HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/21/1959 228 Kent , Washington September 21, 1959. Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton Councilmen Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer Strain, Woodworth. Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed except in the matter of the Sylvia Pines Sewer District. Motion to have City Attorney work with A ttorney Johnson to approve ordinance if all the terms and conditions are met that regulates the sewer systems of the city. Peport of the clerk presented and filed. City Engineer recommended that Guiberson Street be accepted as a gravel street , from Reiten Road to a distance of about 1000 ft. west , Motion made by Pozzi seconded by Woodworth to accept the Engineer' s recommendation. and motion passed. City Engineer reported that the American TanKCo would like to drill test holes in the rejected piers that supportl.the',high tank on the ,west hill, but I have been informed that this is a very poor -way to make a test, and as long as the Mayor has rejected the job on September 16th. by letter to the contractor I recommend that this type of test not be made. Curran moved to ratify the Mayors letter of September 16 rejecting the peirs, motion carried. Motion to have city attorney and City E ngineer make a study of the agreement that the Bonneyville Co had us agree to when we installed a water pipe through their rightaway,and for the Attorney answer Bonneyville Power Co. motion carried. Councilman Scott announced that the City Attorney had the new Garbage rate ordinance ready to submit and that the trunk sewer to the West Hill was about finished. Councilman Curran announced that the water committee had a meeting schedule with Dist 75 Bat. 10.00 A.M. a nd one at 3 ;30 on Wed. with Mr. Gay. Letter from the Pollution Control Commission was read and j stated that the Federal Grant in financing sewage treatment works had been considered, and an offer will be made to the city , and it should be accepted, and the city should not call for bids before the grant is authorized. Letter from Cascade Machinery Company, the agent for Fair-B Banks Morse Pumps, stated that the contractor that they had given a price on their pumps,was fair and the contractor would purchase their pumps but Mr:.Sherwood our Engineer would not consider only DeLaval regardless of costs and they are requesting a fair consideration. Letter read from the Chicago Milwaukee requesting a spur tracg a cross Shinn Street 45.8 west of the Main line .City Engineer recommended study on the permit before granted, Motion passed to have the Engineer bring back more information on the spur. Letter read from 1''irs. Katherine Bower in regard to the high rate that is to be placed on Apartment owners when the Garbage Ordinance is passed.Motion passed to have the clerk answer the letter, Pozzi voting ney. Letter from the City Engineer stating that cledrence have been received from the Tax Commission and the Dept. of Labor aad Industries and no liens have been filed. So the 15% is now due and payable to the contractor on LID 238 in the amount of $477.24 I recommend this amount tb paid. Motion passed to pay the Contractor "E.J.Rody and Sons " the amount as recommended by the City Engineer. Motion passed to grant change order No. 2 Contract 2, American Pipe and Construction Co. Pozzi voting ney. Motion made and passed to assign the Coluccio change order over to the City Attorney and the. Gity Engineer for,,, study. City Attorney reported on Sylvi'a' -Pines Sewer-- District, and recommended that the city could let them annex theer district to the city and lay pipes in our streets.Woodworth moved and Strsin seconded to accept the recommendation of the City Attorney Shaffer amended the motion to include specifications of their plans and our approval. amendment carried, and. also th,� motion. continued. continued; Motion made and passed to adopt Ordinance No. 1045 to in- crease the rates for garbage pickup. Mr. Ray Perrin was present at the meeting and requested the council to take care of a drainage problem, on his property at Canyon Drive , he said that he was running the drainage° water into the sanitary sewer. City Attorney told Mr. Perrins that the drainage matter was private and had nothing to do with the city, but the city had something to do with where he dumped the water, and it shall not go into the sanitary swwer. Motion made by Curran to have the City Attorney write a letter to Mr. Perrin in regard to dumping the water in the sewer. , Motion seconded and passed. City Engineer recommended to hav6 the final hearing on the assesment roll of LID 238, and for legal papers to be drawn. Motion made and passed to have the .final hearing; on the LID 238 Sanitary sewers.; date set for I1oVomber '2hd.. 1959. City Attorney reported that there were no Attorney General opinions on the amount of a change order-on a construction job, but it was talked over with the Division of 14unicipal Corporations , and they suggested that it not go over the limit of $5,000.00 that amount of money may be expended without call for bid. ° Mr. Ramsay stated that they had a plan on the pump houses that would run around .$5, 000.00 instead of the other figure submitted at the previous meeting. Mayor announced to the council that channelization on the East Highway and Obrien should be looked into, also 1,,'ent- DesMoines Rd. and Military; and West i,'Ieeker and West High-way. Police Dept . has a dog. i Mayor Thornton announced that a hearing on the Preliminary Budget was now open, the Mayors budget was presented, and adopted by the vote of the council. and motion made for the clerk to have the budget printed and draw two ordinances for the next meeting Budget , and Tax Levy. motion carried. Mayor Thornton thanked all the employees of the city and congratulated them on their past work, and cooperation with the city officials. CLAIMS PRE ENTED AND ALLO',1ED AS FOLLOWS: Cur. Expemse Claims 1,149.67 Water 11 11 ` 491. 62 Water Coast. T1 594.65 Street 11 124.39 Sew. Rev. Tr 133 .33 Sew. Const. 11 2, 215 .69 Library " 207. 80 Park Tr 40.28 MEETING ADJOURNED; CIL Mayor as. ridges Ci y Clerk uc MAYOR 0