HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1958 �FIPIIq Kent , Washington October 6, 1958. Regular meeting of the city council present, ,ayor Thornton,; councilmen, . Curran, Pozzi, Scott, Shaffer, Strain, Woodworth; Minutes approved of the last regular meeting as printed. All bids were opened and read a lDwed for thtr purchase of $100,000.00 worth of Library bonds; Two bids were received, one from the National Bank of Washington, and one from the Peoples National Bank; Motion duly seconded and passed to award the low and best bid t : o the National Bank of Wash. effective rate of interest,3 .37563 plus a premium of $7.30 on the issue. Peoples Bank bid was effective rate of interest 3693 %.Motion made by Shaffer and seconded by Strain Yes 6 no 0. Mrs Marion Koch our Library Chairman appeared before the meetingand protested the budget being set up for King County Operation, and the Board as a whole did not want King County Operation they wanted Kent operation, . Mr. Fred Meadowcroft spoke on King County operation, and Dr. Taylor spoke on, no matter wahat operation, he wanted a good Library, hot dis cussions followed until the Mayor used his gavel and proceed- ed to further business. Mayor Thornton declared the hearing opened on Burklands Plat , no objections the hearing was declared closed and re- quested the ordinance read. Ordinance No. 994 read and by motion duly seconded and passed approving a plat of portions of land in said City under the name of Burklands First Addn. . Mayor Thornton declared the budget hearing open fordis- cussion on the budget , after dissmssion on the Library budget only the hearing was declared closed, and the Mayor requested the Budget Ordinance read, Ordinance No. 995 was read adopt- ing the budget for the year of 1959 , Motion duly seconded and passed. Ordinance No. 996 fixing the tax levy for the year of 1959 Morion duly seconded and passed to adopt the tax levy for the year of 1959. Ordinance No. 997 read relating to the creating 11 members to the Planning Commission. Motion duly seconded and passed. City Engineer reported that he had the Carter Oil Sewer Easement for recording. Motion duly seconded and passed to accept the Sewer Easement from the Carter Oil Co. Motion duly seconded and passed to call for bids on a new garbage packer and chassis, and alternate on the same new truck with a trade in allowance on our now in use garbage truck. Letter read from the city attorney in reference to Mr. Jim Goddy and his request 't through his attorney Mr. Donald Gouge" for action on giving him a license to pickup garbage in the Shinn and Cloverdale annexations, or buy his rights out be- fore the five years expire. Motion duly madend.nd aodspaondd to have the city attorney draw legal papers for a license or permit for Jims Desposal in the area. lost for a second.AA!�_mdtiofi duly,}!made4.&osedonded the city attorney write a letter Donald Gouge, and let him know that the council is giving the question study, amendment to the motion for the attorney to write Mr. Goddy a letter and find out how maney accounts that he would like the city to purchase. Amendmenti passed and so did the motion. Motion passed to have the water chairman make up an agree- tie ment letter to Mr. Dalman and Cole to proceed with the water main to the Westt pressure tanks and pump station. Motion passed to have the clerk writs a letter to the Power Company and instruct them to place street lights in the Stone- crest Addition as prescribed by the street light chairman. Motion passed to have the City Engineer attend an Industrial Clinic in Renton, and for the clerk to attend a meeting in Olympia on B & 0 Taxes and Business Licenses. Motion passed to have the clerk obtain necessary data to make application for further planning with the - State and Federal Government for the coming year through Mr. Kirry of Olympia. Meeting and hearing on P. S.H.No.l at the City Hall ,7;30 P.M. October 22, continued continued; Councilman Woodworth announced that there would be a new meeting date for the Legislative fouamfrom October 9th. t6l October 23rd. Motion passed to excise the option on the Library Property at 4th. and Titus to be purchased from Mr. Pederson. Motion passed to send to Mr. Pederson and his wife by registered mail and return receipt requestedt that the city intends to exercise its option. New easement was presented by the City Engineer from Mr Rippy to replace an old easement at Rock Cree & Kent Springs Motion passed to release old easement , and record new ease- ment, Motion duly made and seconded and passed to disallow Mrs Krugers claim of damages to her car, and for the clerk to write a letter to inform her of the action. Letter read from the Librarian of the King County Library Board. Motion to place .letter on file, and for the Clerk to write a letter to the State Libraian and request information on State grants for Libraries. Mr. Campanella explained to the council the various floor plans of the new Library Building and parking areas. Councilman Pozzi: I hereby move that the Bonding Attorney Mr. Thorgrimson' s recommendation that Warrant No. 75 in the amount of $4, 075.-25, and Warrant No. 76 in the amount of $9, 008. 59 be cancelled, in Local Improvement District No. 237 of the City be accepted and approved. Motion seconded by Strain, was duly adopted by vote of 6, yesi 0, no. Councilman Pozzi: I hereby move that the City Engineer'- s and the Bonding Attorney'' s recommendation that warrants be drawn on Local Improvement District No. 237 lsf the City be accepted and approved- that the city issue Warrants on Local Improvement District No. 237 Fund of the Qty in the amount of, $3, 540. 42 to provide funds to pay such estimate that said warrants be in the following numbers and denominations: - -- Warrant No. 78 in the amount of $1, 000. 00 Warrant No. 79 in the amount of $1, 000. 00 Warrant No. .80 in the amount of $1, 000. 00 Warrant No. 81 in the amount of $ 540. 42. Motion seconded by Shaffer, was duly adopted by vote of 6, yes; o, no/ Councilman Pozzi: I hereby move that a hearing be held at 8 o'clock P. M. on November 3rd, 1958, at a regular meeting of the City Council, in the City Hall, Kent, Washington, on Local Improvement District No. 237 of the City; and for notice of hearing to be published twice in the official city wekkly publication, the last publication of notice to appear 15 days before the hearing; and all the property owners be notified, by mail, from assessment roll prepared by the City Engineer �be accepted and approved. Motion seconded by Scott, was duly adoped by vote of 6, Mayor announced that bids would be opened and read for $100, 000 worth of Library Bonds to construct a Library Building, fixtures, and land. Two bids were received and opened and read; one from the National Bank of Washington of Tacoma, Washington, and one from Peoples National Bank of Seattle, Washington, Bid from National Bank of Washington of Tacoma, had an effective interest rate of 3. 3756376 plus premiumof $7. 30 on'the issue. Peoples National Bank of Seattle, Washington, bid was effective rate of interest 3. 693%. Motion duly made by Shaffer, to accept the bid from the National Bank of Washington of Tacoma, Washington, effective rate of interest 3. 375637o; seconded by Strain, was -duly adopted by vote of 6, yes; 0, no. Payroll and Claims presented and allowed an follows: Payroll , Police, General Government, & Utilities $ 14, 180. 89 Current Expense Claims 2, 484. 11 Street of " 3, 852. 24 Water " if 1, 832. 98 Garbage 261. 19 Sewer 'Revenue " 695. 78 Library " " 50. 56 Park ff 4. 23 LID 236 " " 890. 00 LID 237 " '3, 540. 42 MEETING -ADJOURNED: �j/�i Mayor ;�n Chas. Bridges, City glerk