S. Government Bills of $80,000,00 from the Sewer
fund in Treasurery notes.
Mayor Thornton announced the hearing open on the Street
improvement of Kenwood, Kennebec , and Guiberson. Anyone
interested in speaking against or for the creation of this LID
please state your name and address.
Earl Worth was present requesting of the Council if the
assessment could be over 20% of the estimate? The City Attorney
Mr. Thatcher answered him to his satisfaction so he did not object.
Eddy Persons inquired "Why do we have an assessment when
we do not border the street?" The City Engineer, Mr. Sherwood
answered him to his satisfaction and he did not object.
A letter was read from the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood,
certifying the estimated cost of the street improvement and the
assessed value of their real estate thus making the total eval-
uation for limitation purposes represent 50% of the actual value
as 57,700.00. The assessment set by resolution #439, end #440
is 8332837-78o
Mayor Thornton said any other objections for or against
should be spoken as he was about to close this hearing.
Mayor Thornton declared the hearing closed.
Mayor Thornton told the City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher, to
read the Ordinance #1084 for the creation of an LID #240 for the
improvement of streets by paving, catch basins, curbs, and proper
drainage thereto.
By motion made, duly seconded, and ppased insertion in the
Ordinance #1`084, was bonds. to run for 12 year, and assessments to
run for 10 year.
Motion made, duly seconded, and passed to adopt Ordinance
#1084 for the creation of Street improvements.
Mayor Thorntoh announced that the hearing on the LID for
a trunk sewer extending Westward- to Kentwood Hills addition was
open. Anyone objecting please stand and give name and address.
Alex Smith stated that he has eight (8) acres and will
permit the trunk sewer to go through his property and he has an
agreement from Cole and Dolman to pay all assessments against his
property. He is not against improvement if his agreement with
Cole & Dolman is valid.
A letter was read from the Attorney of Bessie Fluck stating
that they are opposed to the cost of this assessment .
We received a letter from the State Highway that they want
there name removed from the rolls and it is no benefit` f or them
to have the sewer go by their property as it is a gravel pit.
Mrs. Richard Kamp was present at first she opposed and then
she changed her mind- but said she had to think before she opposed
the district.
Mr. S.B. Adams announced that he was seeking more information
in regard to the Sewer and location then he had no protest.
Stoylen and .Dehenert ok'd the improvement and had no protest.
William I: Winter at first protested and after finding out
the advantages said he wanted time to think, he then had no protest.
Certification .From the City Engineer, for the estimated
. proposed improvements on the Kentwood Hill Trunk Sewer LID as set
forth in Resolution #441 is $75,000.00 of which 100% is to be
borne by the property owners within the proposed assessment district.
After no one else had any more protests for or against the
Mayor announced the hearing on the Kentwood Hills trunk Sewer LID
City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher announced he would prepare an
ordinance for the creation of the Sevier District on the West Hill.
A protest signature letter was read from property owners of
Park Orchard Development-Hines Subdivision do hereby protest the
rates set for water and sewer service. We want equitable adjust-
ment in rates to correspond with prevailent rates within the Kent
City Limits.,
Councilman Woodworth moved, duly seconded for Clerk to write
a letter to Albert Moore explaining that they would have to be in
the Kent City Limits to receive Kent City rates.
Councilman Shaffer amended the original motion for Mr. Woodworth
to go and have a meeting with them and explain why they can't have
City rates. The amendment died for lack of a second.
The original motion for the Clerk to write a letter carried.
Councilman Hartlaub moved that Councilman Woodworth see and
have a meeting with the people of Park Orchard. The motion died
for lack of a second.
A letter was read from Dave Leonard, 751 Hazel Street
suggesting to the Council that they prepare for sidewalks on
Mames Street to avoid pedestrians from getting hit.
A letter and resoluti&n was read from School District
#415 -stating that the joint use for school and recreational
facilities has been found desirable and practial. The school
expresses its willingness to cooperate with the City Council
in planning for the joint use of the school playground for
youth and adult recreational activities on City owned property
on Scenic Hill.
A letter was read from Britt Smith in regard to spending
money on flood control and dykes on the Green River and he
indicates that the money should be spent and work done to take
out the crooks in the River. The will cure the disease instead
of fighting the systems.
Motion made, duly seconded and passed to have the Clerk
write a letter in to Britt Smith for his interest
in the community.
A letter was read from the telephone Co. explaining the
cost and remedy of the overcrowding of our present phone system,
The letter and brochure was handed to the building
committee for action and investigation.
A letter was read from the Chairman of the Planning
Commission, Ed Sipe, recommending to the Council various changes
ordinances and comprehensive planning map, and comprehensive
planning and so forth.
After discussion on this matter Councilman Hartlaub moved
that changes in planning and zoning and amendments to the
Ordinances be set at every six months. Unless an emergency
arises and or except the Ordinances set forth otherwise. Motion
Ordinance #1085 was read to vacate a lane running East
from the East Highway, Councilman Pozzi and Strain seconded
to adopt Ordinance #1085 to vacate the lane North of the bowling
alley. Motion carried.
A change in Civil Service law is requested on account of
the Attorney General states that a policeman to be hired on Civil
Service shall live in the City for one year prier to his examination
so they are submitting a resolution for a person to live in the
State of Washington for one year instead of in the City and for his
final appointment to be from three to six months to a year.
Resolution #442 was read for a franchise performance bond in
the sum of $3,000,00 to the State for a water franchise application
037. A motion made, duly seconded, and passed to adopt Resolution
for a water franchise performance bond.
Resolution #443 was read for setting the boundries of an LID
for street lights and to hold the hearing at the City Hall, at
8:00 pm, on February 20, 1961.
Motion made, duly seconded, and passed to adopt Resolution
#443 to set the hearing on the Street Light LID for February 20, 1961.
An appeal was filed by Mr. Harold Benson from the Board of
Adjustment to the City Council stating that he was not delt fair
with at the decession of the Board.
Iti4otion made, duly seconded, and passed to hold a hearing,
February 6, 1961 on the appeal of the Board of Adjustment's decession
for a gas station in a C-1 Zone.
Councilman Woodworth reported on a letter from the Railroad
Co. on the improvement of the Smith Street crossing. Improvement
not including the ap roach$s in the amount of $24,000.00. The
Railroad Co. paying glO,000.00 more or less leaving the City with
a $14,000,00 debt. '
Motion made, duly seconded and passed to refer the letter
to the Street Committee and the City Engineer,
Current Exp. Claims $3023.49
Water '* 2,076.28
Continued: "
Claims $20147,53
�Sew 378.65er Rev. 9.44
Sewer Const. „ 343.44
Garbage 30.55
Library it 42.54
Park Parking Meter 96.77
Mayor Chas, Bridges
City Clerk