HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1958 166 Kent , Washington October 20, 1958. Regular meeting of the City Council present Mayor Thornton, Councilmen Curran, Parsons, Pozzi, Scott, Strain, Woodworth; Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed; Report of officers by motion duly seconded placed on filq Budget, Treasurers, and Clerks. City Engineer reported that the Green Valley Heights Divison No. 2 was in order to hold a hearing November 3 , 1958. Motion passed for the clerk to post notices for a hearing at $' Oclock P.M. City Hall Nov. 3 , 1958, Green Valley Heights Division No. 2 plat. Mr. Sherwood also reported to the council that the sidewalk at the Merchants parking lot will be repaired in the very o near future. W,0 Would like to recommend the acceptance of Woodland Way, ' from �"IReiten Rd. to Chicago, and from Chicago Street to the South end as a gravel street.Motion passed to accept woodland Way WLL o as a city street for maintenance. WW Mr. Sherwood also requested that heb�ermitted to attend a oZ planning meeting at Tacoma Tuesday night , the Mayor announced 62 that they all were invited to attend the meeting, and for the Engineer and the councilman let him know of the number that would attend the meeting. , also Mr. Sherwood stated that the chairman of the Kent Planning commission would be on hand to attend. Councilman Woodworth announced that the policemen were still keeping track of the trains 6n the N.P. tracks, that block the crossings, Motion passed to instruattcouncilman Shaffer to direct a formal communication to the Railroad in regard to the blocking of the crossings, as tallied by the police dept. City Engineer reported on the meeting with the N.P. officials on the first ave spur track, and the sidewalk, and the replac- ing the grade of first ave.and who was going to pay the cost, at this time no action taken. Councilman Scott reported that the sewer in the alley by the National Bank of Washington, had broke and ,the street crew was digging into it now, and the lift station pump was working ok now. Councilman Pozzi reported that the Street committee had purchased a pickup for the street depatment, and also was iff ' t4l�ing_tofiam inginarator man about our garbage question this man will furnish prices on an incinerator for ,our garbage disposal. Councilman Parsons made a motlbn 'for' the clerk and.,Mayor to sign the contract for the Library Building subject to approval of the city attorney, motion duly seconded and' passed. Councilman Strain made a motion to install three Marcury- Vapor lights in front of the new towlling Building 'on North Central, ' and amendment to the motion that in the event that the overall lighting project was put in other than G.O. bonds that these three lights would be chagged back to the program. Amendment carried and also the motion, these three lights to be installed for a safety factor. Letter read from the Kent Chamber of Commerce in regard to lift turns on Meeker Street into both Banks, at one time last week an accident was nearly had on the N.P.Tracks because the traffic was stopped so the cars could not clear the tracks. Motion made and passed to place the letter in the hands of the police committee for study. Letter read from the Kent Kiwanis Club requesting of the council to have the First Ave. and Crow Street City Park be namedKlw nis Park and that they have installed a wire fence on First ave. side and have some playground equipment to be placed therein. Motion passed to have the letter referred to the Park Board for study and they have the power to accept the name and further let the park board know that the council has no objections to the request. Letter read from Maryan Reynolds State Librarian in answer to a letter of request for matching money from the state for our new Library. Motion passed to havg the:•Library Board take this under advisement , and work with the State Librarian and thttr action should be made knotv(n to the council. continued 9Ontinued; Resignation of Mrs. Tommy Wallace from the Library Board, by motion passed to accept the resignation. Mayor Thornton appointed H.A.Pommer in the place of Mrs. Wallace and by motion passed approved by the council. Petition read from and signed by Mr. J.T.Moore of the Northern Pacific Railway Co. and Paul Wieser requesting annexation to the city of a piece of property contiguous to the city. Motion passed to refer the petition to the City Engineer Mr. Andy Matelich appeared before the council in regard to not being able to shoot birds in the city limits, and requested of the council whether or not a permit could be issued for shooting in the newly annexed areas. Mr. Thatcher city attorney assured him that he would look into the matter to see if hunting would be permitted in certain areas. Mayor Thornton appointed CouncilmenoCurraa; Strain; & Pozzi on a committee to look over the Resolution of consent for the Housing Authority of the County of King to operate in the City of Kent. Mayor announced that the Hiway hearing No. i was at the city hall October 22 , at 7 :30 P.M. Councilman Woodworth announced that the Legislative committee would have their meeting at the city hall October 23 , . CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS; Current Expense Claims 1,2$8.68 Street — Claims 1,085.44 Park Claims 22.63 Garbage Claims 87.67 Claims $4.36 LID 237 Library Claims 121.01 Parking Meter Claims 33 .88 Water Claims 632.35 Sewer Revenue Claims 74.25 MEETING ADJOURNED Ma-yor CI ate. Bfri ge s:. ,. City Clerk "` MAXOR duos:.. ......,.. ,.:> i