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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/18/1960 July IC11960 - Kent , Wpshington �
Regular• meeting of the City Council present kry or Th ornton ,
Councilwomen Bovell, Mauritsen , Coun cilmen Hertlaub, Pozzi, Shaffer ,
Strain and Woodworth. Clerk's Trc ,;urers end Pudget reports submitted .
A ihdtes approved as printed of the last meeting.
City hnginner, Glen Sherwood reported on the streets in Purkland
Addition. Some of the roads have been repaired , but they are going
to hold approval until all are in satisfactory con diti m .
);Tearing on Strains Addition set for August 1, 8 :00 pm in the City
Council Chambers .
Councilman Strain reported the wrtFr comp• ittee h ad a meetin g
with mr. Junavich . There is a misunderstanding on the s ize of -umps
on Rock Creek water main for hissorvicc . Councilman Strain recomyrnded
th rough advise of the Water Foreman , that nomore water cornpht .nn s
on transmission main on East hill , except those alre 6V cohnitted
by writing. Councilman. Strain moved , i;artlauh seconded . voti_on .ppsred .
Members of the Garden Club were rre7cht , Nrs. Ress l ozzi ,
requested the City furnish water for rlantinrs. Sh e informed the
Council that the Dahlia will be toe flow r for 61 Centenial.
Council informed they the lend in ouent_i_c ,_ n7n r,rlvate property ,
however the City did own some land in that area . City Attorney to _look
into the matter. Mayor Th ornton ar,.pointed Councilwomen Yovell and
Mauritsen to" work with the Garden Club.
Letters were rend Prom the Health Department and Pollution Control
and both approve of the Sever E tens:i_or to the Scenic IIi.l1_ School.
Notion was moved for a meeting of the Drpinage Survey in the volley
to be held previous to the next Council meeting; August 1, 1060 Pt 6 :30 pm .
Clerk instructed to write letters Qvi_ting hr. Hartings , Flood
Control Representative, Mr. Holmes , Representat=i vp from Arm; Engrs. ,
Mayor Baker,' Tukwi_lla, King County iinni_neer, f'=ir . Soames and Hr . Buxton.
Letter reed from h-r. Gillespie requesting city to return bond , He
says he has enough houses now to relinnuish bond . At such times as the
City Treasurer has all payments up to date accordinF to contract, the
band may be released . Moved to instruct to write letter to Mr.
Gillespie advising him of the action taken by the Ca r_acil. Dulv seconded �
and passed. j
Councilmen Hartlaub moved t)hot the Gillespie Street !lot b Qnd he
released to the County and for the City Attorney and Mr. Sh er000d to
h andle the matter. Councilmen Shaffer secor 6rd the action . Carried .
Letter read from Robert Bonnwortlh who resides a few feet from
the h eadworks, complaining of low pressure. Notion :Wade by Shaffer,
seconded by Strain to have Clerk write a letter to Mr. Fonnworth stntinc oral r
solution to put in a pressure pump , t o,m expense . motion carried .
Letter received and read from Barney Wilson, informing Council
of poor conditions at park and recompended vprious solutions. Council-
woman Bovell_ made a. motion to hold this over till next meetinn. After
discussion, She vzi.thdrew motion.
Neil Hoff, Attorney from Tacoma, spoke on Pinball machines. The,,?-
wanted to install a Juke box and pinball �ac' i_ne in one location, anal
would like a master license. An ammendment to the present pinball
Ordinance was read . Councilwomen dovell znovec: Ordi_nnn ce be passed .
Strain Seconded. After discussion, recessed for 10 minutes for further
study of the Ordi_nande. kemnvened- Vote was takers, Lotion passed .
hir. Kronick, 603 Alvord complained a hoot dust on James and the
teriffic speed used on the street. The speeding problem was referred to
Police Department . Neighbors to meet with s treet Foreman , Committee, and
Engineers to work this out.
Mr. Fenn .H. 013rien appeared before Council requesting a review
of the amount charged on water hill. He felt water Committee did an,'
injustice to him and nn l- recommended small nayment f efund . Councilman
Hartlaub moved to refer-this back to the hater conrni.ttee for further
Gordon Vroomen from Salt Air Hills arrepred before Council and
wanted 2 stops signs installed on 20tlh Avai ue Snutlh nud 250th , nndnothe-r
at 26th South and 252nd. Also ad ead end s ign is p- aced irrhroperl- n 250.
Th ere is a larg esteep bank on a dead end that should he trken care of.
This was referred to -the City Engineer.
Mr. Sherwood says the completed road study , now plpps beinr,
draws up for 252nd to be blecktopped .
Continued ;
• Mrs. Hogan has cost on stveeLs wants meetings scheduled for
3 different streets ; Guiberson, Kenwood , and Van de Vanter, with
City . Engineer, and street Committee. Guiberson-8:00 July 21,1960.
Van de Vanier 8:00 July 28,1960, and Kenwood 8:00 AN 4, "
Councilman Hartlaub inquired about Valley Heights Pnd Linda
Heights 's aff angements for p ayments on we ter they h ave no way of
getting, and perhaps the City sal ould consider knockinj off this cost.
Councilman Shaffervadviseq that Councilman Hartlaub be given toe port-
folio of information then recommendation, if he still finds it necessary.
Mayor Th ornton announced a Joint Fact Finding Study Meeting On
Naches Tunnel,Tuesday , July 26, at 1o :00 am.
Vt. Sherwood , City Engineer, brought up the problem of oiling
South 216. Since this is borderline property, the County won 't do
half unless the City participates. Gouncilmaz Hartlaub moved to
refer this to the Street Dq) artment . Councilwomen Mauritsen seconded ,
motion passed.
Mayor Thornt ) n announced that Senator Magnuson wa r d oing a very
commendable job uniting Seattle and Tacoma by a navigable waterwpy.
Councilman Hartlaub moved to have Clerk write letter t o Senator
Magnuson commending him for his progressive work in this area .
Councilwomen Novell seconded , motion passed.
T �
Current Expense Claims 1t190.42
Wat er� rr l 5 5.47
Water Construction IT 166.02
Street " 1,3 88-17
Sewer Revenue " 510.69
Garbage T6 63.03
Park It 47.34
Parking Meter 1r. 24.75
has. Bridges
City Clerk