HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/15/1959 Kent , Washington June 15 , 1959. Regular meeting of' the City Council present Mayor Thornton Councilmen Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Shinners, Strain, Woodworth; Report of officers Clerkts Budget , and Treasurers; Bids were opened and read on cast iron pipe two bids were received one from United States Pipe and Foundry, and one from Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. ; Pacific States bid $2.025 United States Pipe & Foundry Co $2.02 Councilman Eozdiortixavedd to accept low bid of with drew motion. Woodkortm�4eho accept the low bid of United States Pipe and Foundry 86 at $2.02 this being low bid, duly seconddd and passed. City Engineer recommended that the city accept Kennsington Street as a gravel street between Seattle and Chicago Street. Motion made by Shaffer and duly seconded to have Mr. Sherwood Cit Engr. , hireia student from the University of Washington apt, 2.00 per _hr. as insp ector and extras help in the Engineering Dept. Motion car ried. Pozzi moved1to accept Engineerts recommendation that the city accept Kennsington Street as gravel s treet, Motion carried. Mr. Sherwood recommended that the Council set a hearing on the Walker Addn. for the next Council meeting. Councilman Shaffer moved and Strain seconded to set the hearing for the July 6th meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Sherwood advises that the West Hill water main goes through Mr. Dennerts garden. Mr. Dennert wants ae. water hookup in exchange for loss of his garden. Councilman Shaffer movedt to pay Mr. Dennert the value of the hookup or less- in money rather than the actual hookup. Motion carried. The Council recessed for a few minutes to talk with Mr. Watt, our^ council Attorney. RECONVENNED: Letter from Hill & Ingman read, reported on following items; requested by Mr. Sherwood. Letter recommended (1) •use of d resser couplings so interior lining of pipe will not be damaged. by welding, (2) that the span of the support s: for the; 12"' water main be reduced to 15 ft,. instead of 3>0 ft. amd twice as many supports be installed. Letter from Fr ank Coluccio read, requesting change ordev on two items in Contract #32 (1) Due to adding of alternate, A4 to contract requireing an 18' inch casing pipe instead of a. 14 inch casing pipe , increasing bid #6, $33.00 per ft. H ydrant, a ssemblies have been changed to all mechanical fittings Proposing to use shackle rod s in lieu of concrete blockings Price $15.00 pe r set. Councilman Shaffer to set a*i.de letter from Hill &oIngman to King County Water District requesting plan showing boundaries of Water District k75 and exsisting mains within the City of Kent. Mr. Gillespie submitted a petition to the City requesting revisions in the standards of the City of Kent. Councilman Shaffer moved that the Council and Engineer have: a meeting with the West Hill on Gillesp-&e petition , Monday, June 22nd at 7:30 p.m. , City Hall, Motion carried. Two of the girls sponsored by the American Legion to attend Girls State , Linda Taylor and Mary Gale Shaffer, were present at the Council Meeting. Ordinance No. 1032%, Water B-ond issue for 350,000.00, was read. Councilman Pozzi moved to pass Ordinance No. 10321, duly seconded by Woodworth and passed by the unanimous vote of the Council. Ordinance No. 1033 , Sewer Bond issue for 300,000.00; was read. Councilman Woodworth moved to pass Ordinance No. 1033', duly seconded by Strain and passed by the unanimous vote of the Council Motion made by Councilman Scott to pass Water Rate Ordinanc.'e No. 1034, duly seconded by Shaffer and carried by the unanimous vote of the Council. Motion made by Councilman Scott and duly seconded by Shaffer to pass the Sewer Revenue Rate Ordinance No. 1035. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of the Council. zAfa w CONTINUEJ: Councilman Shaffer moved and Strain duly seconded to pass Annexation Ordinance Flo. 1036 amending Ordinance No. 1020. IUiotion carried by unanimous vote of the Council. Councilman Shaffer moved that City Business tax returns be sent out quarterly like State returns. Motion seconded and carried. Councilman Shaffer moved that the letter from Hill & Ingman on plans for Outfall Sewer and Pump Station be referred to the Sewer Committee. If approved will call for bids. Motion duly seconded by Strain. Motion carried. Councilman Shaffer suggested the committee look into the South Sewer District and use split rate. Councilman Shaffer reminded the Council and all interested parties of the meeting with the State Highway Commission at Olympia, 2:00 P.M. , June 17, 1959, to obtain a crol6ing`at 240th and the Seattle-Everett Freeway: Councilman Shaffer moved and Strain duly seconded "to place on file the paving proposition for paving; of Kenwood Street from Titus to Guiberson. Motion carried. Mayor Thornton appointed Glen Kennedy to the Planning Commission. Councilman Shaffer moved and Scott seconded to con- firm the appointment. Motion carried. Councilman Woodworth moved and Strain ' seconded for the Clerk to write a letter to the Mayor and Council of Port Angeles expressing appreciation for the service and courtesy shown to those attending the Washington Cities Convention, Mr. Charles Campbell was present at the Council meeting and requested vacation agaim. Stated he has a house but no water and he is getting desperate. Councilman. Shaffer moved to have the City Attorney write the people to move house and sheds off the alley. Motion duly seconded by Woodworth and carried. Amendment made for temperary water connection for three months for Charles Campbell. Mr. Botch reported that the bids were called, opened and read on Contract # 1, new bids on Tanks, June 11, 1959. He recommend- ed that the Council accept the low bidder Necco Electric with no alternates. Councilman Shaffer moved to accept the Necco Electric Co. bid. The City Attorney advised that the Council shouldn 't award bids without mentioning alternates, if any. Shaffer withdrew motion. Councilman Shaffer moved that the City Engineer study the bids and alternates. Motion carried. Councilman Scott moved that change order # 1 be granted to Frank Caluccio for larger pipe casing and twice as many supports. Motion duly seconded and carried. Pozzi voted Ney. A small 'change was recommended in the Kreger Plat. Hearing on Kreager Plat declared open. No objections Were voiced. Hearing declared closed. Motion made & duly seconded to accept plat and for the City Attorney to draw Ordinance. Motion carried. City Engineer to give legal description to City Attorney. Recessed. . . . . Reconvenned. . . . Mr. Sherwood, City Engineer to instruct the City Attorney to aquire additional property for a treatment plant site. Motion made by Scott, seconded by Strain. Motion carried. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense Claims 2016.63 Water it 19664.35 Street it 477.20 Sewer Revenue It 337, 55 Garbage it 146.$3 Library tt 566.20 Library Construction tt 30.00 Park tt _ 763.50 MEETING ADJOURNED: Nta or C a Bridg s City Clerk MAY(A(