HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/1960 260 r, M' J MM+I Iienl, , .-f� shingt.or). Pt'-:Irch 21_, 1960 Regular meeting of the City Council, present ["Iayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Pozzi , Scott, Sheffer, Shinners , Strain. F��inutes approved. of the la�t reF,11ar meeting as printed except. . . . Bearing was declared omen 1.)7 Thornton, on the Calvert , Armscrest #3 and Fugate plats individually. At each of the t')ree hearings held tt:erc Were no objections so Mayor Thornton declared the 'ne,:r:i_ngs closed. Renort of officers presented ^nti elated on file, Clerk's 13iidget and Treasurers. The Gity En[,,inecr, N_r. Sherwood , contacted Johnston- Caripanella and th ey a _reed to suit;� ,le bronze plaque for the ne�a library. Mr. Sherwood contacted Mill and Ingman and they agreed to furnish a suital_�l_e plague in bronze for the pump houses on the West Hill_. The City Engineer presented to the City Council the Elizabeth McHugh Plat on North h.th and recommended that a he�'ring be set for 4, 1960. A'!oti_nn .was made, duly seconded. and passed to set a he= ri_na' on the PJcBugh flat for April 4, 1960. I',iavor Thornton declared a hearini open on, the vacation of Saar' Street East . IJo one objected so the hearing was pro- nounced closed . .11'1ayor Thornton called for the reading; of the Ordinance # 1062 for vacation of East Saar Street between Railroad Ave. and the N.P. track. Before voti-ng on. the Ordinance Councilman Curran gave a st,�J.ement of policy to be used for vacationing of streets and alleys . All various charp,es for processing of vacati_ora such as en.F:ineering, mapping, advertizing, appraisal_ fees ( if any) and fifty ( 50) cents per sq. ft. (latter in the meeting this 50 cent a sq. ft. charge was reduced to five ( 5 ) cents) . 11I v;ould prepare this policy if I was assured the Council v:�ould �To along on this policy" After discussion the Council gave Councilman Curran a nod to go ahead and. prepare the paper. Councilman Pozzi moved and Councilman Scott seconded to adopt the vacation of East Saar Street by Ordinance I' 1062. notion carried. Mayor Thornton announced the hearinF on the vacation of Clark Street . No one objected so the Jiearing was declared closed. The Mayor asked for the reading of Ordinance # 1063 for the vacation of Clark Street. Councilman Scott moved and Pozzi seconded for the vacation of Clark Street , Lotion carried. Mayor Thornton announced the hearing on the Kentwood Mills Plat was open. I\lo one objected so the hearing was declared closed. Mayor Thornton asked for the reading of Ordinance 1061 for the Kentwood Hills Plat. )lotion was made by Councilman Shaffer and seconded by Strain that Ordinance # 1061 be adopted only when the $15, 000.00 from the title company is available to the City for a previous contract written. by the City with Dolman and Cole. This Ordinance brill_ not be published or the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk signed thereto until such an agreement is fulfilled. Councilman Scott reported that Robert Kristofferson, Treatment Plant operator, will take the examination at the University of Washington i_n about 3 weeks. Councilman Pozzi reported on the Garbrpe situation. This was a progress report. Gouncil_man Curran reported on the Gitv Attorney 's opinion on awarding of a bid. v:ithout a Bid. Bond or certified check posted. This the City can do because it says in the Gall for Bids "The Gitv Council of the City of Kent reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities in the bidding" Councilman Curren moved , was duly seconded and passed to accept the bid of H.D. Fowler Co. , Inc . for valves and hydrants as per their bid in the a.rnount of �u5323 .32. Walter Ramsey, Project FEngr. , give progress report on the W. Hill water tanks and mains. Councilman Curran announced that iVlr. Thatcher, City Atty. had a report to make on the High `rank footings that had to be replaced. Mr. Thatcher announced that a meeting was held with American Pipe and Construction Co. and '�est Goast Gonstr. Go. At the meeting Mr. Volpe , Engr. for west Coast , stated that the City could have a law suit on their hands if things t: continued: were not settled because West Coast Constr. Go. felt that they had the footings in properly and that American Pipe was trying to cooperate with the City of Kent, West Goast Constr. Co. put in a claim in the amount of 417,000.00 for damages . Original contract was $54,000.00. ]Meade Sand &,-,. Gravel Cot.pany 's claim for $3000.00 is included in the gp17,000.00 claim of West Goast. Mr. Thatcher took the same stand as before, that it was up to American Pipe and West Coast Construction to settle their own difficulties. Mr. Wesselhoeft , Att y. for �,Iest Coast, said that they were going to file a law