HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/21/1959 244 J Kent, Washington December- 21, 1959 Regular meeting of the city Council, present Iviayor Thornton, Councilman, Pozzi, Scott, Shinners, Strain, Woodworth. Correction to minutes of last regular meeting on Shaffer motion regarding Valley Expressway. Portion deleted from original motion of .Shaffer, Council goes on record , reaffirming their position as being in favor of Construction of the Valley Expressway. Report of officers--Clerk's, Budget, Treasurers. Glen Sherwood, City Engineer, contacted the County Ii on the 20th Ave. /W that lies h ortn of Saltair Bills. This being the request of the Superintendant of the Highline school system to have a grade estahlished so they can let the contract for their new Building. Mr. Sherwood read the letter he is sending to the County Engineer in regard to this street. Mr. Thatcher, City Atty. reported to the Council that the Valley Construction Go. has paid their court costs to the City of Kent in full. Councilman Pozzi would like to use gravel to widen the Frager hoad instead of x)ouring it down on the diver side of the dike. Councilman Pozzi in discussion stated they would continue to work on the basis of securing additional R/W on Frager Load. Councilman Shinners .reported on the Progress being made in remodeling the City Engineer Ts and Police Judge Offices. By the first of the year the offices will be remodeled to the satisfaction of the individual departments. Councilman Strain discussed illumination on 240th and . Highway 99. By signing the contract with the State we will pay through gas tax and if the 6ity loses the Court case on the Midway annexation the City will have an adjustment made to their satisfaction. P,'lotion was made to accept the contract of the State l-tighway Dept. to pay for illumination of channelization at 240tti and Highway 99. (4 Mercury Vapor lights) . Motion duly seconded and passed. Motion made, duly seconded. and passed on ttesolution .#419 for transfer of Funds from gas tax to the State Highway Dept. for illumination of channelization (4 MV) at 240th and aighway 99, in the amount of -0 ,600.00 Motion made, duly seconded and passed to refer a letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Co. to the Planning k;ommi_ssion and the City Engineer for study. The letter petitions the City of Kent for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in Blks 1,2 , and 3 of ttamseys Addn. A letter was received from the City 'Treasurer stating that approximately 20,000.00 is now available for investment from the water and sewer Reserve Fund. lie states that there is a Savings and Loan Assn available in the City of Kent for investment of monies. The Federal Savings er, Loan Insurance Gorp. insures up to 4�10,000.00 for each deposit. The treasurer would :Like to have the Council consider the investment be made in the local Savings &. Loan Assn. in view of the Ob interest returned. Motion was made and seconded to refer the matter to the finance committee for study. After further discussion on the matter the motion was lost. Motion was made by councilman Scott and duly seconded to invest money from the water and sewer Reserve fund in the local Savings and Loan Assn. Motion carried. A letter was read from the city 'Treasurer certifying that he had collected the sum of :P257.9b during the 30 day period without interest attached thereto. There remains an assessment unpaid in the amount of 0 ,6b4. 53 . A motion was made, duly seconded and passed to have the City Atty.prepase a bond ordinance for the uncollected amount. Motion was made, seconded and passed to instruct the Clerk to sell the bonds across the counter. Mr. Charles Eckland set a letter to: the City Council stating that the water backed up from the City Sewer and damaged the fire brick in his furnace. and it should be replaced. Mr. Ecklands letter also said he couldn 't see any continued : reason why tie couldAlt get his portion of insurance business from the City as he was a duly qualified Insurance agent doing business within the city of Kent. lair. Eckland was present and expressed his opinion that the City had damaged his furnice and that he should receive some of the Cities insurance business. The Clerk requested ivir. Eckland to' obtain a blank form from the Clerk's office to fill out to get a share in the cities Insurance business if he qualifies. councilman Woodworth made a motion to refer the letter of lair. Eckland reg,�rding damage of the fire brick in