HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/20/1959Kent, Washington April 20, 1959 Regular meeting of the City Council; present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain and WaLodworth. Correction to the minutes of the last previous meeting. Acreage sewer rates were not included. Sewer Acreage should read, outside City limits should be double the inside rate for sewage acreage charge. Reports of the officers were the hudget and treasures report. By motion and accepte and placed on file. Councilman Woodworth moved and duly seconded to have the Fire Chief attend a Fire Command Sc-hool; May 26-29 at Yakima -with the necessary expenses. Councilman Scott recommended that his committee have two more weeks to study the sewer line question in the alley between Pioneer and McMillen. Scott also made a motion for the Clerk to notify all septic tank dumpers not to use the Treatment Plant for dumping of septic tank pumpings. Operator of the Treatment Plant Hubert Clements also recommended that this be discontinued because it wasn't any good for the system. Motion made and carried to discontinue this practice. Curran and Shaffer voting ney. Motion carried. Councilman Curran presented a personal property tax against the O'Brien Water System in the amount of $274. 30. Mr. Curran recommended that the City pay half and the O'Brien Water System pay half. Moved and duly seconded by Pozzi for City To pay half and O'Brien Water System pay half. Councilman Strain read a protest on the two street lights to be installed on View Place. There were various reasons for not wanting them. Motioned by Strain and seconded by Shaffer to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. asking them to refrain from this installation. Mayor Thornton had�the City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, to explain to the Council and people the boundries of the annexation on the North Road. Mayor Thornton de- clared -the hearing now open and requested anyone for or opposed to this annexation please rise and give your name and address. No one objected to the annexation, so now I declare the hearing closed and request the reading of the ordinance. Motion made and duly seconded to adopt Ordinance # 1019. lAaafor Thornton hard the City Engineer explain the boundries in the Block House and Spanish Castle Annexation. Mayor Thornton declared the hearing open on the proposed annexation. Anyone for or opposed stand, give name and address Mr. Thatcher, City Attorney, explained that this annexation was part of the Des Moines incorporation.area that was going to have an election, on June 1st and a suit could be filed against the City by the Des Moines incorporation. Hearing declared closed. Motion made by Shaffer and duly seconded to have the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for the Block and Spanish Castle Annex- ation. Motion made and duly seconded to place in annexation Ord. # 1020, the effec- tive date is June 1, 1959--Kent Highlands: Pozzi and Woodworth voting no, motion carried. Shaffer moved for passage of ordinance for annexation Kent Highlands. Strain seconded. Councilman would like to have a performance bond put up for the contour lines for home sites after the removal of gravel. Mr. Hartlaub says the engineer should be charged with the operation of the r.emoval of the gravel and the countour line s . . Councilman Pozzi said the Mr. Kendall, Street Foreman made a check along the Frager Road within the Kent Highlands annexation on the river dike and said they were in no worse condition then those in the City. Roll call vote was taken on Kent -Highlands on the adoption of the Ordinance. Woodwor-th, Strain,Shaffer, Scott voted yes; Curran and Pozzi n�y. Ordi- nance passel. ` A letter from H. P. Pratt and Co. was read answering the City's letter of April 14, 1959, stating that they relieve the City from any liability under the referred contract. Letter from Irene Johnson read, White River Grange #238, Orillia, re- garding the property annexed to the city, stated that the present contract with the King County Library Assn. has at present a circulation of 12, 315 and there j were 4, 359 library card issued. These figures show the necessity of maintain- ing a library in Orillia. Shaffer moved and duly seconded to refer the matter to the Library Board for study. Passed. Damage claim presented and filed for $24, 000. 00 for the overflow of both raw sewage and affulieunt material from the Treatment Plant to my land, Signed Yasu Narita. Referred to the City Attorney. Letter from Capital. Moved by Curran to give Authoriaztion for sewer and water trunk lines pro- vided they build their lines according to standards and quality of the City and meet Engineers other specifications. Further that any other developers of more than two houses be required to pay prorated cost of line between existing city line and existing developer. Further that the developer prepare for the City a contract incorporating these terms, for consideration including, certified cost 11 .(4� 1. 