suit against the City, but at a meeting later the $17,000.00 claim was beat doom to $6,407.00 plus 1p4,100.00. On the basis of settlement Nir. Thatcher agreed to present this to the Council. He, suggested the City of Kent pay 6160C.00 of the cost and keep out of a law suit. lie took it up with the chairman of the Viater Committee and decided that they would cut the cost in half to $800.00 on the $4100.00 settlement. This $800.00 to be paid when American Pipe gives us a statement that all labor, tax, etc is paid and gives. a release to the City of Kent, then the City of Kent would waive. its claim of 47500.00 for liquidated damages for delay time. Mr. Thatcher announced that any lavr suit that Mr. Wesselhoeft would bring would be against the General Contractor, American Pipe not the City of Kent . Gouncilman Curran moved that the City of Kent accept the.: Git,y Atty 's recomi,iendation and was duly seconded. Gouncilman Strain stated he did not like to pay for mistakes made by other people. Motion carried.Councilman Shinners announced that a bid for 0 ,099.00 for offices of the Treasurer, Police and Mayor was submitted by McIntyre Construction Co. It was the only bid submitted. Councilman Shinners recommended that the bid be rejected and that the Glerk go ahead with the job on time and material basis up to t2,300.00 which is approximately the amount left in the budget. Strain voted ney. Motion passed. Councilman Strain announced a meeting at 10 a .m. , Mar. 21p, 1960 at the City Hall to discuss the over-all street lighting projedt Motion was made, duly seconded and passed to purchase two (2 ) Mercury Vapor lights for installation at Russell Road and Kent DesMoines Highway. The street chairman will make a survey of what i is needed and the location before the order to proceed is given to the Power Go. Mr. Sherwood announced a meeting with Benson Chandler to be held on March 22 , 1960, to discuss the street needs study. Councilman Shaffer reported on the newly elected Council- women that they should attend the school at the University of Washington for newly elected IVIayo.rs and Councilmen. A letter from Gharles Eckland was read containing remarks on zoning. Councilman Shaffer said there should be more R-1 zone for the protection of the people. There have been many requests for R-1 zoning. A letter received from the Kirkland City Clerk stated that money in the . Valley Gities fund should be reactivated and asked for suggestions. Motion was made, duly seconded and passed for the Clerk to send a reply to the Gity Clerk at Kirkland. Councilman Shaffer moved, was duly seconded and passed that Councilman Strain make arrangements for the Washington Gities Convention at Wenatchee in May. A letter was read from Gouncilman Scott in regard to his term of office . His term expired in June 1959 and according to a 1959 Legislature decree he felt he was not entitled to hold his office after April 4, 1960. Motion was made to reject the letter. Councilman Scott requested that the Council accept his resignation. Councilman Pozzi moved and Strain seconded to accept Scott 's resignation. Councilman Curran voted ney. Motion passed. Councilman Pozzi nominated Gertrude Bovell to fill the vacancy left by Scott 's resignation. Gouncilman Strain nominated Phyllis Mauritsen. Gouncilman Shaffer moved that the nominations be closed. The Gouncil balloted, Gertrude Bovell was elected to fill Councilman Scott 's position. Franchise Ordinance of the Railroad. Go. was read on its first reading for a spur track. Councilman Curran reported on Park and Recreation Districts. Curran stated he does not wish the G,ity to go into the district as it would creat a burden on the people and jeopardize other continued : bond issues which the Gity might wish to enact. p7 Mr. Douglas spoke on the Recreation District and stated that they have been working on a Swimming Pool for this area for six years and. it seems this id the only way they will get it. Councilman Strain moved for the City Atty. to draft a resolution to include the city limits into the Park and Recreation District. Motion duly seconded and passed. Mr. Thatcher, City Atty reported on Barney Wilson, Recreation Director, going out of state on a convention. Motion was made duly seconded and passed to not allow the Recreation Director to go out of state to the convention. Councilman Shaffer moved to have the City Atty read the resolution to include the city limits of Kent in. the Park and Recreation District. Motion was mac3e to table the resolution. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALL01E,D AS. FOLLOWS : Current Expense Claims 2,926.10 Water " 505.3 8 Water Construction 'f 345.01 Street '" 338-60 Sewer Revenue '''' 231•20 Library "" 8.62 Park r" 10.72 MEETING ADJOURNED Mayor Chas. Bridges Gity Clerk eft.. MAYOR i