HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/21/1960 Kent, Washington November 21, 1960 Regular meeting of the City Council, present Mayor Thornton, � Councilmen Bovell+ , Hartlaub, Mauritsen, Pozzi, Strain, and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as painted. Reports of Officers placed on file, Clerks, Budget, and Treasurer. City Engineer, Mr. Sherwood, reported that herb Wilke got a lot of good out of the conference he attended at Pullman, and it was well worth the cost of the City to send the inspector to this meeting. Councilman Pozzi moved to instruct the City Attorney to write a letter to Mr. Trus to give him 30 days to move his building off of the. alley. This alley is the contested Campbell Alley with the sewer line. Motion was duly seconded and passed to have the City Attorney write a letter to Mr. Trus. Councilwoman Mauritsen moved, dulyseconded, and passed to install eleven (11) Mercury Vapor Street Lights on Canyon Drive and to remove the infandescent street lights to Willis and the Milwaukee Tracks, also to instruct the Clerk to purchase the lights and brackets, also to notify Puget Sound Power and Light to, install same on Smith Street to 94th Ave. Motion carried. Councilman Woodworth attended the Chamber, of Coerce meeting and it appears that the Street light Committee is going right ahead on the Street Light plan. 14 meeting for the Street Light LID is planned for a week from Wednesday, City Engineer, Glen Sherwood is prOparingg costs and petitions which will be ready and going ahead on schedule. Councilman Strain inquired from City Engineer, Mr. SI-B rwood on the Water Franchise on the Black Diamond Rmd on the water main. City Engineer, Xr. Sherwood, said the Clerk had a letter to be read later under communications. A letter was read from Cole and Dolman Land Developers requesting the City of Kent to form an Inprovem.ent District LID for the purpose of installing Sanitgry Sewers, Storm Sewers, Water Mains, Concrete Curbs, and Gutters, also Asphaltic Paving in Division #2 of Green Valley Heights Addition to the City of Kent. City Engineer, Mr. Sherwood, requested legal advise from C the City Attorney whether or not we could form a local improvement District when assessments are higher than the value of the property. City Attorney, Lane, replied that we could not assess a local assessment against property above their value unless someone would put up mon#y above the assessment and pay it, A letter was read from the State Highway Engineers stating that they received the administration fee of $35.00 for the water franchise. Further procews.ing of the application is not possible, pending ,receipt of a drawing of water line and its relationship to the 1 -ghway. The Clerk reported td the Council that the tree (3 ) drawings showing the proposed water line anditts relationship to the highway were placed in the mail today. A letter, was read from James P. Curran representing Capitol Construction Co. , Inc. stated that all consideration, agreements, and etc. have been met by the above company on water line and water pumping facilities on East Hill-, easements and deeds are all in order and have been recorded by Valley sand Office. Councilman Hartlaub, moved not to act on this favorably until more study can be made. Councilwoman Bovell seconded this motion. A motionwas made not to act favorably, motion did not carry. Mayor Thornton, appointed Water and Sewer Committee to inform the Council members that were not here at the original signing of the Capitol Construction of contents of the contrget. Councilman Pozzi moved to accept the water and sewer contract of Capitol Gonstruction. Councilman Woodworth seconded and also added various improvements to be made agreeable and placed in the system berfor e the contract goes into effect.. i4iotion carried. A letter was read from the Kent Chamber- of Commerce requesting the Council to put free parking in Kent during the week of December 19, and Saturday of December 17,1960 and also if the Council concurs with the request of the Chamber of Commerce they will send the Ity of Kent a check in the amofin:t of $100.00 to help defray the loss. Councilman Woodworth ma de the motion and Councilman Hartlaub seconded the motion including the receiving of the $100.00, matiop,.passed. Motion made, duly seconded and passed to have .th® Clerk write a letter to the Kent Chamber, of CommLerc�::.and :'Lnform.,t;h.e Ohamber of our action. 0 e_J- Continued: A contract was received for the King County Parks and Recreation Department for the payment of 1/2 the salary of a Park and Recreation director. Motion was made, duly .seconded, and passed to instruct the Mayor and -the Clerk to sign the contract. A Metter was read fram. Chapman Electric to confirms the fourth rmonthextension on Street lighting bid to the City of Kent on September 1 1960. Councilman Strain moved to place Chapman Electric letter on file. Motion was duly seconded and passed to place Chapman letter on file. Ordinance #1078 was read for ttze annexation of a portion of ground to the SW of the City Limiter contiguous thereto. Councilman Pozzi moved and Councilman Woodworth seconded to adopt. the ordinance and place the effective date December 1, 1960. Motion carried. The local improvement District of sewer lines on the West Mill by petition or resolution of the Council. Councilman Hartlaub> mmoved for a five minute recess? CouncilwomanBovell seconded and the motion for a five minute recess carried. RECONVENED Councilman Hartlaub reportkd the matter of extension to the sewer line on the West hill by petition to present to theCCit,y Clerk for action. .Mayor "Thornton stated the action for t1B:: West. Hill could not be done by resolution of the Council but would have to be done by petition of the people of the area. Council takes action on a resolution but this must be done by petition of the people of the area. Councilman Woodworth made a motion and Councilwoman kauritsen seconded to amend Zoning Ordinance 10.6.04, C-1 Zoning District-- Conditional Exceptions, by adding the following : Automobile service station, (but not including ground storage for vehicles, U-Rent-trailere or trucks, or similar equipment for sale or hire `) when built as 'a part of an existing shopping center, or when built as a part of and at the same time as as, hopping center. - In no event shall such a service station be permitted as the first unit of a proposed shopping center. . I i Councilman Hartlaub requested the City Atta ney , Lane to draw a resolution to -set the boundries of the LID for streets on Scenic hill. City Attorney, Mr. Lane, drew the attention of the -Council to the law suit with water- District #75. The Council discussed the suit with Water .District �#75. A 'trial has not been set at this time if it isn't set in the next. month or month and a half the trial will be cancelled. The law suit can be renewed at any time. Councilman Hartlaub moved and Councilman Strain seconded to #ive Fire Chief Bridges permission to to ve water, power, culvert, and the gllaced on the fire station site at So. 252nd and Military Road. Motion. carried. CLAIKS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS : Gurrent Exp. Claims 1,910.32 Water " 839.30 Street " 373.25 Sewer Rev. n 167.19 Garbage' T1 4,116.64 i Libras er '5.47 L MEETING ADJOURNED: � Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk w 4