HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/17/1958 Kent , Washington November 17, 1958 Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton councilmaen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott , Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth. Resolution No. 4.03 passed the vote of the council, on Limited Access Highway No. 1 that pottion that crosses the city of Kent. A short meeting wa held previous to the council meeting with Mr.McKay of the State Highway Department , the meeting was to discuss the hanging of a water and sewer pipe on the newly constructed Bridge on the Kent DesMoines Road, and also access to the New Freeway at 24.0th. by having a cross over or under at this point. and also to get Resolution passed to approve rightaway for freeway State Highway No. 1 , through the limits of the City of Kent. Report of Officers Clerk' s Treasurers and Budget. Motion duly made and seconded to have the clerk call for bids on 411 and 6" cast iron water pipe as the' eity engineer reco- mends. City Engineer reported on Mr. Ecklands letter in regard to drainage , and stated that he would work the issue out , with the city attorney. , and report back at the next meeting. City Engineer Sherwood requested $500.00 for the construction of the much talked of and needed cross walk sign at West Meeker. Motion passed to grant the Engineers request and charge to the Street light expense aacount, from current Expense. Four bids' were opened and read for a garbage disposal truck Bowen Scarff Motors; Kent Motors; Totem Equipment Co; and Fruehauf Trailer Compamy. Motion passed to refer to theHealth- and Sanitation Committee for study and report back at the next meeting. Councilmah Curran announced to the council that the O'brien Water System payment will be due in February. Motion made for �. the city Attorney to look over papers and for the, Mayor and Clerk to sign same when the time ..comes, with nq;.,fupthe�,%.action needed from the council. - Draft letter that was sent to each bouftcilman in regard to the Dalman & Cole agreement on water l'irie and sewer lines, was refered to the City Attorney for proper contract form. Public Housing question will be reported on at the next m meeting. Councilman Woodworth reported on the hunting in the city 1 limits with a scatter gun and said that an ordinance would m most likley solve the problem. Letter read from the School District in regard to questions of water sewer and streets, in an area south of the City Dump property, the school is contemplating a new school building at this location. Letter read from Elvin P. Carney an Attorney in Seattle , that is representing Valley Construction Co, making claim for re- pair work on the new trunk sewer line that they done by contract under the Firm of Hill & Ingman Engineers.Motion passed to re- fer to the sewer committeeeand Attorney Thatcher. Ordinance No. 999 read and passed to approve a Plat "Green Valley Heights Division No. 211. Ordinance Nos 1000 - 1001-1002- and 1003 , amending annexation ordinancesthat was not clear enough for the county Engineers to locate the property that was annexed to the city. Motion duly made and seconded"for seperatly"f_or all four ordinances ' carried and passed. Mr. Dalman requested that he have a letter giving; all details when he has his water and sewer lines in , and regulations set down for the payment and operation of extensions to other plats. Motion passed to place in hands of the City Attorney and E Engineer and proper committees. Councilman Woodworth would like to know more about the plans of various operations. Councilman Strain made a motion and was passed to have the City Attorney write Jims Disposal a letter and inform that he had no rights in side the city limits to pick up garbage , in annexations prior to the law of 1957 restricting the city to collect garbage until five years had elasped, if and when some private collector had a franchise. continued. r ' _ i i continued; Mayor & Clerk signed agreement with N.P.Railway Co to reconstruct the 2411 sewer pipe line under their tracks at Smith Street crossing. Councilman Curran stated that the Thomas system was voted favorable at the last election, to form LID s to connect to the Kent water system, change from the East i1ighway to the Thomas river road, picking up our main at the T bridge. Minutes of the last regulat meeting approved as printed. Claims presented and allowed as follows; Current Expense Claims 1,737.11 Water it it3 ,786.27 Street it 237.95 Sewer Rev. " " 691.15 Garbage 124.46 Library 121.68 Park 1 ,899.37 Meeting adjourned; Mayor l Chas. bridges bW City Clerk. sac-n�''w•..... .. l� ...