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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/20/1960 Kent , Washinrton June 2U. 196C,
Regular meeting of the City Council , present Mayor Thornton ,
Councilwomen Rovell and Mpuritsen , Councilmen Wrtlaub,pozzi
kinutes. cf the last reFular meeting approved as rrinted.
Report Of Officers Prercnted vnd plored on file. Clery,s Treasurers
Budget. 1 9
it. Sherwood, City Engr. , reported Opt NP, WilYel Bldg, Insp.
will he in Longview in June for 2 dr .yr to observe the Bldp. Inspectors
routine in that city.
COuncilwOmOu Bovoll informed the Cn"rcil that the bids on the
Outfall sewcr and Pump station were rcudy to he awnrded and that
the City Engineer would give a report on the bids and the governments
acceptnnce to Pay 30Y of the cortrmned price.
The City Engr. reported that to hpve received the governments
UK to go ahend and all corrnetinno that theY -ecommended Nve heen
complied with. The low bid on the Uutfnji rev-r, line was from
G.R. Laiscmer Construction Co, on Contrnct 11 for 1[6097- 50-
The Fu"r Stntior wrr 1 -t to the -nme cominny in the nTnunh of
B36, 490.00.
NOVion YOF mrde by Council -amov yDvnll to wrord the contract.
for the Out rlj roue r and FUMp ,Stnhinn to C.A . Laischmer Constrpctjo-
Co. $ that HOC the low bid. Notion duly seconde' d and ppsyrd . n
Councilman POW stnind that the Street cOmmihtee hPsult the
POjicY Set up for Frrons yet but a rejarL is forthcoming bonr .
Mr. Collins was ,.resentAth hic pj0t,0y.j,, to the factQt'
there was a diserreement on the various phases of the plat it ins
la red over for stucy by the CM Wire-r vrd Stwent cnmm1hter for
tin weeks.
COuncilwomran knurihser Noved to r--PM the City Clerk to
instruct the power cortrary to inst -11 '.tre, jj ,ht., t the
"Otiors . 3 or 4 otrcrt lirhtt to he joratod an lath &-ve. F. , north
of Vinner St . OTSO 3 street lightt or Y. Frorrect Streq-t north
Of James Street to the north torohns , utign 017 ncconded nrd
Meyor Thornton arro"nced the hp,,j , , on the Amergercy
nvn "Oh for OP P-c-"d P-rding. Thu Xnr-erc
Urdinpnce is for j257 , 00 for 9hrrCNt Kj,ran,, ,d yQ, ind
Oter Department Cnritri outla.y for 12146. 56. Nn one 0jortrd 01)
the hearing. The henrinY -0s dcripred eloped , kryinn mode
reconded and yu-sej to rdort Crdir,,,, "Mr.
A le0ur Par reW frow the PhLoyre. of p ,, 110cm 1-bcr
requMing the city rok to PjOsc Vh- Q& Pjr-r W . We City Atq-
sn " it " jearl tO clOsP th- hridr" for sv%Q W rer-Ar purposP7.
The City Enyinarr rerorted n" the of Q h,jd,, _
c9rtacted the County to sne if thcy lould 7iva a little holn on the
renair of the zide apnroxch, He 317Y W q discussion with the
State Pichway Departmint, rcF-rd VhR! r rNnir of Lhe tDin hridre
which could alter the " Ll "Wr rnn-Pdjrq fill. Fr. Wherwond
also discussed with Nr, jtrud"L Possibility of P rondway
through his finll v", Tn the heir- rerpired .
heat -r read frpm School Ill ntrirat 015 relurstjw jtnrm spirrs
and Wnter mains from the Sceric �jy Weirnt- ry site throu7h the
Citv propprty Tocatior ov khr f >, I ,r,
NOWenst corner Ote nw -P mnKe PQ
rbr-rdcd Ord -Ps7ed o I
to -qn a P'ter nnin Ord - Vor" r' ' Ar Pro- the jqn0jr " Ill
site through' city property locr , cj -t 5py
NrOnt yr ti propen; siLe, T4C; vill
the tPt -r mnin throurb ohe norplev, if ,, h,,
U- Al!--�o this -equest is jTrNtCd it 00� -01
10 WILK 00 lei W
0 co re"d to the erow"n Of the Wk . 0 5 - let t -r an file in the
office of the City Clark.
ME ; et ti"n was roweived ond epa Enr toqnl
"vect Z. Of Hazel Ave. for jci�r, lyk, r nN strept . Njnra
Ownero on Ceder it , T otipp wpou &AY sccorc& nDd rn7sed
to place the P00"t"n in 540 htrds Of ! IQ Wtv Arsinerr for „hc
validity of the signatur es.
latition rend to r"Wst a se' ry Wwn line Lo -Mend nest 5 or)
Vest 01-ley Road from Onner Street to nNvord 000 Ft, t, ,j ,t tr'
terminotion , Si-ned by property ounors , lotion made, duly secunjW
and rassed to pincr in h0nds OF the Wy Aujin-er for vnildity Qr
sQuatures .
