HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1959 213
Kent , Washington July 6, 1969
Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton,
Councilmen, Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Shinners, Strain,
City Engineer announced that the Kennedy and the Calvert
plat was ready for a hearing. Motion moved and duly seconded
to hold a hearing on the 20th day of July, at 810clock P.M.
1 in the city hall, for the Kennedy Plat and the Calvert Plat,
motion carried.
City Engineer recommended the Neeco Contracting Co be awarded
the bid for the water pump stations. Motion duly made and
seconded and passed to award the bid, to Neeco Co. and this
award to include alternates No. ' s 1-2-3.
City Engineer also reported that Jack Wilson his assistant
is resigning July 22, and he was going to work at Renton
as their assistant Engineer, and we would sure miss Jack.
Mayor Thornton regretted that Jack was leaving us and wished
him lots of luck in his new position with the City of Renton.
Letter read from our local Library Board recommending that
the low bidder be granted the bid on the new Library Building
McIntyre Construction Co was the low bidder, Motion made
by Woodworth to follow the recommendation of the Board, and
award the bid to McIntyre Construction Cc and was duly seconded
a letter was read by the clerk from the State Library Consult-
ant stating that the building was not laid out as they would
have done, and Mr. Campennella was present and gave the reasons
that it was laid out in the manner that it was, and the council
accepted the reasoning of the architect, the bid was recommd
ed to be let with the deletion of the black-top and was for
gravel to be used to cut down the expense, so that there wo
would be more money available for fixtures, Shaffer made an
amendment to the motion to use the black top in the parking
area instead of gravel and duly seconded, vote of the amendment
carried, and motion duly carried to award McIn-yyre the bid
on the Library Building.
Mayor Thornton had the City Engineer explain the location
of the Walker Plat to the council before the hearing.
Mayor declared the hearing on the WWalker Plat now open,
and if any one had objections please arise give name and
address and spekk your peace or other wise. no objections
so the Mayor declared the hearing closed and Shaffet Moved
and duly seconded to have the Attorney-draw the necessary
papers to accept the plat. Motion carried.
Councilman Scott announced to the council that the sewer
was progressing fine on the west hill..
Scottmoved that the clerk write a letter to the Mayor and
council of Renton to have them reconsider the - 25 mi an hour sign
on the west high way near 180th.
Curran reported on the logs that Mr. Lawrence wanted that
was out at the head works, Motion that the city would have
to sell the logs and that theVr were not tobe given away.
motion passed.
Curran moved and Shaffer duly seconded to approve change
order no. 2 on contract No.3 motion carried and Pozzi voting
Councilman Curran had a meeting with the East Hill Well Co
on: using their water mains in the location that we might have
to construct a main, this would eliminate duplication but at
this time I have had no answer from them and I have no re-
Councilman Strain recommended street lights to be installed
in the west area of rent, as recommended by the Midway
Chamber of Commerce except , where lights would be located in
the Tacoma Everrett freeway, and lights along the Kent DesM
o Moines road. Motion moved and duly seconded to instruct the
clerk to have the Power Company install the lights as re-
Lcommended by the Chairman of the Light Committee , . Motion
oyShaffer announced that- there would be soil conservation m
LUW meeting at Renton at 10;30 A.M. Wed. arid' will 'touch on
oz river bank care.
Councilman Shaffer announced that there would be a meeting
of the 24th. Annual Institute of Government on July, 8-10
at the University of Washington, and without a doubt that
it would be wotth while for some of us to attend.
Mr. Sipe secretary of the "errt Planning Commission was
presentand stated that they were in favor of the 36ft .
streets for a residential district.
Councilman Curran announced that the Capital Construction
C.o. was now ready to hook up the water with the city system
and at this time he had drawn a contract , and has had the
o city attorney check it over, and it seemed to be in order
at this time Curran read the contract , after d.i_sciac;7i on
W Woodworth moved and Pose,°.i seconded, and Shaffer made ari
amendment to the motion, up to five years we reimburse i
Wo Capital Construction on the transmission lines if another
WW developer wants to take off the main, after that time of
�Z the development of 190 acres what ever is the sooner. , and
°� for the main tobe installed across the first, a.Jdition this
.main to be $" , as part of improvements installed in the
second addition. Amendment carried with Curran refrairitd, ,
Motion carried with Curran abstaining.
Woodworth moved and duly seconded to have the fiayor and
clerk sign the contract when the City Attorney placed his
approval as to form on the contract, motion carried, with
the Capital Construction Co.
Letter read from the Kent Library Board in regard to the
Librarians' salary, that it was only proposed up till
July 1st. and they have recommended that the Librarian will
get an increase from ." 200.00 to $235.00 per month arid her
expenses what ever they may be. ,Motion made and duly seconded
to place in the hands of the chairman of the finance.
The Board also stated that Mrs. Leepers term was up and
she wished to be reappointed to the Board, she has served as
secretary of the "card for 25 years , Councilman Shaffer
pointed out that such appointments were not to be repeated
after two appointments, so that should be considered.
Dolman & Cole submitted two parcels of ground for tank
sites on the west hill . Motion duly made and seconded to h
have the IMayor and Clerk sign the agreements for payment of
I•lotion made and ,duly seconded to have Councilman Shaffer
contact Mr. Gay our Bond Attorney on Water District PJo. 75
issue. motion carried.