0 to of main trunk, and not to exceed actual cos t of main. Shaffer made a motion to pass the Purchasing Ordinance # 1023. Motion made by Shaffer and passed. Shaffer made a motion to accept correction on agreement as suggested on the four developers. Motion carried. Letter to the developers for the go- ahead sign for FHA operation to be approved by the City Attorney before be- ing sent out. Moved by Shaffer and duly seconded to have Plan and System Ordinance # 1021 passed for supply and distribution of water-$350, 000. 00. Shffer moved and Scott seconded to pass Plann & System Ord. # 1022 for sewers for the extension to and betterment of the Sewage Collection and dis- posal system in the amount of $300, 000. 00. Councilman Shaffer announced the contents of the McLean contract . City Attorney, Mr. Thatcher studied the contract. Shaffer made a motion, Wood- worth seconded to have the Mayor and Clerk sign a contract with McLean & Co. Mayor Thornton requested a plaque be installed on the pump station on the Reiten Road. Shaffer suggested that the street department take care of the brush and grass along the street on Scenic Way, between Swartz & Owens House. Shaffer moved to have the City Treasurer re -invest $50, 000. 00-$60, 000 . 00 of.Library Construction money. Motion carried. Shaffer moved and duly seconded to have the City Attorney check over Hill. & Ingam contract and get together with Mr. Greathouse and Flint on the sewer and water West side extensions. Bill Parker of Linda Heights did not approve the action of the Planning Commission on his plat and would like to appeal to the City Council to let his plat be as the FHA had approved it, referring it to Mr. Sherwood, City Engineer, he raised the objection to a 50' street right of way last January. Although it was going to be approved by the County, I would like to clear up one other point qquote Mr. Sherwood, this I requested in the middle of February, at'which time !Mr. Farrell 'said, that they would change the right of way to. 60 feet. This' Y was before the final tracing was made. The plat was filed on March 27, 1959, nearly a month after the area came into the City. Shaffer moved to accept the plat tracing with 60' street, Woodworth seconded the motion. Curran amended to:sustain driveways as the Planning Commission - recommended. The amendment to the motion failed for the lack of a second. Motion put to a vote and carried. Pozzi sustained. A Letter from Mr. Phillip M. Botch was read announcing a transmittal of contract documents for the installation of Water and Sewer facilities to serve the West Hill within the City of Kent. Shaffer moved and duly seconded to accept the pland from Mr. Botch. Motion carried. City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, recommended that the bid opened will be made at 3 p.m. on May 13, 1959 at the City Hall in Kent, Washington, for the construction of sewer and water lines to the West Hill. Councilman Curran announced that there would be a water meeting to study all water developments. Councilman Scott advised of an unfortunate situation that happened at Safe- way. They applied for a three fixture plumbing permit. They used this permit to install three garbage disposal units in their store. The plumbing inspector went down to inspect the plumbing fixtures and found the disposal units installed Mr. Lind, Manager of Safeway was present at the meeting and would like a 30 day trial with the disposal units, with no intention of creating any dissension in City Govefnment. Mr. Clements, Treatment Plant Operator, was present and says we can't do this, to accept all of this raw vegtables in our sewers. Councilman Scott moved that this request be refused for the disposal units. Amendment to motion to give Mr. Lind, Manager of Safeway a 30 day trial on the units. Amendment carried. To uncomplicate the.amendment and motion, Councilman Scott withdrew his motion. Mr. Hartlaub also requested of the Council to have the Kent sign pointing; East on 99 changed to ''City Center'. Moved by Shaffer to have street Dept. work this out with Highway Dept. _ Bids called for -for City equipment to be opened May 15, 1959. Mr.'.Hartlaub 'appeared at the meeting and. requested of the Council. to. push ahead for Z40th,: for a, speration,intergection;on the new Seattle -Everett Free- way. He recommended that the Council have another hearing with Mr. McKay, State Highway Engineer and he also stated that Midway Chamber of Commerce would like to attend that meeting to help push it through. Shaffer moved and duly seconded to have the Clerk write a letter to Mr. McKay and have a hearing at City Hall on the 240th speration at the Seattle -Everett Freeway and for Mr. Hart- laub to get people on the West side of Kent interested in this hearing. Motion carried. GOO C-4 N CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Salaries Payroll for April Current Expense Claims 1, 950. 13 Water " 598. 32 Street It 395. 16 Sewer Revenue 76.64 Garbage 79.59 Library 207.29 Park " 300.00 Water Construction .90 i G� d Chas�Bridg�e�s�Z, Meeting Adjourned: Mayor City Clerk MAYOR