! go �Vr rpod I man rr 0 Vq7
,Pon LID to VITO-0 E00' 'Y Wbrrson �nd
Tmjyovc inert s QW0 inn We c-vbv , n- ,U Pq PPa
to the rucnmMCV60K±W1 Wr Oc q! t ! � do the[-,
thn pavitiun he DOCOPLO P" ! Flaced rm Vin nil I o uripper is to
nine th yoca an a rntmc cawL uH GO Invy
mccnnQ6 ord �nrrnd.
� rosidSt of WtOr INIS urr res-On
252nd Strcet W nhy L4C yjacttop oricrY K,- Qe 'Council a Yeer
P,7o an so I L applied.
The Uity Q90--r r0=0 On h, r5opp-liz-tion of 252nd
at W2 roint by the State. It 1MMY qC U7-? fr- Per 1-4- %Q
to h1,,VQI'C,.`I(.'i. ihcv hr� to Pik] 120 ft , hrck. from
14Fhiny 19. The hr.nlr�-r CWJ hl-c a rWrt On rest , et"
hy the reNt meetinr.
p cpy ho p in ttepOnce
unirh pozzi wDs pre2 he
Alt the Interim Comnithen meetinS vibb the Stn" HiThwDy
The purchase of prurcrK7 for the Free! "; K/T Urnm Auhurn to Uilli'-,
Orcet and ffom �Win It rent to Fenton fur nzvq-jed the estimate
of the State hngirccr as W cost . p� r Phich 7reLh Smith put
Ralph rozzi elso reperLnd or the ,
b, the Hph School , He splA thrt uhp land ol Lakes Or not
received uny pernion of the money that was to be paid them, The
Council had requented at n previous no-tirn that Hr . Prett Smith
ray (12 ) one-half the cost Of,
F the srwqr to the Lard of Lakes . To
this date we have received no money.lianpirC Wm-ission VegardinF
The Council will meet "ith the
the now zoning Crdinance from Uarlar Nelspn 46 Aspocirles or
June 27 , 1960, at 7 :3n 1 ,F, 1he Clerk is VO uuhify n1l concerned.
Councilman ShaFF-r moved for the Fire Chief 7rd one- fireman
to attend the State Firemnns Cnuvnuicn, nt lorL AnvVes , expenses
paid. Notion duly seccuded and pasred .
Mayor Thornton Drnqunced a meeting OC the Institute Of Gov't
at the University of Washington . &nyone vishiuF to attend may
make arran7ements to do so
Mayor Thornton appoiricd the ccmnihtees for his cominr- term
of office. Committees are ns follows :
(Ghairman ) P3 I ovell
Police A Fire Noodworth FoZzi
Health. & Sanitation povell Shnffcr Noodworth
Streets A Alleys iOz7i Rovell, Vauritsen
taLer Strain Hartlaub Shaffer
Lights Mauritsen Strain Hartlaub
Ruilding Hartlaub Nvuritser Yozzi
Finance Shaffer toodworth Strain
Councilman Shaffer made a motion and was duly seconded and Passed
to accept the Mayors appointments.
The City Clerk brought to the atlentioa of the Council that
there was no money in the Budget to Pay the Counsbl attorneys for
the Midway deannexation suit and that a Resolution would have to
be passed to re-allocate monies from the VainLenonce and Operotion
fund which possibly would not he used. lerTission tins given for the
bill to be allowed. The City Attorney and Gity Clerk are to get
together to draw up a resolution to tronsfer monies from the
expense fund into the proper wense fun" to handle the claim.
Mr. Sherwood, City Engineer would like to have kill A Ingman
do the inspection on the pump station or the outfall sewer line.
He would like to have a letter to inform Hill °�' Ingman they are
hired on an hourly time basis to do the job. Councilman Shaffer
moved to go along with the recommendRUion of the City Engineer.
Notion duly seconded and passed.
Pair. Thatcher, City Attorney, reported that the Cole and
Dolman matter and agreement or their P707nment is as complete
as it could be and to proceed to publish and record the ordirvnce
for Kentwood Hills plat.
Another matter which the City Attorney hrnvFht to the attention
of the City Council is the contract of Oter District #105 which
is the same as our contract with Atrr District 1087 at Thomas. The
only difference is that we are not extending Pry mains on this contract
and they request we bill them bi-monthly instead of monthly.
Councilman Sheffer moved that billinn he urnnted in the contract
as requested (bi-monthly) . Notion duly seconded and passed .
continued :
.Councilman Shaffer reported on the resolution on drainage
and explained same. After discussion Councilman Shaffer moved
to sit tight on the resolution on surface drainage . Motion duly
seconded and passed.
Current Apense Claims 2YO41.15
Water rT 486. 58
Water Construction it 15,917 .25
Sewer IT 364.96
Sewer Construction fi 1, 5355
GGarbage .
Park Tr 10�093 .26
Library „ 19.69
Parking Meter rT 4.73
Chas. Bridges
� . .
City Clerk