HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/06/1959 Kent , Washington April 6th. 1959• Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. 41 Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed. 16 City Engineer reported that the Railroad Company did not take care of the street in between its spur tracks, but they intend to raise the spur track on Fourth Ave. about 7 inches. - ov `and they are working on the repair of the sidewalks on North � 2 First Ave. and the spur track. vQ City Engineer Mt. Sherwood recommended to the council that the repair on James Street made by the Kendall Construction Co be accepted as finished, this blacktopping on James St. 0a was necessary on account of the construction of the school sewer. Moved by Scott seconded by Pozzi and passed. to accept the job as finished. Councilman Scott reported on the petition that was presented at the last regular meeting of the council for an LID sewer program, from East Lane to Garfield on Walnut , So Garfield to alley thence east on alleyo and could see no reason for not granting an LID for the Sewer lines. also that Mr. Clements operator at our Treatment Plant was over at Pullman at a Treatment Plant 'Course. Councilman Curran advised the council of the meeting he had with the Hamilton Road Water System Board on March 30th. In regard to the taking over of that system by th6 City of Kent. Curran moved and Shaffer duly seconded and the motion carried for the clerk to write a letter to the Hamilton Road water Directors and make the following proposals. No.l The Companyts facilities including well, tank, pump, land,books, accdunts, reserves , `franchies, and easements be transferred to the City of Kent without cost. No. 2. That in retiArn for the transfer suggested the City would contract to relieve existing members of future assesments for water improvements and any and all city connections charges for a siggle connection for each member to be applied to a loo ft. lot of the 'members choice. The City reserves the right to make charges to future connections of members and non- members alike. No.3. That the city agree to use the reserve now in possession of the water company for water improvements within the ,area now served including but not limited to an immediate connection to our system furnishing of fire hydrant and the tying in of further supply main as when feasible from Strawberry Lane. No. 4. The water rates within the area would be based upon existing outside city rates as would all future connections of members and non members. ` No. 5. The City assume and pay all taxes on system becoming; due after the date of transfer, or because of the transfer provided a transfer is made within 60 days. Councilman Curran made a motion and duly seconded by Shaffer and passed; Two contractors want water mains along the Notth side of the Cemetary. Mr.. Matthai would like to have a main on Maple from Reiten Rd. to Garfield, and Mr. Hauge °would like a water main from Reiten rd to east end of Maple at Woodland Way extended.the Matthai main to be installed at $3.00 per foot and money tp be placed in e8crow before job is statted, and the city to furnish ' of the pipe on the Hauge job and Hauge to install his own main. Councilman Strain moved and duly seconded by Woodworth to have the clerk write a letter to the power company to install two street lights at View Place: one at Seattle Street and View Place and the second one at the south end of View Placef ' motion carried. Mayor Thornton announced °that the City Engineer would show on the map the bouAdries of the Kent Highlands proposed annexation. Mayor Thoa-nton declared'`t.1e_ hearing riow open for objections or for the .-annexation•. Mr .,Qur•�i.s .,Howard -r in the area decided that he was against"the aia;gxation. Mr. John Erlickman attorney for some 100,or more people out side the area spoke .agai.nst the issue , if the city was going c., continued; going to permit the Company to crush gravel in the area, but would be infavor of the annexation if they could not do any rock crushing 'or have an asphalt plant . Mr. Lint spoke against the rock crushing and the annexation l because he said it would deface the hill side. Mr. Jerry Hall attorney for the Kent Highlands spoke for the issue. Dave mooney also spoke in favor of the annexation Dell Cruse spoke for the annexation. no further comments on -the issue the Mayor announced that the hearing is now closed, . Motion passed to have a 10 •minute recess for discussion on the annexation before they called for the reading of the ordinance. Reconvenned Motion made by Councilman Parsons and seconded by Scott and carried with Shaffer and pozzi voting ney to lay over till the next meeting so that they could give it further study.