Councilman Pozzi .moved and was duly seconded to approve
32 ft . streets in residential districts, amendment to the
motion that if 32ft . streets are used to include sidewalks
in the deal. after disussmon on the matter a roll call
vote was taken. For the sidewalk three yeas, four neys and
amendment lost.
Motion made by Shaffer and duly seconded to table the
question on streets and other variances for two weeks. Roll
call vote taken after much discussion. Yeas 5 neys2 motion
Mr. Sleeman and other contractors bresent.� said .they, could
wait etthtttliomg,forr,hctiah-�onnth6it- problbms
Councilman Shinners moved to reconsider the motion on the
Shaffer moved to table all items of discussion, Streets,
Storm sewers water Pipe, Sewer services and sidewalks, and
duly seconded and a roll call v ote was taken ; 4 neys; 3 yeas
motion lostl
Pozzi moved to allow two properties to hook to one sewer
riser from the main trunk in the street , y to be on private
property, seconded by Woodworth. after discussion on the
question Motion was made to table , and roll call vote was
taken,Ney 5 yea 2 motion lost.
Motion on the previous motion to allow two connections on to
one sewer service carried Curran and. Shaffer voting ney.
Pozzi brought up the question on Cast Iron - or Transite
water pipe. Woodworth moved to allow transite pipe in our w
water system under the advise of the Engineers, if the owner
so desired cement Asbestos. seconded by Pozzi, after discussion
the motion was with drawn andalso the second.
C ouncilman Pozzi moved and Woodworth seconded to allow storm
sewers installed dny with rubber rings in the pipe joints.
Motion carried.
Petition from various residents on 252 so. for the irnprove-
ment of the street from 99 to 20th Ave. So.. Motion passed to
place in the hands of the street committee .
Petition received from property owners on south Central
west side thereof,; and between Gowe and Titus Streets. for
two hour parking Limit . Motion made to refer to the police
r"tetter from Howard T. Harstad and Associates speaking for
4his client , Bent Highlands , requesting certain zoning for
'their land. Motion passed to have I4r. Shaffer take this matter
1,t�2__with the engineer.
Let'-er from Mr. 'Carl Arness Program Chairman of American
Public.; .irks Assoc. expressing his appreciation for the
fine presentation "on annexq.tions"our City Enrrineer Mr. i.
Sherwood gave at the conference at Port Angeles.
Letter from the Pollution Control Commission giving the
approval of the 15" and 214." trunk sewer line to the West
side of the City.
Letter from Hill and Ingman recomending that we gat a
good bond attorneys I,n look into the 'T_� l c-i% Di trice 75
system within the ,city limits of Kent on the west hill.
Councilman Shaffer to look itot this matter.
Ordinance Ao. lQ37 passed the unanimous vote of the council
for the constructing of sewer mains in Block 28 Washington
Central Improvement Co, s Knob Hill Addn to Kent except the
east 135 ft .
Ordinance No. 1038 passed the unanimous vote of the Council
approving a plat of portions of land in said City under the
name Kreger Addition.
Ordinance TJo. 1039 passed the unimous vote of the council
amending Subsection (0) of Section 2 and amending Sections
11, 12, and 17, ail of Ordinance No. 913 of said City, relat-
ing to and providing for a license or occupation tar..
Motion moved by Shaffer and duly seconded to have the clerk
write a letter to the State Highway Commission and request a
report on their action that was taken at the hearing that the
Kent delegation had with them. Regarding the grade seperation
at 240th.
Mr. Sherwood reported to the council that an award should
be made to the low bidder of E.J.Rody and Sons for the
Sanitation Sewer on LID 238. Motion made and duly seconded
to award the bid to E.J.Rody a:id Sons for the construction
of a Sanitary Sewer in LID 238. including alternate No. 1
and using clay pipe .Motion carried. and for the Mayor and
Clerk to sign the contract.
Mr. Sherwood also recommendedthat we pay Mr. `ohn Denhart
$150.00 for an easement for the west hill water main that
went through his ]sand Motion moved and duly seconded to pay
Mr. Denhert ;p150.90 for easement when papers are on file with
the City.idotion carried.
Mr. Sherwood informed the council that Hill & Ingman has
done a little worn on the sewer line being extended to take
care of the Nike Base aid houses ,the Valley View, the Valley
Vista, and tr.e Puget Sound Bank at Midway.
Mr. Greathouse stated that he thought it was feasable and
that the Bank said they would contribute around $27, 500. -0
to the project and the whole project would run around
4 140, 000.00.
Shaffer moved to have the clerk write a letter to Hill an
Ingman to explore the feasibility of the program, motion
Mr. Thatcher has got in touch with Mrs. Crawford the owner
of the strip of land that we need for a rightaway at the
Treatment Plant to run our outfall in.
Mr. Botch presented his claims for his part of the engineeer-
ing ()n the West side Sewer "nd Water projects, but was to
high in the eyes of the council. Motion was passed to have
the clerk write Mr. Botch a letter and request a 5% payment
on water and a 6% on sewer. continuedl
Payment of vouchers on sewer and water construction be held
until the bonds are sold next week,
Payroll and Claims presented and allowed as follows;
Payroll June 15,078.35
Current Expense Claims 1,354.18
Water It 2 ,619.27
Street " 1, 571.23
Sewer`- Revenue " 827.62
Garbage--v. " 450.41
Park " 59.08
Parking Meters " 280.79
Libarary " 46.69
Library Coaetruction 12282.65
LID 230 6.30
Mayor -- ---Chas. Bridges
F 101ty Clerk