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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/03/1960 KENT, WASHINGTON OCTOBER 3, 1960 - Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilwoman Mauritsen, Counci lmen Hartlaub, Pozzi, Shaffer, Strain and Woodworth, Minutes approved as read. City Engineer reported Mr. Standert and Mr. Leber had not come into sign deeds to roadway-at West`Jalley Road and River Bridge, Councilman Woodworth moved to oil and maintain roadway when we get waranty deed for same. Councilman Pozzi secon'(e. Motion carried. • Bids read for a chassis for the Garbage disposal packer. 1 Bid read from Kent Motors for $4, 129.04 and one bid from Valley Garage $3, 933.31. Councilman Woodworth moved , Councilwoman Mauritsen seconded to award to the lowest bidddr, Valley Garage. Motion carried. . Public hearing declared open on the Mayor's 1961 Budget. No objections, so the hearing declared closed. Mayor requested the Budget Ordinance and levy ordinance to be read. Budget Ordinance # 1072 read. Councilman.Pozzi moved the adoption of said Ordinance. Councilman Strain seconded. Motion carried, Reading of Levy #1073. Councilman Hartlaub moved, Councilman Pozzi seconded to adopt said ordinance Levy. Motion carried. Councilman Woodworth reported meeting of Association of Washington Cities to be held here October, 18, 1960--- Remindar all Councilmen invited to attend. Councilman Pozzi reported Committees will have report on Kenwood and Guiberson for next meeting. Couniilmoman Mauritsen instructed the Clerk to write Puget Sound Power & Light, instructing residential light be installed on the North end of Hilltop. Duly seconded and passed. Councilman Strain instructed city Engineer to do something about Mr. Campbells Water. Mr. Sherwood reported the statement ready to mail to Mr. Campbell for costs of water connection. Councilman Strain instructed Engr, to go ahead and get franchise on K. B. D. Hwy. for water transmission mains and to set grade for water pipes under new North Bend cut-off. Councilman Strain also stated Mr. Scott wants permission to cut old fruit trees down by the High tank, since said trees are infested with insects. He also wants to plow it up, put grass and let some cows graze there. This request was referred to the water committee for further study and report at next meeting. Letter was read from the Department of conservation reporting that the Director, Mr. Coe approved the apfication on Sept. 19, 1960 and has been transmitted to the State Conservationists for further study. Letter was read from the Standar& Oil Company in regard to the sewer connection to the Britt Smith Sewer. Councilman Hartlaub moved Mayor appoint a committee and contact Land O Lakes and come to terms so City take possession and get deed. Motion failed for lack of a second. Councilman Strain moved to inform Standard Oil by letter of action taken last meting. Duly seconded and passed. Letter was read from Washington Natural Gas Company regarding the gas inspection school held on Ootober 26, 27 and 28th. Councilman Shaffer moved to grant permission for Mr. Wilke to attend this school. Duly seconded and passed. Letter read from P.J. Mc Kay, District Engineer stating they would be happy to review and discuss with the planning commission any applications which they received for a change of zoning. Councilman Woodworht moved to refer to the Planning Commission. Councilman Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Letter readftrom the City Engineer on check of petition of street improvement on Kenwood from Titus to Guiberson. Signatures represented 80 70 of frontage and 51 7O of area within the proposed district recorded. Ordinance # T074 approving and accepting deed for street purposes. Moved, duly seconded and passed . Ordinance #1075 approving and accepting deed for street purposes. Moved, duly seconded and passed. Mr. Morrison, contractor Kentwood Hills inquired how long will take to create an L.I.D, and a 90 acre tract to be ajacent thereto for sewer services. Letterfrom Govenor Rosellini commending the Kent Police Department for the work done on the Statewide Identification Bureau. Mayor Thornton presented Chief Lee with a certificate, j Mr. Weiser reported to the council that he is having problems with the street on i 212th, they are 15' off. Wanted the City advised of this, sNo action taken at this time. Mr. Noel Bicknell was appointed to the position on the Kent Planning Commission. Confirmed by motion by Counicil. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS : Current Expense 3, 159.37 Water 1, 990.47 Water Construction 863.20 Street 1,617.06 SewerRevenue .458.49 Sewer Construction 5, 526. 13 Meeting I&djourned Garbage 60.70 Library 89.07 �Mayor4` Park 30. 92 Parking Meter 48.97 lWAXQR City s PC .11 es