HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/16/1959 Kent , Washington March 16, 1959. Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. ; Minutes of the last regular meeting was approved as printed except, the thru-way highway will be completed in 10 years and not started. Minutes of last regular meeting corrected to read; for the clerk to write a letter to Mr. Ketcham of the State Highway Commission for confirmation onnthe thruway in the valley , ,as was discussed in a meeting at Olympia. Report of officers presented and filed; Clerk' s Report. Treasurers Report, and Budget Report . Motion made by Councilman Scott to have the finance committee get a report from the engineers as to the cost , and a bond issue started on the replacement of the outfall from the Treatment Plant to the river, City Engineer s tated that it sh should be at leatt a 30 inch sewer pipe, and councilman Scott stlated that the grit chmber would not be included in -the bids at this time, motion duly seconded and fasted. Councilman Curran announced that there would be a meeting at 7.30 P.M. at the City Mall next monday the 16 day of March for the discussion of various water problems, such as East Hill Well Co, East Hill Water Co. and Hamilton Road Water Co. Councilman Shaffer made a motion and passed to have the : City Attorney take up a couple of matters with the Bonding Attorney on the Dolman and Cole project . Mayor Thornton requested the City Enginoer to explain the location of the North East Annexation on the map. Hearing .was declared open on the annexation of property to the North East of the City.Mr. Bull explained to the council that he urged the annexation of the property that they had a v very good percent that had signed. Hearing declared closed with no objeections. Motion made and duly seconded and passed to annex to the city that pro erty t1lat was described in the petition except roads, 920Vidd 192'FO16. 2 and for the Attorney L t q have the ordinance prepared for the next regular meeting. Letter read from the Kent Home Show extending. an invitation to the Mayor and Members of the city council to attend the open- ing ceremonies which will be on Thursday evening -from seven to eight o' clock -P.M. April 2nd. Petition read from Louis Romano, Joseph Romano, Allan Pomeroy and Archie Meade for the vacation of Oak Street or 248 th. So. The Planning Commission at a previous meeting approved the vacation of tl-Ye street.Motion made by Shaffer dulyy seconded by Strain and passed to have the City Attorney draw seconded to set a hearing date and post notices. ' Petition received a. �l read from the North Road east of the city limits, signed by 79.7 % of the Assessed valuation of the area, valuation information was taken from the King Cbunty Treasurer's Rolls for 1959 by the City Engineer. Councilman Curran drew to the attention of the council that the same tprocefdure was taken on this petition that was used on the Midway petition and that is the one that we were in trouble on, and thought that other means should be taken on finding out if the signers are owners of the property that they are signing for, I am not against the petition, but I cannot vote -for it under these conditions. Motion made and passed to hold -a hearing date on this annexation , April 20th. and for city attorney to prepare the ordinance. Petition read for a sewer system uto be created by LID in Block 28 Washington Central Improvement Co' s Knob Hill Addn to Kent . Motion made and duly seconded and passed to place in the hands of the Sanitation Committee for study and recommend- ation. Petition received and read for annexation; Suburban]_Viewi,(cand Valley Vista to the city of Kent . Motion made by Parsons and duly seconded and passed to place petition in hands of Engineer for verification of signatures, and for Attorney to prepare ordinance, and hearing on April 20th. Curran voting *- Councilman Curran made a motion and was duly seconded by Woodworth and passed to instruct the City Attorney to explore continued 1104 y_10 d CD [. 1 continued; passibility of Commencing declaratory Judgement action to de- termin the issues on the maintenance and flood control of the Green River that passes through the city of Kent. Councilman Strain made a motion and duly seconded to have the city attorney draw an emergency ordinance for $2, 500.00 to purchase a new backstop for the recreation .Park.. Council- Woodworth made an ammendment to the motion to try to get the school District to pay 50 % of the cost of the new backstop. Motion made and duly seconded to table the motion, lost 2- 5. vote on the amendment to the original motion passed, and vote on the original motion lost. Councilman Scott brought to the attention of the council that Mr. Campbell and Mr. Ironsl � very unhappy about the alley that ran from State Ave. to the creek, they say that the alley lays on private land and the sewer is also on private land.City Engineer explained to the council that this was an old time comp`aint and no one was hurt , as he could see the situation. Pozzi made a motion to move on to the next order of business. Councilman Scott announced to the council the• passing of Sam Geijsbeek 57, and has been one of the officials of Kent in various capacities, and in many organizations, and did a great good for our comunity during his thirty one ,years in Kent, and now at this time let4 us - stand for a minute in prayer. Councilman Parsons made a motion and passed to have the clerk direct a financial statement on the Library Building program to the Library Board. Mayor Thornton appointed Mr. Fred J. Fraizer to the Planning Commission in the place of Daniel Anderson resigned. Motion Made By Shaffer duly seconded ,by .Strain and passed to confirm the appointment of the Mayor. Mayor Thornton appointed Mr.. Thomas Drangsholt of 927 Seattle Street to the unexpired term of Miss Sharp resignedv of the Library Board, Motion made and duly seconded and passed to confirm the a ointment, .of the Mayor. C.ouncilmagukkap a report on the contract with our planners. Motion passed amd seconded to have the Clerk write a letter to the State Development Board and request amounts , paid, dates and etc.and future payments to be made of record to the city.Motion made by Curran Seconded by Woodworth. Request was made to use the name of "City of Kent" on sweaters for a bowling team, `no objections. . Mr.' Matthai contractor on housing wanted to know about water main on Maple Street , refered to water Committee. All claims paid except Dunbars for refund on 1955 building permit.and Claim of American Legion for property in the amount of $ 2, 500.00. Annual Report of the Kent Library was submitted and by motion placed on file. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 2,380.67 Water " 3,05$•55 Street " 11379.20 Sewer " " 437.47 Garbage " " 135.66 Park rr " 38.37 Library rr rr 50.28 �Library Construction 26�ft� 1009009.9797 145-01 Parking Meters MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor o Chas. Bridges 1 City Clerk. MAYOR