HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/04/1960 Kent, Washington April 4, 1960 Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Pozzi , Shaffer, Strain , Shinners , Woodworth, and Gouncilwoman Bovell, . Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed. Mayor Thornton announced that Gertrude Bovell was the newly elected member of the Council taking office early (before the June date) because of the resignation of J .C . Scott . Mrs. Bovell has been very active in various community services , such as Police Civil Service Sec 'y, Coordinator of Civil Defense, etc. Gertrude Bovell is now about to b e sworn in as Counciliroman. I of thecCity of Kent. The City Clerk swore Gertrude Bovell in as Gouncilwoman. Mayor Thornton appointed her to the Health and Sanitation Committee. Mrs. Bovell made a speech stating that she appreciated being elected to this position and would work for the community as she has .corked in the past on other activities. Mayor Thornton announced the findings of the opening of bids prior to the Council meeting on a. combination Loader-Backhoe. Bid amounts were read to the City Council. . . . Fray Equipment Co. , Inc . 87688.23 Toole Corp. 9,960.60 Totem Equipment 17, 1.60.00 Tool Grib Go. 5, 9z6.96 T, The Purchasing Agent recommended to the Council to lay the bid over for two weeks and call for a demonstration of the two machines that were in the price range of the specs. Councilman Shaffer moved to lay the bid over for two weeks for demonstration of the two machines nearest specifications. Motion duly seconded and lost . After discussion Councilman Pozzi made a motion .to award the bid to Toole Gotp. in the amount of $9, 960.60 for the Massey-Ferguson machine. Motion duly 2nd and passed. Curran voting ney. Glen Sherwood, City Engineer, reported that the Metro Council would be glad to meet with the City Council. He received a letter from Harold E. Miller stating he would be glad to have a meeting at any convenient time. Mayor Thornton stated that they should. set a date for the •meeti.ng. . Gouncilman Shaffer moved to set the date for Monday, April.,25, 1960, 7 :30 p.m. , City Hall. Motion duly seconded.Coiinc�Ianaii.Teloodworth wanted it to- be known that it was not the intent of this meeting to join Metro. Motion carried. The City Engineer made a report on the meeting with Mr. Chandler on streets.Euuncilman Shaffer announced that the Interim Committee of the Legislature was also working on the Street program. Mr. Sherwood reported on the meeting of th e District Drainage Committee , Thursday, March 31, 1960. He stated that all Valley cities were present at the meeting, also th e Drainage Ditch Commission and County officials . They said at the meeting that there was a public law for Federal Aid on such a district as proposed at this meeting. Mr. Sherwood announced that he had talked with Mr. Argue on the Franchise Ordinance with the Railroad to put a spur track across lst Ave. Mr. Argue would like to have the ordinance delayed until the next regular meeting. Motion was made, seconded and passed to delay the R .R. Franchise Ordinance until the next meeting. Mayor Thornton announced the opening of the hearing on the Elizabeth McHugh plat in North Park. There were no objections so the hearing was declared closed. Mayor Thornton called for the reading of the ordinance. Councilman Pozzi moved,was duly seconded 1 and passed to adopt the ordinance #1064. Councilman Woodworth announced he would like the City Engr. to write a letter to the N .PL R .R. in regard to the Smith Street crossing. Councilman Pozzi made his regular and same report on the garbage situation. Mr. Lothe was present at the Council meeting and refreshed the Councils memory that the garbage rate increase had been in effect for the last seven months and as yet nothing had been done about the smoke at the-garbage dump. :�64 continued: Councilman Curran moved and was duly seconded. to accept the two water tanks on the West Hill for final payment under these conditions : (1) When the anoles are installed, (2 ) the road into the tank improved, (3) paint on the tanks touched up where needed. Mr. Thatcher, City Atty, xixxxxkxXX01xkkXk included (4) leins on file, filed on City with 1piest Coast Coast. and Meade Sand & Gravel. Mr. `)'hatcher also stated that Mr. Meckley was present and had a release from West Coast Construction, a check for Meade Sand and Gravel and a release from Meade Sand and Gravel Co. Motion carried when all these conditions complied with. Councilman Curran moved for the Mayor and Clerk to sign the appropriate release with American Pipe grid Construction Co. Motion duly seconded and passed. Councilman Curran moved that at the .request of the Kent- Meridian High School the':City take over the Water main that runs across the canyon and the change of meter that is necessary, riot to exceed $100.00 cost to the Gity. Motion duly seconded and passed. Councilman Curran moved, was duly seconded and passed for the Gity