HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/15/1958 _ A Kent , Washington December 15, 1958. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilman Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. Minutes approved as printed of the last regular meeting. Report of Officers adopted by motion as presented, Budget , Treasyrts and Clerks. Hearing was called for on Merrie Hill Plat No. 2 at the next --- regular meeting on January 5 , 1958 at 8 P.M. It was announced that the Planning Commission would approve the plat if provisions for a turn around was provided in LauralStreet. Councilman Woodworth made a motion and duly seconded to award the bid to Morton Pit Co for the Police Radar Equipment , the Chief of Police was present to explain to the council the ad- vantage of having the equipment. Councilman Scott reported to the council that the new Packer for the garbage department was going into servoce in the morn- ning.The sewer line on East Gowe. was giving trouble , but it w would be soon repaired, and sooner or later about 30 or 40 feet of the line would have to be replaced. Luncheon meeting was held in Auburn to discuss Garbage dump problems and the use of an incenarator, the report was that an incenarator taking about 5000 lbs a day would cost in the neighborhood of $160,000.00. Motion was made and passed to have the clerk write a letter to the County Commissioners to the attention of Mr. Howard OtDell and see if they had more detail on the question. Councilman Parsons reported on the work of two appraisers on the proposed Library .site at 4th. and Titus.Two prices were received; $16, 450.00 and $16,870.00. Motion passed to instruct the clerk to write a letter to the two owners Mr. Pederson, and Mr. Edmundson explaining that the city has received two ,appraisal bids from certified Real Estate appraisers and offer them the higher of the two bids. I also suggest that the owners be advised that in the event the offer is not accepted within 30 days that the city will consider instututing condemnation proceedings to obtain the property by condemnation. Councilman Strain by motion passed instructed the clerk to write a letter to the Power Company instructing them to in- stall a street light at 421 Scenic Viay. Councilman Strain also announced that there were no Federal Funds avaiable for our Library mnless we went King Co. Councilaan Shaffer made a report on the new Highway dedication at Olympia, and stated that it was a wonderful peice of work. Councilman Curran read the contract with the Thomas Water system, and made a motion to accept the contract as read, passed the vote of the council except Pozzi voting ney. Letter read from Ivan Block and Co. on the progress report. Mrs Fritsch of Block and Associates was present at the meeting and gave ,a very fine progress report , and detailed all phases of the program. Motion passed to have the city Engineer and Councilman Shaffer and the city clerk make a report to the State on the time put in on the report to the Washington State Economic Department on our Planning program. j Letter read from the Boeing Airplane Company Transport Div. at Renton encouraging Kent to have suitable housing for employees from out the Puget Sound Area, that will need rental units, until at such time they may purchase their own homes. Letter read form the Kent Chamber of Commerce stating by motions they were against the public housing program. City Treasurerts report read to the council stating that there was $ 54,796.72 paid in the thirty day period, andthere remains unpaid assessments in the District number 237 the sum of $43 ,187. 56 Motion made by Shaffer, duly seconded by Pozzi and passed by a vote of 7 yes; 0 No.that bonds will be issued in the amount of $43 ,187. 56 and for the Clerk to notify our Bond Attorney, Richard Thorgrimson so that he may prepare the Bond Ordinance . continued ; Contract read from the King County Parks and Recreation Board to continue with the half payment of the Recreation Director for Kent in the amount of $ 230.00 per month. Motion passed to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the contract for the Recreation Director. Ordinance No. 1005 passed the unanimous vote of the council, Granting Jimts 'Garbage Disposal a franchise to collect and dispose of garbage for a period of 5 years from the 20th. day of March, 1958 - Ordinance No. 1006 read for shooting game birds and etc. in the city limits with a permit. Motion made and passed by roll call vote for a $2.00 fee. Curran, Shaffer, Strain, and Woodworth voting yea, Parsons, Pozzi,and Scott voting ney. Motion made and passed by roll call vote to vacate a certain portion of Kennebeck Street,with Curran votin neyt on the resolution setting a hearing on the 19th. day of January 1959 Petition read for the annexation of certain land contiguous to the city, laying south and a little west of the present city limits. Motion passed to have the Engineer check the petition for legal property owners. Councilman Shaffer recommended that the council purchase a Burrugghs General Bookkeeping Machine for the sum of $5, 576. 50 and reject the bid of the National Bookkeeping Machine for the amount of $5,140.83 , this machine was not large enough for our future growth. Motion passed to purchase the Burrough Machine. Councilman Curran made a veryelaborate speech why we should have public housing in the City Limits of Kent, and had Pute in many hours of research work on the subjectp after discussion from the council on the matter Councilman Curran made a motion and was duly seconded. I move that the city of Kent forthwith pass the necessary resolutions to undertake a fifty ( 50 } -- unit installation of low rental public housing and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to excute the necessary Cooperative agreement to permit King County Housing Authority to commence such a project : Provided; 1. Such cooperation agreement must first be approved by our City Attorney. 2. Be modified to require City approval of the exact 1 location of the project. 3 Permit the City to require either water meters or a master meter at its election. 4. Specifically require all utilities and streets to meeet City Specifications. 5. Set forth same standard of maintenance including painting each five years. 6. To require O.K. of the City Council of screening of tennants. Preference given to people relocated because of sub- standard housing. Urban renewal and sCityr citizens to have a priority. Amendment made to include City screening of tenants, i set forth standard maintenance and include five year painting, preference given to people that has to be relocated on account of sub-standard housing, and city citizens have priority. - 2 M Unanimous vote of the council on the amendment. Roll call vote 2 9 on the motion as amended Pozzi and Woodworth No; Curran, Parsons Scott , Shaffer, and Strain Yes. motion carriedp to pass resolution. � ) Our Planner that was present at the Meeting Maragret Fristch stated that the Public Housing would be a great help to our " s planing because when the Urban Renewal approched our planning that there would be a place to put the people that were to be relocated. Motion passed to have the Mayor & Clerk excute documents from the Government on the Obrien Water System when due . Motion passed to have the Water Chairman Mr. Curran work with Mr. Woods of Hill and Ingman on a water display for the nest convention at Port Angeles. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; continuedl. . . h� .a continued. Current ,Expense Claims 6,702.00 Water 554.30 Street 634.72 Sew. Revenue 11 31..98 Garbage " 9, 827.78 Library '? 472'12 Park " 1,483.01 MEETING ADJOURNED; Mayor Chas. Bridget City Clerk MAYOR � z I A