HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/01/1958 p�'niY 1 �Q Kent , Washington December 11 1958. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi , Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed. Mayor Thornton called for the opening of the bids, for Water Pipe ; Police Radar Equipment , and Office bookkeepimg Machine. Two bids received for water pipe , ; United States Pipe and Foundry Company, 4" pipe $1.384 per foot ; 6" pipe $2.067 per 11 foot . and bid form Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. for 4 pipe $1.365 per ft. and for 611 pipe $2.035 per ft. Motion made and duly seconded to award the bid to the low bidder for the amount of $5,062.01. " Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe." Two bids were -received opened and read for a Police Radar Unit one bid from George F. Cake Co4i and one from F .Tdorton Pitt Co. the two bids were refered to the police Gommittee for stduy and report back -at the next meeting. Two bids were opened and read for an office bbokk&eping machine for general office work. one from Pdational Cash Register Co and one from Burroughs Co. Motion passed to place in the hands of the Finance Committee for study and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Sherwood city engineer reported on a proposal that would be submitted to the school board on Streets, Sewer, and water mains that run through our property in Knob Hill, the sewer lines and Street improvements only where our property is in- volved, the water line tobe extended to the school property from our main. , the school to supply half, the costs on the streets and sewer line. Motion passed to have the City Enginer send a letter to the school district , giving them an explaination of the recommendation of the Engineer. " Water Line" City to install the school to furnish the material"."Street" City to furnish two trucks, with drivers and material for three days, also grader and operator for three days" ."Sewer Line" City will furnish engineering and inspection, school to furnish material and labor. Mayor Thornton announced that a hearing; would be now �eld on the Wieser Annexation, no one objected so the hearing was declared closed and the Ordinance was read annexing to said City certain lands contiguous thereto. Motion made and duly, seconded for the passage of Ordinance No. 1004 and the effect- ive date to be January lst . 1959. Mr. Sipe of the Kent Planning Commission was present and drew the councils attention to some legislation on zoning to be presented to the next legislature , this was turned over to our legislative chairman Mr. Curran to be taken up with the Washington Cities for review and discussion. Councilman Woodworth received a letter Erom Mr. Smith Superintendent of the N.P.Railroad Co giving his reasons why the swithhing was not discontinued between the hours of 4P.M. and six P.M. but he stated that he would still continue to work on the recommendation of Councilman Woodworth. and Mr. Woodworth will continue to pursue the course he has taken until some results are obtained. Councilman Curran read the dr��t letter to Mr. Cole Delman on the water main to the west side , with the changes of the city attorney. Motion passed to have the Mayor & Clerk sign the document with the proper changes as recommended by the attorney and the council, and the tank site not to exceed in cost to the city of $ 2,000.00. Councilman Curran reported on the meeting with Water Dist # 87, and Hill & Ingman is going to make a report to the council on the meeting. Curran also reported that he would like to post,pone,•: the re- port on the Public Housing until neat*-ale Councilman Shaffer inquired. i°,iato. the` I'll. .ir ,, bt 'the :East Hill Water system, and the land on the Ranney site down by the river at Auburn, both repotts• were in the negative:,, continued. continued; Councilman Parsons informed the council that there was no action insight on the proposed Librray Site, and suggested that the clerk send a telegram to 24r. Edmundson making a firm offer for all the property in question. Councilman Woodworth made a motion and passed to have Mr. Parsons power to hire two appraiserd for the Pederson and Ed Edmundson site , and make the offer to the two owners. Councilamn Strain announced that slime of the parts of the mercury-vapor lights s,iert here now. Councilman Strain acting for Councilman Scott chairman of the Health and Sanitation Committee , Moved that the bid of Fruehauf Trailer Company in the amount of $9,790.83 be accepted, motion passed. Motion made and duly seconded to have the Attorney Mr. Thatcher make up an agreement , for a sewer line for Mr. Dalman and Mr. Cole similar to the water agreements and when completed the Mayor and Clerk to sign same . Councilman Shaffer made a motion and was duly seconded to indorse the Beautification Competition for the State of Wash- ington, competition will end September 1960. , and for the Clerk to write a letter to the chamber to get in back of the program. Shaffer also mentioned that the extra three feet should be obtained from the N.P. along Winnier •Street , Motion for Clerk to write a letter to Ivan Block $)uI;:;PlannerS and obtain a progress report for the next regular meeting. Motion passed to ratify the action of the council between meetings on the proceeding with the Planning program , although the Federal funds -are not 100% available. Two letters were read -from the Library Board, 14otion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the Library Board and re- them to meet with the council the next regular meeting and — have the State Librarian in attendance. Letter read from Mr. C.L.Knudtsen requesting an easement for more land, or a vacation of a strip of a street so that he can build his new house on Kennebeck . Action might be taken when Mr. Hnudtsen makes his application for his building permit. Ordinance was placed on its first reading for a Franchise to pick up garbage in certain areas of the city, for Jim' s G Garbage Disposal. Ordinance read for shooting game in the city limits in certain remote areas, but had to be rewritten to suit the conditions . Payrol and Claims presented and allowed as follows; Salaries for November $14,059.27 Current Expense Claims 2,624.77 Water Expense " 533.15 Street Expense " 247.17 Sewer Refenue T' 260.72 Libarary " 43.68 1 Garbage Expense " 337.51 Meeting Adjourned Mayor Chas. Bridges ri City Clerk.