his furnice i to our insurance carrier, r,ir. Don Bell. motion passed. A letter was read from Wayne Brandon, Realtor„ wanting to know if the City of Kent would like to sell a 10 acre pi6ce of ground on East Hill. Motion made, seconded and passed to refer the letter to the Water committee and the City Attorney. The second portion of Councilman Currans letter referring to an unlighted barracade which has been at Vandevanter & Guiberson Streets since July, was read. This condition was a result of a Side Sewer Contractor not taking care of the backfill on the sewer connection. Fir. Curran stated that there is no excuse for this condition existing 4 or 5 months. This complaint was referred to the City Engineer for remedy. A letter was -received and read from Eugene B Coble of 315-1st S. Kent, Washington complaining of b•��rking dogs during the daytime when night workers are sleeping. Also complained of wandering dogs traspassing on other peoples property. He recommended the dogs be kept in the house or disposed of. fie also recommended that the leash law be passed and enforced similar to the City of Seattle. Motion was made and passed to refer to Police committee for study and recommendation. A letter was read from Capital Construction Co. on the Park Orchard Hines Addition. The desire and purpose of this letter is to clarify a point of possible difference or interpretation of various individuals of the interest of the party signing the agreement. Motion made by Councilman Scott to have this communication go to Councilman Curr�:n, City Engineer and Councilman Scott for study. Woodworth seconded and passed. o A letter received from the State Highway Department stating that they regret they have not been able to develop sufficient LL$I traffic volume warrants to make a further recommendation for the �v adoption of the City 's plan with respect to the access features WLL o to the Valley Freeway, in the west Kent area. They will however submit a copy of our plan to the various authorities for their oZ comment. They requested copies of our Ivan Bloch comprehensive 02 plan at our earliest convenience. The City Engineer introduced the new draftsman, Robert Dancoisne, who is going on the staff January 1, 1960. The City Engineer and City Attorney say we will have to keep pushing up on the freeway and also that we haven 't the final plans from Ivan Bloch and Associates. The Ordinance granting the United States of America a R/W for 50 yrs for construction of a power line together with miscellaneous equipment across the City of Kent water main. Ordinance duly seconded and passed. Dave Mooney was present at the meeting and announced that the N.P. R.ti. and Smith Street crossing is in bad shape and almost impassable. Councilman Woodworth stated that the committee is working on the problem for realignment of said crossing. Brett Smith was present and wondered if the Council had taken any action regarding his water main on Last Hill. The City Engineer reported on the Land 0' Lakes sewer line from the high school to the IGA store. He said they would like to resubmit a cost bill on the sewer line they put in and paid for because it looks at this time like they can collect from only one side of the line and not both sides. , A meeting is proposed on this question with& and o' Lakes committee, and Councilman Pozzi, Councilman Scott , City Engr, from the City. Mr. Sherwood asked approval of the City Council for Robert Dancoisne as new draftsman. l4otion made seconded and passed to approve the request of the City Engineer. to hire Mr. Dancoisne as draftsman st:!rti_ng January 1, 1960. continued : Councilman Shinners moved to let the water line be const- ructed as the letter from Mr. Gay reveals,lKkM1fixX ]f*XXXXXXjM N juXXXXXXXXXxxxKx4XUX. Mr. Thatcher will instruct Mr. Gay that Water District 75 should go agead and put in the main to the High School and if we are successful in taking over Water District 75 we will pay for the main if someone else hasn't already paid for it. Councilman Shinners withdrew the motion. Mr. Ramsey reported on the West Hill water tank. He said the tank will be in service by the first week in January, 1960. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense Claims 5, 520.63 Water " 460.68 Water Construction " 99815.09 Street 176.42 Sewer Revenue " 43.44 Garbage " 84,25 Library " 95.38 Current Expense " +201.2 5 3 Park 285.65 MEEZING ADJOUttNED: 9~ 4Chas. Mayor Bridges City Clerk alp•if 0 N. .`� MAYOR �y(.(�� J c1 rt�' c�L.ci:-r�t-rt o._./-Zl....•