to protect the supply water main at the Aorth Bend cut-off Highway where 'it crosses our transmission main. The City Atty. advised that the State Highway Dept. will not protect the main because we have no franchise with the County for the main to be there. No more than 5�1, 000.00 is to be spent on this project. Councilman Curran announced that he had a request from Hill eL Ingman to know is they can obtain water for District #105 which is located near Lake Morton. This connection to be made at the Wax Road and Black Diamond Road. Iviotion made, seconded and carried to allow Water District #105 water if they comply with all City regulations. City Clerk to write Hill and Ingman informing them of such. Councilman Shinners announced that remodeling of the offices down stairs is progressing sa.tisfacturily. Councilman Strain moved to install street lights in the Burkland Addition. Motion duly seconded and carried. Councilman Strain announced that the over all street light system program he thought could be installed with no LID or General Obligation Bonds . He will make a fuller and more comp- lete report on his findings next meeting. Mr. Clagit of 3814 S. 250th St. was present and wanted to know why some residents in his area were paring $7.00 every other month on sewer and some were not. Also wanted to know if the streets were approved by the City because they were sinking away and getting very rough. Lotion was made to write a letter to the platter asking him to repair the black top streets. Clerk to have the proper party check on the connections in Burkland Addition. Mr. Campbell was present and wanted immediate action on the alley. He is tired of vfaiting, although without a doubt. the Gity Council and the City Attorney are doing a fine job. An application for a Taxi cab business was read. Motion was made to place in the hands of the Police Committee for study, Motion duly seconded and passed. . .... A petition for vacation : tr:e,ets was read and by motion passed referred to 'the' n Plann or Commission for study. Councilman Woodworth reported to the Gouncil that he had talked with Ed Monroe and that the County has received money for river work and suggested that we have a dinner meeting, inviting the entire Board of Gounty Commissioners. Councilman Shaffer stated he would like to have a report on the improvement of 252nd street in Saltair Hills which was ordered some time ago the Council. The City Engineer answered Councilman Shaffers request saying he would have to set the grade before they could improve the street by blacktop. He pointed out that we are faced with the chennelization at that point and we first must know what the State will require there and also if the,'County will continue the work beyond the Gity limits line at 20th Ave. c,r,t.inued.: Councilman Curran read the Street and Alley vacation policy that he recommended. to the Council. Councilman Curran moved and Shinners seconded to adopt the policy. Motion carried. Shaffer refrained from voting because of business dealings. Councilman Curran discussed the Park and. Recreation Dist. and said that the City Attorney had a resolution prepared. The City Attorney read. the resolution on the Park and Recreation District. Councillman Strain moved and Pozzi seconded. Council- man Curran stated. again that this district would be a detriment to the various systems which we would want -to adopt , such as drainage, street lights , etc . This sh,-)uld not be overlooked on our taxation. Mayor Thornton announced that the largest objection to this proposition is that it is ?nother tax -hand in the pocket. A roll Call vote was reauested.. I,oti.on was carried with Councilman Shinners voting ney. Plotion was made, seconded and passed for Councilman Strain to proceed with the makinv of arrangements for, the seven Council members , the Mayor and the Engineer . to attend the vVashi.ngton Cities Convention in hvenatchee. Councilman Curran commented. on the dirt�T condition of the City Hall. He thought it should be cleaner for the amount of money spent on janitorial service. The Clerk announced. that we should have an emergency ord- inancecreated. 1. Outlay in the 1&ter. Dept. 2. Sa.laries and Wages in the Current Expense for Police Judge Secry. 3 .Street Department for money appropr. ie ted from the County for Street Maintenance. 4-Salaries and Wa�:es for G r•bage Departmmnt for Dump caretaker. I1,,otion was made, duly seconded and passed. for the City Attorney to draw up the ernerg.en.cy ordinance when. the proper amounts were accumulated by the Clerk and presented thereto. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS AIv1D ALL011JED AS FOLLOV^'S : Payroll March 18,180.62 Current Expense it 2r791. 53 Water it 9,680.13 Water Construction It, 9, 190.41 Street T1 17169.78 Sewer Revenue it �807.40 Sewer Construction tr 351. 58 Garbage It 324.26 Library rr 142. 52 Park rr 117.17 Parking Meter rr 11-4.2 5 ItiIEETIhG ADJOUHIJED : r � Fiayor Chas . Bridges Cite Clerk #`i MAYOR