____ Letter read from City Engineeer stating that the petition presented last meeting known as Valley Vista and Suburban view did not have a 75% of the assessed valuation signatures for annexation to the city. Motion passed to place the petition on file. Resolution read fort the hearing date set for the vacation of Oak Street on the West Side of the City. Motion made by Strain and duly seconded by Woodworth t6 adopt the resolution fixing the date and time and place for a hearing on the vacation of Oak Street . May 4th, at 810clock P.m. at the city hall Kent. anaefl@ia � ansgta4o�oMayh�tKi cgtignof Joffi�8�d in Linda Heights City a ent. Resolution read and by motion passed. to set hearing date on Apr 4th. Ordinance read for the annexation of the north East corner to the city . Motion by Pozzi and seconded by Curran to sbt the effoctive 'date April 15th. Motion carried. Motion by Pozzi and seconded by Curran to adopt the Ordinance of annexation, motion carried. Ordinance on Traffic read. and by Motion by Woodworthand Scott seconded passed the vote of the council. Ordinance on purchasing was read and a motion passsed to 1 lay over till next meeting for more study. Councilman Shaffer announced that there would be a honing meeting in the county city building at 7.30 P.M. on Planning. Petition read from owners of the Land where the Spanish Castle and the Block House are on Highway 99.City Engineer had. a letter stating that the signatures signafied that they .were 100% owners.Motion made and duly seconded to set a hearing date April 20th. at 810clock P.M. at - the City Hall Kent. Mayor Thornton announced that he appointed Mr. Dave Mooney to Mayor Clintonts youth program. Councilman Strain announced to the council that the backstop would cost 1900.00 dollars, and maybe the school would pay for part if they could have the play field at certain hours. Councilman Woodworth made a motion for Strain to contact the school Board for $ 900.00 on the backstop, carried. Strain stated that there would be about $300.00 installation plus j material. Motion made to purchase backstop and borrow funds from the Current Expense fund carried unanimous except Curran voted ney. Recess •declared by motion. Reconvenned. Mr. Campbell appeared before the council with the request that they do something about the alley over on State , ,.and North of McMillen Street , he says that the sewer line was not in the alley but is in his yard. �. Motion made and duly seconded to plat__thj-_••aIrC' y :matter in 'the hands of the Health & Sanitation"Commit'tee for study and a report back at the next meeting. Councilman Shaffer made a request of Mr. Dolman to furnish the city with a performance bond in the amount of $43 ,000.00 annualy for rhtyge years to take care of the debt service on the bond issue for the sewer and water lines into the west area, 'Mr. Ferrel to furnish a $10,000.00 bond for three years or 160 houses, and Mr. Dolman 766 houses. continued. continued ; Councilman Shaffer moved and duly seconded by Pozzi to have and ordinance drawn to take care of the debt service on the water and sewer rates in the city, in the city west of the Russell Road, and outside the city limits. Inside the city Water $300 for 800 cu.ft. Sewer charge 2. 50; West of the Russell Road and on the west hill $33Q50 water $3 .50 Sewer; Connections Water $100.00 Sewer $25.00; Water Acreage 4100.00 Sewer $100.00; siggle Res. for water and sewer $25.00p each. Amendment made by Woodworth to the motion to fix a charge of' f . 50 for outside the city for sewer, the amendment was voted on and was carried by the unanimous vote of the council. vote on the motion and was carried by the unamimous vote of the council. . Councilman Shaffer moved to have the City Engineer and City clerk call for bids for the construction of water and sewer lines to the west area, with tanks and etc.to be opened on the regglar meeting of the council at 8 P.M. May 4th. this bid to call for an alternate on the two tanks,, pressure and high elevation. seconded by Woodworth and carried by a unanimous vote of the council. Councilman Shaffer moved and duly seconded by Curran to instruct the Bond Attorney Mr.Gay to proceed with Plan ano system ordinance, and bond ordinance. carried. . % Councilman Curran announced to the Platters that if they did not have thier bonds posted the program would not go on. Mr. Farrell explained to the council that they had to have a. movement one way or the other, stating t4ht the city would not have a sewer system in the west area or it would so that FHA would them proceed in the constructing of the houses. Recessed for five minutes. Reconvenned. j Shaffer moved that Mr. Sleeman post a bond with the clerk in the amount of $3,000.00; Mr. Farrell post bond for $15,000.00 and Mr. Dalman&&&COole post the balance to make up to the amount of $43,000.00 annually.Duly seconded by Curran and passed. Shaffer moved that the clerk read the contract with H.P.Pratt and call them and get a release. motion passed. Shaffer moved to have the Council, Attorney, Engineer and Finance Committee get together with McLean Co. carried. Salaries and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Salaries Payroll for March 15, 685.76 Current Expense Claims 1,023.76 Water - " it 12694.61 Street T' If 2 ,840.26 Sewer Rev. it 492.63 . Garbage If 214.22 Library " 43 .68 Library Const. " 475.08 Parking Meter " 55. 54 LID 234 " 8.82 Meeting Adjourned; / Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk g�w MAYO •