HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1958 rl U C. 4 Kent, Washington November 3 , 1958. Regular meeting of the city council present Mayor Thornton Councilmen; Curran, Pozzi, Scott. Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth; Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed, except the acceptance of the Woodland Way from Chicago St. to the south end, this portion was not accepted by the city for maintenance , should read Chicago Street from Woodland j Wa)r east to the end, is accepted for maintenance as a city street. Mayor Thornton announced the opening of the hearing on the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 237, of the City of Kent , duly called and held on the 3rd. day of November, 1958, pursuant to notice thereof, and that the council was sitting as a board of equalization to consider said roll and the written and oral protests filed and made thereto. It six written protests were received and read". After consideration of such roll and discussion of such - protests, it was moved by councilman Pozzi, duly seconded by Councilman Woodworth, and passed by the requisite vote of the Council that such protests be denied. Councilman Pozzi than moved and councolman Strain duly seconded, that the Assessment Roll of LID No. 237 of the City of Kent, as presented, be confirmed by the adoption of Ordinance No. 998 of the City of Kent. Said motion duly passed by requisite vote of the Council. Mayor Thornton announced that the hearing was now open on Green Valley Heights No 2 , no one bbjected so the Mayor de- clared hearing closed, and called for the reading of the ordinance, City Attorney said that it would be ready for the next regular meeting. Councilman Woodworth reported on the no left turns on West Meeker into the both Banks, and the both banks are willing to work out a program, such as to hire a policeman to police their lots, and the Chamber of Commerce seems to go along with the program. Woodworth also reported on the switching of freight trains over the crossings, and had a record that was kept by the police department. Motion pass- ed to have Councilman Woodworth take the matter up with the Northern Pacific Officials, to see if they could eliminate switching in our heavy traffic hours. Councilman Woodworth also made a motion and passed to call for bids for a police radar controll for traffic. Councilman Scott stated. that "'the Vallv',C'onstruction guaranty on the trunk sewer was about to expire';'-~arid"at '-this time the engineers should check and also call Mr. Hartste4d our con- sulting .engineer. Councilman Curran reported an a meeting that was held with his committee and the King County Housing Authority, just prior to toe council meeting, Curran announced to the council that he hoped that they would have some action by next meet- ing on this housing project. Councilman announced that he had ordered three street lights for in front of the new Bowling Building on North Central* and also he would have a report on the activities of the Recreation Center at the next meeting. Discussion was held on the contract on the new Library Building and also on the grounds, no action taken until councilman Parsons was present , this being his committee. Councilman Shaffer made a motion and passed to have the clerk call for bids on a new Book-Keeping Machine for the clek' s office for general book keeping. Councilman Shaffer also stated that we should try to do something about the hunting in remote areas in the city limits.Motion carried to have the police committee make a study of the hunting in the city kimits. Mr. Chas. Eckland had a claim in for damages from the sewer in the alley by his basement, a heavy rain caused the water to come into his basemantt the damage claim for the amount of $486.48. another letter read from Mr. Chas. Eckland was read stating that the City and Mr. Perrin might have a personal injury action served against them, if certain water is not curtailed from the streets. continued; �a r Continued; Motion passed to have the City Engineeer inspect the water condition with the advise of the City Attorney. Letter read from the City Engineer stating that a check of the petition for annexation to the City which was submitted to the council at the last regular meeting shows that signatures representing 100% of the assessed valuations were recorded, so Resolution No. 402 was read and by motion passed the unaimous vote of the council present. I Letter read from the Hi-Line Sportsman Club requesting act- ion taken by the council to permmitte hunding in the newly annexed areas that is and was good duck shooting grounds, motion passed to have the clerk write a letter to the club and request them to get in touch with the Police committee. Motion passed to adopt re solution NO-403 designated i4'uui National Civil Defense Day- December 7. Mr. Dolman appeared before the council, a"nd would like the agreement with the city to include a trunk sewer line, as well as the water main. Letter was refered to the City Engineer for study. Mayor Thornton reported that they had a very fine meeting on planning and etc . at the Top of the Ocean at Tacoma. Payroll and claims presented and allowed as follows; Payrolls for October 142604. 53 Current Expense Cl"aims 763.67 Water " It 409.38 Street it 474.62 Sewer Revenue " 1, $40.52 Garbage " 231.96 Library 43 .68 r Park " 20.25 I Meeting adjourned; Mayor Chas. Bridges City Clerk. MAYOR