HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/18/1960 O I1 '. 1 1,�16 �a r� Rent, Washi.n ,t.on April 18, 1960 �**� Regular meeting of the City Council, Present, h'iayor Thornton, Councilman Bovell, Curran., Pozzi , Shaffer, Shinners, Strain, and Woodworth. D,ii.nutes approved of the last regular meting as printed. Reports read and placed on file, Clerk' s Budget, Treasurers . Glen Sherwood, City Engineer, announced. that Harold PJill_er had confirmed the meeting on Metro at the City Hall on. April 25, 1960, 7 :30 p.m. City Engineer submitted the proposed ordinance for moving building from one location to another inside and. out- side the city. Ordinance modeled after the Mountlake 'Terrace moving Ordinance. P,@vor Thornton appointed Councilman Curran and Councilman Shinners to study the ordinance and prepare for next meeting. The City Engineer and Street foreman have inspected. two bridges, on e on the 'Nest Highway and one going into Marty's farm at the North city limits line. Both, they report are in need of repair and they recommend this repair be done. Mr. Argue, Industrial Agent for the Piilwaukee H .R. was present to discuss passage of tl-',e Franchise Ordinance for a spur track lyinp-1 west of the main line 'crossing at Shinn Street. There were mart' objections by the Council to the Ordinance. Councilman Shaffer moved to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer for corrections to the Ordinance. After further discu.ssion ,. a motion was made, seconded and passed to table the motion as previously made. Str,�in voted ney. Councilman Woodworth, Chairman of the Police Committee, corrected-refer to recommended rejection of the apr---l.ication for an additional minutes of 5-2-60 Taxi Cab. 1400dworth announced that he was not opposed but the rest of the committee was . 1,ilotion was made, duly seconded rind passed to reject the application for a Taxi_ Cab license. Woodworth voted ney. Councilwoman Bovell state,' thr"t the I�ec-reati on 'Teenage corrected-refer to group was ready to pla ce the sewer in front of the Recreation minutes of 5-2-60 B1zilding and requested the City to purch=se a manhole lid and ring. Motion was made, duly seconded and. passed to purchase the manhole lid. and ri_nF,. Councilman Vloodworth reported on the Shinn Street and iv .P. track realignment . Councilman Pozzi renorked on the Garbage dump. lie talked with Hayes Evans and they Dill_ start taking the garbage to the Bow Lake dumpp Jiay 1, 1960. IIe stated that 114r. Jones who is taking care of Ne c1.t,r dump says he will have to have at least $2.00 per hour to care for our present dump. This amount was out of the question so Councilman Pozzi contacted Fir. Segale of the Bow Lake dump. Councilman Pozzi moved to close th e City Dump May 1, 1960 and if anyone 'is caught dumping, garbage there they are liable to a fine of 'iPI, 000.00 and 30 days in jail. A 61 fence with a locked gate will be erected around the dump and. warning signs will be hosted . 1^doodworth seconded the motion and. it was carried. Councilman Pozzi_ moved and was duly seconded for the Clerk to send a letter to the County-Commissioners , attention Hayes Evans , advising that the City would start using the Bow Lake dump May 1, 1960. Motion carried.. Councilman Pozzi moved to have the City Attorney draw a contract with Mr. i� . A. Sep ale of the Bow Lake dump. Motion duly seconded and carried. Councilman Shinners reported. on the progr=ess of the office remodeling. He stated that almost all the remodeling had been completed at a lower cost to the City than the contract was bid for through the efforts of the City Engineer and the City Clerk. Councilman Strain announced. that the Street Light program could possibly be done for �j�20, 000.00 and no Bond issue or LID is apparently necessary. Councilman Shaffer �-Announced hint they were reinvesting idol city flinds Councilman Shaffer announced that next Udednesdav will be the last meeting on the zoni_nm ordinance. A letter was subr,li.tted b v N111i.ott and Schnt?i_der for PIr. Roscoe Collins . The letter v:ras read and referred to the City Engineer for aprropriate action . cont.i.nued i letter from Chas Fck.l;!�nd ims read requesting that certain pieces of property be rezoned to R-3 insteack of R-1. Letter to be referred to the Flane»_n{ Commiss i_on. A letter was read from I�r. Hurl,le.nri of ?urIclpnd �lddri. in answer to a recent let,tcr rep�._irding conditions bf the streets in said Addition. lie said tli:­t this T. =s a little premature and unreasonable hecause the streets 7,.(-,re in no condition to 1„e resurfaced until the i_�rikin,r concli.ti.on l ,, retire , . A letter vves rece=i_ved 1'rorn i) me r �i1son) i arh Itecreati on Supervisor, requesting the e,',pE;nd_i_ture of „;2 ,()0G .00 from tlie Capital Outlay of the F rk Fund. to bui_ i_d additional stor,­ge space onto the Teenage Building. Colinc! _h;ian Shaf f'er moved to Prant ttit request of Barney , fo r or `j�2 , 0(iC'.00 from Uutlav of the Park Fund. I.,lotion carried , Currri voted ney. Letter read from Jew, 11_ )avid -1iic� __fired `t ­i-isen, 1?ead of a church group rec-iiestim- pe to place la>rriinous �ioi.ise numhF=r signs on curbs to raise ionev to sc'nd t.ilezr o uri. ' peor)le to ? youth camp in July. Counc�._li�ian 4.�'l-f 'er h r i.;oi a en duly seconded and carried allowed L'Ii�e�rr to Co tliis under the -uperTisi.on of t`ie City Engineer. A letter i:ras read i'roiii th.e l �_ t�rrars hoard requestirig permission to sell unusab] o_e books . ]Jo action v� is taker: and this s'Ilould i�,F the action of the Lihrary lsoard . A letter was read from ILei)beii ii; . iiailasky rem.i.estlllg per'iillssion to sell .fire Works inside the city J i. ll i,s of Kent on iliway 99. i'iotion was made immediate-1 l to deny the re(iil_est r' ssed l) r the unanimous vote of tide Coitncit. Iir Jeyw5 iio rl�n of f:)16 i, o,i.ic :i kc to discontinue use of a street on the c���asi ;:ide o1 fi 't�e reservoir. Discussion followed., I or,zi- to th e street fro,.! tioil(',ne Scut- hoil(', at ae,- the trc.et al, ) for . iie .�trc et .foreman to -)lace harra.c�lles at 1, otion (Iuly seconded and carried. l etition w?s 'i°eaa from tale peoi�_I_e on 1'eiwver;aloe aril Jason Streets, also other -treets in i c, I'l-eep 1-I1ais 4re"i in /one 1. Petition refci•red t:o L,'le 1.111n_i_n- 011 . Coltl"iC1..!1�1`�n �il1.l"Y :T1 �n70llnCe!� � 'l�t OTl 1�Y•:1 )_ '': , I000 a '7l6'et1nL; was held tat the 1Caj ,-boi,7 Cafe i_i"1 tll the ',I1p'1'°'�V i)ept . eT, ca !.I..('d t);e II ec,t_Ln,;� l,o JI sc,I1 het" lr:reen Dent nn.d Auburn. Counci Curr?n di.ct?t­(] a_d -) t.r]e main pO-Lasts Of ti TicF' It"ij 1 r. "r irlt' Fr ,2nd � car main speaker at tl,�(, elicV read for. J�!oti_j- made , duly seconded a]lo parsed t0 i_CF aS C1ra.�r''n Up �)��' LOUnCllm�an �Llrrai"1 . Mayor `fhornton reed t'ie res -,-I a �:i on of '���In ; '. Shai, , Jr, from the office of 'Police Judge. ilis ou-i�"ic i^�orl; prevents him from holding; said r otion. wa-, iiiad_e, dul.i,- seconded and passed. to accept the resa -1 nt_i_on. j',otion was made for the Clerk to seT.d �n ?r,rropriate. __etter to L,r. Shaw thankin; hi;n for tiie P-i_ize :,ervi(,es performed in rile office of I'oli_ce Jude. Councilman -,omeone had c3.ur, up the street at the .corner of Leine and 1,'orth ii.oad, =ilso at Jasoli , :rosr)ect iiic James Strects . '�olc)s exJst that thould he repaired. This clatter saola_ld i)e t 1:er c,-re of'. `rIiP C.i.t T -En ri.neer said he would look into it . City Engineer , Glen Sherwood,reror'ted tl,.clt t-,l.le o.zt_f_ell Sewer Did wotizld be called 1_led for to he opened on P� a�/ 4 , V.60 for the 0utf,111. Sewer ?nd Pump Strltlon. Tile Governa.r.ent is ina.tch7_111<' 30% of the furs,7,. r CLi'._l:hiS Sli;HTEi) .�Jl U Current Expense Cla_i_rns 52493 .92 FJater Te 8, 32'7.49 Water Construction IT 6,037.22 ' Street Tf 391.68 Sevier 11evenue IT 4-7 .49 Garbat_;e ,T 33 .01 Library 3 Park TT 17 .76 I=arking i iet er " 54 .3 2 I'1EN,TI1JJu !oJOUILII{'U NaZror •, Char . 'rid;-'e8 , Ci t:�- Clerk MAYOR